Friday 9 August 2024

Why are Vaishnava people worshiping Rama, Krishna, a dead devotee of Lord Shiva instead of the father of Vishnu Lord Shiva?

Why are Vaishnava people worshiping Rama, Krishna, a dead devotee of Lord Shiva instead of the father of Vishnu Lord Shiva? I wont say much to the questioner. Even if I display all proofs from the Ramayana or Mahabharata showing Narayana as the eternal supreme brahman you would not be satisfied. Shishupala’s like you were destined to be born in the Kaliyug. Dont call yourself a devotee of Bhagwan Mahadeva, the greatest reciter of Hari’s name. Padma Purana 56-67a. In this terrible Kali age men are short-lived. They are engaged in impious acts. And they do not have faith in (Viṣṇu’s) name. Similarly brāhmaṇas are heretics and always engrossed in impious acts. They are void of (i.e. do not perform) the Sandhyā (prayer), have fallen from vows, are wicked, and of dirty figures. As are the brāhmaṇas, so are also the kṣatriyas and so also vaiśyas. So also are śūdras and others, but not Viṣṇu’s devotees. O lord, the śūdras are out of the fold of the twice-born in the Kali age. They do not know what is righteous, what is unrighteous, and what is beneficial and what is not. Realising this, O master, I have approached you. And I have also heard the importance of (Viṣṇu’s) names from Brahmā’s mouth. You are the god of all gods, and are always my lord. You are the enemy of Tripura, the universal soul and the creator, again and again. Favour me, and narrate the thousand names of Viṣṇu, which produces good fortune of men, and always produces great devotion in them. It gives Brahman (the Supreme Spirit or the Vedas) to the brāhmaṇas. It gives victory to the kṣatriyas. It gives wealth to vaiśyas and always gives happiness to śūdras. O Maheśvara, I desire to hear it from you. Among all the devotees of Keśava (i.e. Viṣṇu) you are the (most) capable. O you of a good vow, favour me, and tell it to me if it is not a secret. It is very pure. It is always full of all holy places. Therefore, I desire to hear it. O lord, O master of the universe, (please) tell it. Vishnu Purana also explains the same thing. Corrupted unbelievers would insult Hari and Hari Bhaktas. In the Kali age, Maitreya, men, corrupted by unbelievers, will refrain from adoring Viṣṇu, the lord of sacrifice, the creator and lord of all; and will say, “Of what authority are the Vedas? what are gods or Brahmans? what need is there of purification with water?” Then will the clouds yield scanty rain: then will the corn be light in ear, and the grain will be poor, and of little sap: garments will be mostly made of the fibres of the San[14]: the principal of trees will be the Sami[15]: the prevailing caste will be the Śūdra: millet will be the more common grain: the milk in use will be chiefly that of goats: unguents will be made of Usīra grass. The mother and father-in-law will be venerated in place of parents; and a man's friends will be his brother-in-law, or one who has a wanton wife. Men will say, “Who has a father? who has a mother? each one is born according to his deeds:” and therefore they will look upon a wife's or husband's parents as their own. Endowed with little sense, men, subject to all the infirmities of mind, speech, and body, will daily commit sins; and every thing that is calculated to afflict beings, vicious, impure, and wretched, will be generated in the Kali age. Then shall some places follow a separate duty[16], devoid of holy study, oblations to fire, and invocations of the gods[17]. Mahabharata Sabha Parva In Bhishma’s words…. "Bhishma also, after this, said,--He that approveth not the worship offered unto Krishna, the oldest one in the universe, deserveth neither soft words nor conciliation. The chief of warriors of the Kshatriya rare who having overcome a Kshatriya in battle and brought him under his power, setteth him free, becometh the guru (preceptor or master) of the vanquished one. I do not behold in this assembly of kings even one ruler of men who hath not been vanquished in battle by the energy of this son of the Satwata race. This one (meaning Krishna) here, of undefiled glory, deserveth to be worshipped not by ourselves alone, but being of mighty arms, he deserveth to be worshipped by the three worlds also. Innumerable warriors among Kshatriyas have been vanquished in battle by Krishna. The whole universe without limit is established in him of the Vrishni race. Therefore do we worship Krishna amongst the best and the oldest, and not others. It behoveth thee not to say so. Let thy understanding be never so. I have, O king, waited upon many persons that are old in knowledge. I have heard from all those wise men, while talking; of the numerous