Saturday, 22 June 2024




This brought me to the good healthy realization

that there were plenty of

situations left in the world over

which I had no personal power–

that if I was so ready to admit

that to be the case with alcohol,

so, I must make the same admission

with respect to much else.

I would have to be still and know

that He, not I, was God.



I am learning to practice acceptance

in all circumstances of my life,

so that I may enjoy peace of mind.

At one time life was a constant battle

because I felt I had to go through each day

fighting myself, and everyone else.

Eventually, this became a losing battle.

I ended up getting drunk and crying over my misery.

When I began to let go and let God take over my life

I began to have peace of mind. Today, I am free.

I do not have to fight anybody or anything anymore.


******************************************************Perfection-Only the Objective


There can be no absolute humility for us humans.

At best, we can merely glimpse the meaning

and splendor of such a perfect ideal.

Only God himself can manifest in the absolute;

we human beings must needs live and grow

in the domain of the relative.

So, we seek progress in humility for today.


Few of us can quickly or easily become ready

even to look at spiritual and moral perfection;

we want to settle for only as much development

as may get us by in life,

according, of course, to our various and sundry ideas

of what will get us by.

Mistakenly, we strive for a self-determined objective,

rather than for the perfect objective which is of God.





The most valuable thing we can do

for the psyche, occasionally, is to let it rest,

wander, live in the changing light of a room,

not to try to do or be anything whatsoever.

May Sarton

A whole world can be seen through even the smallest window.

Knowing this can help us slow down and enjoy everyday events.

We can listen to the regular rhythms

of letter carriers and school children,

dogs and delivery trucks, city buses and song birds

playing out a piece of their daily lives outside the window.

We can greet the letter carrier who comes up the walk,

feed the robin who lands on the sill,

wave to the kids who've found a shortcut

through our backyards on their way home from school.

It is not necessary, today,

for us to fill our lives with important meetings,

gala parties, expensive treats, toys, or outings to be happy.

There is a whole world to be discovered

just outside the nearest window.

What worlds lie on the other side

of my window today?



Grapevine quote of the day


"It doesn't matter who or what God is

if I can just remember it's not me!"

Ranchester, Wyo., May 2012

"Sunsets – Not My Idea,"

AA Grapevine

© AA Grapevine, Inc. 1944-2014



The Beginning of Humility


"There are few absolutes inherent in the Twelve Steps.

Most Steps are open to interpretation,

based on the experience and outlook of the individual.

"Consequently, the individual is free to start the Steps

at whatever point he can, or will.

God, as we understand Him,

may be defined as a `Power greater...' or the Higher Power.

For thousands of members, the A.A. group itself

has been a `Higher Power' in the beginning.

This acknowledgment is easy to make if a newcomer knows

that most of the members are sober and he isn't.

"His admission is the beginning of humility –

at least the newcomer is willing

to disclaim that he himself is God.

That's all the start he needs.

If, following this achievement,

he will relax and practice as many of the Steps as he can,

he is sure to grow spiritually."

~~~~~LETTER, 1966



Just a thought...............


These are things we are warned against

when we come into AA.

Because when we become too hungry,

too angry, too lonely or too tired,

we may seek false relief in alcohol.

Many of us came into AA after years of abusing ourselves

so, it was a revelation that we needed to take care of ourselves.

And AA provided the tools to deal with

at least some of these basic items like anger or loneliness.




When I am hungry can I take the time to slow down and eat?

When I am tired,

can I remember to maybe go to bed a little earlier?

When I am angry can I remember

to use the tools of forgiveness and prayer,

or make an amends if I am at fault?

Am I missing meetings and skipping service work

while sitting at home alone feeling lonely?

Or would I rather drink?


I will try & remember HALT.



The A.A. Way in the Home*


Though an alcoholic does not respond, there is no reason why you should neglect his family. You should continue to be friendly to them, explaining A.A.'s concept of alcoholism and its treatment. If they accept this and also apply our principles to their problems, there is a much better chance that the head of the family will recover. And even though he continues to drink, the family will find life more bearable.



Unless a new member's family readily expresses a desire to live upon spiritual principles, we think he ought not to urge them. They will change in time. His better behavior will usually convince them far more than his words.



* Today, the initiation of the A.A. way of life in the home is the central purpose of the Al-Anon Family Groups. Today there are over 25,400 autonomous Al‑Anon/Alateen groups in more than 130 countries. These are composed of wives, husbands, children and relatives of alcoholics. In restoring families to the good life, Al-Anon's success has been enormous.



Spiritual Thoughts


Via - "archie"


When we allow God to control our lives,

He will produce in us:

love, joy, peace, patience,

kindness, goodness, faithfulness,

gentleness and self-control.


Meditate (think clearly and cleanly)

and ask God to direct our thoughts.


Everything I Need to Know about Life,

I Learned from Noah’s Ark


1) Don’t miss the boat.

2) Remember that we are all in the same boat.

3) Plan ahead. It wasn't raining when Noah built the Ark.

4) Stay fit. When you’re six hundred years old,

someone may ask you to do something really big.

5) Don’t listen to critics; just get on with the job

that needs to be done.

6) Build your future on high ground.

7) For safety’s sake, travel in pairs.

8) Speed isn't always an advantage.

The snails were on board with the cheetahs.

9) When you’re stressed, float a while.

10) Remember, the Ark was built by amateurs;

the Titanic by professionals.

11) No matter the storm, when you are with God,

there’s always a rainbow waiting.




Through many dangers, toils and snares,

I have already come.

'Tis grace that hath brought me safe thus far

and grace will lead me home.'

--John Newton

Today and always, let joy be your compass.

When choosing a direction in life, choose the path of your heart.

Do what you love, follow your bliss.

Fun is an underestimated emotion in our culture.

We are told as children,

"If you waste time having fun,

you won't get anything serious accomplished."

Yet most successful people describe their work

as being incredibly joyful.

An office that sings with laughter is always more productive.

As one executive remarked,

"The more I enjoy my work, the more efficient I become."

Joy and laughter improve the quality of our relationships.

Couples who lighten up rarely split up.

Laughing at a difficult situation

fosters detachment and understanding.

It is only when we get too serious that trouble arises.

Since love is the highest expression of the Divine,

following that path of love and joy

will lead you to God-consciousness.

What more is there?





I ran out of the meeting screaming;

'You're not going to railroad me into being happy!'

A while later I realized what I'd said.

- Serenity Sam.

Quotes from the book ‘ALKIESPEAK’ by Andy A.

of Australia Castlecrag, N.S.W.

© 2003



Heard at AA Meeting


"I knew I was beginning to get well when my car broke down...

and instead of calling the suicide hotline, I phoned a mechanic."

© AA Grapevine, Inc. 1944-2014



Walk in Dry Places



Open-mindedness is a quality that helps us

attract new ideas for our self-improvement.

Oddly, many of us thought we were open-minded

long before we ever considered a 12 Step program.

We learned that what we considered open-mindedness

was really indifference based on self-justification.

It follows that people

who are deep into selfish, compulsive behavior

will appear to be open-minded and even very tolerant.

This attitude is really the result of a desire to be accepted

in spite of questionable behavior.

It reflects no concern for others.

In living the program,

we seek to cultivate true open-mindedness.

This means being open to new ideas and opportunities,

but also, being concerned about others

and taking care not to harm them.

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