Friday, 28 June 2024




"We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves."  "What we are today comes from our thoughts of yesterday, and our present thoughts build our life of tomorrow” was to say Buddha.

Words like physics, metaphysics,  an elevated state, consciousness, and mind, apart from iconic names of Stephen Hawking, Jim Holt , Carl Sagan among others are all bandied quite recklessly without deep study.  This is perhaps done under pressure to keep up with Jones’s or to display our awareness about certain issues of topical interests.

Recently my jaws dropped when confronted with some basic facts and facets of our universe. Through my elementary study of physics and geography, I was aware that we live on planet earth, which is an integral part of a solar system; though was in the dark that each star in the galaxy has their own solar systems like ours.  And several of them do not exist   anymore and have disappeared forever in the sands of time are perhaps gravitating towards a black hole.  It dawned how ignoramus I was despite my readings on the subject.

So how   does this lead us to the quintessential term of consciousness? Simply put consciousness is a state when humans are aware of and responsive to their environment. This is inclusive of both prevailing internal and external conditions. An individual blessed with efficacious and robust thoughts becomes aware and responsive to various occurrences taking place both within and without. Consciousness is an individual’s state of awareness of their environment, thoughts, feelings, or sensations; in order to experience consciousness, one must be both awake and aware.

Arjuna the ace archer slumped and his fabled Gandiva fell to the ground as his mind was gripped with doubts and fear as the spectre of  battling his cousins , his Gurus and above all the patriarch Bhishma coloured the mind  and Sisyphean thought process engulfed his persona. This was when Lord Krishna rendered  the song celestial Bhagvad Gita  which revealed his true self and raised the consciousness in Arjuna who took up the cudgels once again.

King Janaka the father of Sita was a Jnani Purush . He was a highly knowledgeable and an enlightened person and was referred to as a Raj Rishi. One day in his court he fell asleep and dreamt that Mithila his kingdom was stricken by severe drought conditions. The suzerain visualised an eagle swooping down and plucking a piece of bread / chappati from the hands of an impoverished peasant. The shocked king woke up from a state of slumber to receive sage Ashtavakra who was to reveal the gospel of truth , which is popularly referred to as Ashtavakra Gita. And Janaka realised his true self  and the consciousness was ignited.

Buddha for years continued with his spiritual practices and was perennially haunted by Mara ( evil / fiendish forces) while cogitating, until on one full moon night pristine truth dawned on him and he went into deep silence.  Consciousness in Buddhism refers  to life force, mind and discernment.

Consciousness is the state when the human mind is  verily awakened and  assumes the form of a pure and pristine child brimming with enthusiasm , joy and curiosity.


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