much-regarded attributes of the accomplished Sauri. I have also heard many times all the acts recited by people that Krishna of great intelligence hath performed since his birth. And, O king of Chedi, we do not from caprice, or keeping in view our relationship or the benefits he may confer on us, worship Janarddana who is worshipped by the good on earth and who is the source of the happiness of every creature. We have offered unto him the first worship because of his fame, his heroism, his success. There is none here of even tender years whom we have not taken into consideration. Passing over many persons that are foremost for their virtues, we have regarded Hari as deserving of the first worship. Amongst the Brahmanas one that is superior in knowledge, amongst the Kshatriyas one that is superior in strength, amongst the Vaisyas one that is superior in possessions and wealth, and amongst the Sudras one that is superior in years, deserveth to be worshipped. In the matter of the worship offered unto Govinda, there are two reason, viz., knowledge of the Vedas and their branches, and also excess of strength. Who else is there in the world of men save Kesava that is so distinguished? Indeed, liberality, cleverness, knowledge of the Vedas, bravery, modesty, achievements, excellent intelligence, humility, beauty, firmness, contentment and prosperity--all dwell for ever in Achyuta. Therefore, ye kings; it behoveth ye to approve of the worship that hath been offered unto Krishna who is of great accomplishments, who as the preceptor, the father, the guru, is worthy of the Arghya and deserving of (everybody's) worship. Hrishikesa is the sacrificial priest, the guru, worthy of being solicited to accept one's daughter in marriage, the Snataka, the king, the friend: therefore hath Achyuta been worshipped by us. Krishna is the origin of the universe and that in which the universe is to dissolve. Indeed, this universe of mobile and immobile creatures hath sprung into existence from Krishna only. He is the unmanifest primal cause (Avyakta Prakriti), the creator, the eternal, and beyond the ken of all creatures. Therefore doth he of unfading glory deserve highest worship. The intellect, the seat of sensibility, the five elements, air, heat, water, ether, earth, and the four species of beings (oviparous, viviparous, born of filthy damp and vegetal) are all established in Krishna. The sun, the moon, the constellations, the planets, all the principal directions, the intermediate directions, are all established in Krishna. As the Agnihotra is the foremost among all Vedic sacrifices, as the Gayatri is the foremost among metres, as the king is the foremost among men, as the ocean is the foremost among all rivers, as the moon is the foremost among all constellations, as the sun is the foremost among all luminous bodies, as the Meru is the foremost among all mountains, as Garuda is the foremost among all birds, so as long as the upward, downward, and sideway course of the universe lasteth, Kesava is the foremost in all the worlds including the regions of the celestials. This Sisupala is a mere boy and hence he knoweth not Krishna, and ever and everywhere speaketh of Krishna thus. This ruler of Chedi will never see virtue in that light in which one that is desirous of acquiring high merit will see it. Who is there among the old and the young or among these illustrious lords of earth that doth not regard Krishna as deserving of worship or that doth not worship Krishna? If Sisupala regardeth this worship as undeserved, it behoveth him to do what is proper in this matter.'" Atharva Veda Kanda 17 Sukta 1 Lord Vishnu is the one whose glories are sung thoughout the Vedas "Lord omnipresent, Vishnu, you pervade and inspire the thousand-streamed heavenly light of the adorable and inexhaustible Veda, vibrating in the triple world of heaven, earth and the firmament. O Vishnu, pray bless us with the fulfilment of our earthly mission and, with universal forms of perception and vision, establish us in the nectar joy of immortality in the highest regions of Divinity. Infinite are your acts and powers. You pervade and protect all four quarters of space. With your blazing splendour you shine and illuminate heaven and earth. You pervade and abide by all these regions of the universe. Lord omniscient, you inform and traverse by all the paths of universal truth and the universal law of Rtam operative in the universal dynamics of existence. Vishnu, lord omnipresent, infinite are your acts and powers in the universe, pray bless us with the fulfilment of our earthly mission and, with universal forms of perception and vision, establish us in the nectar joy of immortality in the highest regions of Divinity. By five, I