Thursday, 21 November 2024

Which is more powerful, Aindrastra (Missile Presided By Indra) or Vajra?

Which is more powerful, Aindrastra (Missile Presided By Indra) or Vajra? Thanks, Eagle Ji for requesting my answer. Vajrayudha or Vajra is way more powerful than Aindrastra. Vajrayudha of Indra Bhagwan was used to kill the powerful Vritrasura. Vajra was crafted by Vishwakarma by using Maharishi Dadhichi’s ashes. Vajra is one of the foremost weapons. Shree Krishna himself says that among weapons he is Vajra. आयुधानामहं वज्रं धेनूनामस्मि कामधुक्। प्रजनश्चास्मि कन्दर्पः सर्पाणामस्मि वासुकिः।।10.28।। Of the weapons,I am the Vajra [of Indra]; of the cows, I am the Wish-fullfilling Cow [of the heaven]; of the progenitors, I am Kandarpa (the god-of-love); of the serpents, I am Vasuki. Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta. Vajra is considered a very powerful weapon in Vedas also. Shiva in the form of Manyu wields the Vajra. अ॒यं ते॑ अ॒स्म्युप॒ मेह्य॒र्वाङ्प्र॑तीची॒नः स॑हुरे विश्वधायः । मन्यो॑ वज्रिन्न॒भि मामा व॑वृत्स्व॒ हना॑व॒ दस्यूँ॑रु॒त बो॑ध्या॒पेः ॥६॥ 6. Come hither. I am all thine own; advancing turn thou to me, Victorious, All-supporter! Come to me, Manyu, Wielder of the Thunder: bethink thee of thy friend, and slay the Dasyus. आभू॑त्या सह॒जा व॑ज्र सायक॒ सहो॑ बिभर्ष्यभिभूत॒ उत्त॑रम् । क्रत्वा॑ नो मन्यो स॒ह मे॒द्ये॑धि महाध॒नस्य॑ पुरुहूत सं॒सृजि॑ ॥12॥ 12 Twin-born with power, destructive bolt of thunder, the highest conquering might is thine, Subduer! Be friendly to its in thy spirit, Manyu, O Much-invoked, in shock of mighty battle. Manyu Suktam, Rig Veda Mandala 10, 83rd to 84th Suktam. Vajra is an extremely powerful weapon and is not to be underrated. If Vajra is released from the hands od a powerful warrior it will be extremely devastating. OM NAMAH SHIVAYA JAI SHREE RAMA

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