Friday, 28 June 2024

How do I attain Lord Krishna’s love? Does he know me and my love for him? What do I do to serve Lord Krishna?


How do I attain Lord Krishna’s love? Does he know me and my love for him? What do I do to serve Lord Krishna?

Lord Krishna knows everything about you, me, and everyone. But hardly anyone cares to know Him, in truth.

vedāhaṁ samatītāni vartamānāni cārjuna
bhaviṣyāṇi ca bhūtāni māṁ tu veda na kaścana

O Arjuna, as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, I know everything that has happened in the past, all that is happening in the present, and all things that are yet to come. I also know all living entities, but Me no one knows.- Bhagavad Gita 7.26

The problem is not whether we love Krishna, the problem is that we don’t realise how much Krishna loves us. If He would have realised it, we would have unreservedly given ourselves to Krishna, our eternal friend.

Love means caring. Is Krishna not taking care of us since time immemorial? He always accompanies us in every single birth. Even if we are born in the body of a pig and delight in eating stool, Krishna patiently, as a Paramatma within, is caring for us. Is He obligated to care for us? No, still He does, for He loves us.

samasteṣu sattveṣu cāsīd atīva

priyaḥ sarva-tattveṣu yadvat tu jīvah

As the Paramatma in everyone's heart, Krishna dearly loves all living entities.- Gopala Champu Uttara 9.57

bahūni gamitāny aṅga janmāni bhavatā sakhe |

kathañcid api mayy ābhimukhyaṃ kiñcid akāri na ||

[Lord Krishna speaks to us] O friend! You have passed through many lifetimes, but you never showed even a little interest in Me, in any way at all.- Brhad Bhagavatmrta 2.4.82

asminn asminn ihehaiva bhave bhāvī mad-unmukhaḥ |
ity āśayā tavātyantaṃ nartito'smi sadājñāvat ||

‘’Perhaps in this lifetime, you will turn towards Me,” With this desire, I danced like a fool in every single birth that you took. -Brhad Bhagavatmrta 2.4.83

Hari! Hari! Krishna is still waiting for us. As I am watching my favourite sports, snoring on my bed, eating my yummy food, playing video games, lusting for the opposite sex, cutting jokes with my friends, planning my future career, and wasting my time in innumerable ways, Krishna is patiently waiting and thinking, ‘’Whether at least in this life, this person will turn to Me?’’ This question is for us to answer. And if we respond with affirmation, ‘’Yes Krishna, I won’t delay any longer. I won’t let You wait anymore. I want to eagerly meet You,’’ then, Krishna will happily arrange for you to get a copy of the Bhagavad Gita, Srimad Bhagavatam and other such transcendental literatures and will also inspire you to surrender to the lotus feet of a Guru and learn from him the practical ways of executing devotional service. That is when your actual Bhajana will begin. What does Bhajana mean? It means to serve Krishna favourably for His sole pleasure.

So, after duly consulting the instructions of the spiritual master and scriptures, one would come to realise that the following two things most please Krishna.

  1. Chanting Krishna’s Holy Names: One should constantly chant the Hare Krishna Mahamantra, both in the form of Japa and Sankirtana. Chanting purifies our hearts of all impurities and makes our hearts receptive to experiencing Krishna’s sweetness and in turn, enables us to exchange pure loving reciprocation with Him.
  2. Serving Krishna’s devotees: One should associate with Vaishnavas, the dear devotees of the Lord, and serve them. Such service makes one humble and qualifies him to receive Krishna’s special mercy.

Although there are many limbs of devotional service, the above two are the principal and most effective means to get Krishna Prema.

prabhu kahe, — “vaiṣṇava-sevā, nāma-saṅkīrtana
dui kara, śīghra pābe śrī-kṛṣṇa-caraṇa”

The Lord says, “You should engage yourself in the service of the servants of Kṛṣṇa and always chant the holy name of Kṛṣṇa. If you do these two things, you will very soon attain shelter at Kṛṣṇa’s lotus feet.”

- Sri Caitanya Caritamrta, Madhya Lila 16.70

Thank You

Hare Krishna

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