Monday 24 June 2024

Did Lord Krishna eat meat? Hare Krsna!


Did Lord Krishna eat meat?

Hare Krsna!

I haven't yet personally come across any scriptural narration that describes about Lord Krishna eating meat of any kind. However, I do think that if at all Krishna would have ate the meat of any animal then that animal would definitely have been extremely fortunate. Just imagine, the demons like Putana came with an evil intention of killing Krishna and Lord Krishna gave mukti (liberation) to even those evil minded demons. How much more would Krishna reward the animal who served Krishna wonderfully by sacrificing it's body just to satisfy the transcendental senses of the Supreme Lord? There would be no greater blessing for such a pious soul.

Srimad Bhagavatam does talk about Krishna swallowing a forest fire when the forest fire threatened the Gopa boys, the Cows and their calves in the Munjaranya forest. This past time of the Lord is described in Canto 10, Chapter 19 of Bhagavatam. However, swallowing fire is very different than consuming meat.

Once, Srila Prabhupada was asked if Lord Rama ever ate meat (as some people claim). Srila Prabhupada'a reply was very straight. He said, Lord Rama can eat the whole Universe and still will not be affected by it.

This is so true. There is nothing that the Lord cannot do. If he decides to eat meat then nothing can stop him and if he decided to eat the whole Universe then also no one can stop him and moreover he will not be bound by any kind of sinful reactions like us mortals.

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