Friday, 28 June 2024

Successful People 1









  Mind and Successful People

Successful People 1

Success can be measured materially and metaphysically . Physical success is being triumphant   and victorious . A non achiever is called a loser . Humans and human mind always pine to be associated with success and be in the company of successful persons. That is the characteristic or nature( chitta) of mind.  Humans aspire and hunger to achieve the pinnacles of glory and  success.

” Success is simple . Do what’s right the right way at the right time” writes Arnold H Glasgow .

Metaphysical success is equivalent to  spiritual success . A state where , results do not matter. One is oblivious to the final outcome . A seeker just gives his 100% and is satisfied  and contented with that, continuously doing his Sadhana. In case  an individual is  a practitioner of Yoga , he would unflinchingly follow the path of Ashtanga Yoga( the eight limbs ) as laid down by sage  Patanjali.  These include Yama, Niyama, Aasana, Pranayama, Pratayahara, Dharana,Dhyana and Samadhi. It is just not performing  the physical exercise  but far beyond that. Further the seeker needs to disciplined  , alert and wakeful. The food he partakes should be Sattvik and not Rajasik or Tamasik. To achieve bliss ,  the practitioner should be endowed with enormous patience.

If a seeker is following the  tenets the of Art of Living , he needs to continuously follow the path of Sadhana,  Sudarshan Kriya , Satsang, Seva, Meditation , Spiritual Practices and Silence. And this is true of whichever  path one adopts without getting distracted and venturing into ‘spiritual shopping’. Then the mind would be in the present moment, contented , blissful and happy.

” Success is not final, failure is not fatal : it is the courage to continue that counts ” wrote Winston Churchill.

Successful people enhance their productivity through relentless practice and honing  their skills . Skills are augmented  through  continuously  updating  knowledge , reading  quality  literature ,    evolving with  the latest  technology , being alert and aware of the rapidly changing environment   which is  us. The world is truly flat in this age of software, mobiles, apps and cloud( SMAC).

Moreover such people  maintain good  and intelligent company . Good company is like  being owners of precious  and priceless  books which nourish and nurture  a person with information and increase the repository of knowledge. Over a period , one can be a proud owner of a library of  outstanding friends and books unlike mere acquaintances  brawny relationships. Only strong willing people can become successful. ” Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough” wrote Og Madino.

Imagine  a person aspiring to open for the Indian cricket team  and  has no clue about Sunil Gavaskar or  Virendra Sehwag  among other openers ! An achiever should be fully abreast with the culture and history of the environment he inhabits. ” A people without the knowledge of their past history , origins and culture is like a tree without roots” says Marcus Garvey.

The individual should be fully adept with the intelligence and emotional quotient of his environment   apart from the social behavioral.

An eye for the  specifics and details separates chaff from the grain . An achiever minutely captures in his amazing photographic memory all that is unfolding around him  , without missing anything even the minutest detail. You need to know more than your juniors and peers and perhaps more than your seniors . However one should not be boastful and pompous about knowledge acquired . Humility wins you friends and their loyalty acts as a stepping stone in achieving additional milestones.

Never forgetting the family,   the inner circle of friends and close relationships is the quintessential hallmark  of a successful man. As these were the very individuals who helped the achiever , when there were dark clouds hovering  ,  when the mind was clouded with doubts and apprehensions. The empathy and bonding of the family transports the individual  to a different platform and zone. They were with us , are with us and will be with us should be the Mantra. Discarding them or abandoning them will be only at the individual’s peril.  This should be particularly remembered by artistes and those working in the tinsel world. Arrogant behavior will never pay. At any cost , a successful person can never outpace, outdistance or outstrip events . There would be periods of conflict and turmoil , when we would desperately need the succor  and comfort of our family and friends.

Most importantly successful people work in teams . Synergy of teams breed positive thoughts and originality . This infuses fresh ideas  and visualisation which are extremely useful for the self and the organisation . The symphony and orchestration of  a soccer team on the pitch is a celebration to the eyes of cynosure  as they play in harmony and unison. Imagine the plight of a football team, where players play  an inward-looking game where they do not pass the ball……

The car man, Henry Ford , correctly states,” Coming together is a beginning ; keeping together is progress , working together is success.”

Successful individuals are synthesizers like ants , who work to build  beautiful  anthills .
















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