Friday 2 August 2024

Does Kurukshetra have any remnants from Mahabharata?

Does Kurukshetra have any remnants from Mahabharata? Thanks for A2A Yes Kurukshetra still has remnants.. The big banian tree was a witness of Bhagawadgita ,the instruction of Supreme god to the best among men,Arjun. Jyotisar where Bhagawadgita happened.remains as one of the most sacred places of Kurukshetra. I dream when I go there, I hear Arjun fold his hands and say Karpanya doshopahata swabhavah ..…Sishyasteham sadhimam tvaM Prapannam. I wish it is the same place really is worth visiting and feel the bliss ..I hope I may hear his Devine voice showering love on his Parth and saying.. Tasmatvamuttishtha yaso labhasva…nimittamatram Bhava Savyasachin….dreams unlimited. Bhishma kund .the pool of water created by Arjuna for his grandfather Bhishma on arrowbed.. This is the kund that Arjun created by hurling Parjanyastr to quench the thirst of his grandfather. It is now called Banaganga. People say that water never dries up from this pool in any season. Bhishma Pitamah temple Kurukshetra It is believed that this is the place where Pitamaha Bhishma lay during the famous battle after Arjun, created a bed of arrows for him. The place now has a temple next to a water pool called the Banganga or the Bhishma Kund. Likewise many such interesting places are left at Kurukshetra reminding us of the greatest battle that took place thousands of years back..Ofcourse if we believe..that they are the remnants.. Image courtesy..Haryana Tourism department.

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