Thursday, 20 June 2024




Around the Year with Emmet Fox


June 20


Into the hand that made the rose

shall I with trembling fall?

—George Meredith


There is absolutely no reason to fear death.

The same God

 is on the other side of the grave as on this side.

However, most people do fear death,

partly as fear of the unknown,

and partly as the result of false teaching.

Actually, there is no death in the sense of extinction.

To understand death, you have to realize

that you really possess not one body but two.

You have not only the physical body,

but also, a second body

made of a form of energy too fine to be seen.

This etheric body interpenetrates

 the physical body as air fills a sponge.

There are people who can see the etheric body

because they have

 the power of contacting much finer vibrations

than can be perceived

by the ordinary physical senses.

It is this etheric body that is the repository

of all your thoughts and feelings.

It is the "psyche" of the psychologist.

That is why personality survives death,

because it resides in the etheric

that passes over intact,

and not in the physical

 that breaks up into decomposition.

During sleep, trance and under anesthesia

when the etheric may leave the physical body,

it remains attached to it by an etheric ligament

called in the Bible the Silver Cord.

The cord is so elastic that the etheric body

can go very long distances

and still remain attached to the physical corpus.

Death is the severing of the Silver Cord.

When the Silver Cord is severed,

an individual, falls into a state of unconsciousness

that may last for minutes, days, or even weeks.

Then, he wakens as from sleep,

and his new life has begun.

The next world is actually all around us here.

The so-called dead are carrying on their lives

 here where we are now,

but in their own world and in their own way.

The reason we do not see them around us

 or collide with them

is the same reason that one radio program,

does not interfere with another—

they are on different wavelengths.

“though I walk through

the valley of the shadow of death,

I will fear no evil for thou art with me”

Psalm 23


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