know, you shine far out in the outer world, by one, I know, you shine at the closest, within. When the time is good and clear is the day, you stem out malignant darkness, you vibrate, shine and illuminate here inside. True devotees should just know that there is no greater virtue than being devoted to Shri Rama and Shri Krishna. Please continue to take the name of Shri Rama, Shri Krishna and Shri Hari with devotion. Do not get influenced by people like the questioner. They only want to try and harm the faith you have in your lord. Padma Purana No one is greater than Shri Ramachandra and his devotion is the best. 41-49. Hearing these words of (i.e. uttered by) me, the best sage said: “O brāhmaṇa, listen attentively and with great faith. There are gifts, holy places, vows, voluntary religious observances and restraints. So also there are many abstract meditations, sacrifices giving (i.e. taking one to) heaven. O magnanimous one, I shall tell you a great secret which removes all sins and helps (one) to cross the ocean of the worldly existence. Listen to it. It is not to be told to an atheist, or to a nonbeliever, so also to a censurer, or to a wicked man; it should not be given to the enemy (i.e. hater) of devotion. It (i.e. the secret) which is excellent and removes all misery, should be told to Rāma’s devotee who is calm and free from lust and anger. There is no greater god than Rāma; there is no greater vow than (that in honour of) Rāma. There is no greater reflection than (on) Rāma; there is no greater sacrifice than (in honour of) Rāma. Having remembered him, having muttered prayers to him, and having worshipped him, a man gets the highest (position) and obtains great glory in this and the next world. When he is remembered, when he is mentally meditated upon, he who is the giver of all desired objects, gives (i.e. generates in the mind of the man) great devotion which helps him to cross the ocean of the mundane existence. Even a cāṇḍāla by remembering Rāma goes to (i.e. obtains) the highest position. Then what about those like you who are greatly devoted to the Vedas and (other) scriptures? 50-52. I have disclosed to you the secret of all the Vedas and (other) scriptures. Act as you would desire. Rāmacandra is the only god. His worship is the only vow. (Uttering) his name is the only hymn; and praising him is the only scripture. Therefore, worship the charming Rāmacandra by all means; so that the ocean of the mundane existence would be as trifling as a small puddle."’ Garuda Purana Devotion to Shri Krishna occurs only in those who are in search of true spirituality not Shishupala’s and Duryodhana’s of Kaliyug. Even Vyasa could not completely describe the glories of Shri Krishna. The elevated status, which a person attains to by laying himself prostrate before Krishna, can not be acquired by performing even a hundred horse-sacrifices. Faith in, and devotion and obeisance to Krishna succour those, who wander benighted in the wilderness of the world, or are drifted about by the currents of the ocean of worldliness. Whether standing, seated, or laid down in bed, one should recite the Mantra, Salutation unto Narayana. As long as there exists the Mantra “Salutation unto Narayana” in this world, and as long as one retains the faculty of speech, pity it is that one should wilfully go to hell. A pure-souled man, if he be a four-mouthed or a hundred mouthed one, will not be able to enumerate a ten thousandth part of the countless attributes of Vishnu. The holy sages such as, Vyasa etc., stopped short in their praise of the destroyer of Madhu on account of their limited comprehension, and not on account of the limited nature of his attributes. By singing his name, a man, even in a moribund condition, is absolved of all sin, and progresses on his journey to Mukti as a liberated spirit, like an elephant liberated from the clutches of a lion. Obeisance to Krishna, to Achyuta (undecaying one), to Ananta (eternal one), or to Vasudeva; those, who utter any of these Mantras, are never carried to the mansion of Yama. As the sun or fire dissipates darkness, so does the singing of the names of Krishna dissipate the sin of the singer. The term Krishna is an ambrosial antidote to the venom of the serpent of worldliness, those, who are bitten by this serpent, shall do well to recite it. He, on the tip of whose tongue lie the two sounds of Ha and ri (Hari), is sure to sail across the ocean of life and to come by the highest bliss. A man, who is conscious of the guilt of many wilful iniquities, shall not dream of a re-birth in this world, if he sincerely seeks his reformation and becomes a devoted hearer of the glories of Narayana.

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