Thursday 13 June 2024



Around the Year with Emmet Fox


June 14


When you apply a certain word to God,

it must bear the same essential meaning

as it does when you apply it to man—

otherwise it has no meaning at all.

When you say that God is Love

or Intelligence or that He is Just,

these words must mean substantially

what they mean when applied to human beings.

The love of God must be essentially the same thing

that we know as the love of the mother for her children,

or the love of the artist for his creation,

purified and increased to infinity.

Many people say that God is Love,

and at the same time maintain

that He visits finite sin with eternal punishment.

They claim that God is Just,

and yet maintain that people living today

are suffering disabilities

for a sin supposed to have been committed by Adam

thousands of years before they were born.

The truth is that God is Love and Intelligence

and that He works with perfect wisdom

and perfect Justice to all at all times,

in the ordinary and correct meaning of these words.

“God is Light, and in Him is no darkness at all”

1 John 1:5


“He that loveth not knoweth not God;

for God is Love”

1 John 4:8


“Good and upright is the Lord”

Psalm 25:8


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