Thursday, 28 November 2024

*What GURUDEV Said Yesterday*

*What GURUDEV Said Yesterday* 27 Nov 2024 Bangalore Ashram Educators from schools and colleges across India asked questions as they come to sign an MoU with The Art of Living for conducting courses in their institutions. *How is the intuition power developed in the intuition program?* In our country, a lot of parents have been given to guru, parents. Before independence, every movement was brought out by an educator. The freedom movement was facilitated by acharyas of schools and colleges. Revolutions in education, society and life have to be brought by gurus. We are moving away from that culture. Right now there is a gap between teachers and students. In DU, we had a program where we asked students whom do they dislike or hate. 85% said they disliked their teachers. 57% disliked their parents. After the 8 day course, we invited their parents who remarked how their behavior had changed. They began helping in the house. Their relationship with teachers also improved. This knowldge which comes from the ancient and new has brought transformation in the lives of people. In America, 135 universities have implemented these programs. The intuition program just shows that our consciousness has a lot of abilities. Kids dont have a lot of cravings and aversions. That is why they can tap this ability. 2 lakh children across the world have learnt it. We have all heard about the third eye. That gets activated in the presence of a Guru. *Some students dont show interest in anything - neither in studies nor arts nor sports. As an educator should i try hard or let it be?* You cant just let them be. Gently train them. It is like tuning the string of a guitar. If it is too tight, no music will come. If it is too loose, no music will come. It is necessary to scold children but there should be a goal to it. Achieve your goal even if you have to be a little strict. Cajole, persuade - all skills have to be used while handling young minds. Give them a little caution. *ADHD has become widespread. How to work on students affected by it?* We should not give cellphones to kids. In Australia, kids below 16 cannot be on social media. We are giving phones to kids who cannot speak. Parents must be trained. Do you know why a period is for 40 mins? Because the attention span of kids was this much back then. Now, it has become 30 seconds. That is why yoga is so important. In medha yoga and utkarsha yoga, we teach practices in play. A kid from US had borderline autism and they did prajna yoga. He recovered and in an year he started excelling. Indian knowledge makes miracles normal. *How can teachers receive the love and respect from their students the way you receive from people across the world? Pls guide.* Teachers must practice sadhna. There is so much pressure. They get angry or carry the anger to their homes. It is necessary that teachers take care of their mental health, that they eat on time, follow dincharya. They should take care of their physical and mental health, spend some time in nature, listen to music. Because mental activity which is a left brain activity can be balanced by right brain activities like listening to music. Close your eyes and listen to music. That gives rest. Every teacher should think they are a student. Keep learning new things what is happening around the world. *Pls guide parents who are threatened by their kids with suicide and self harm activities* Specific cases have to be addressed separately. Counsellors have to be with them. Teachers will have to intervene. They need to be friends and influence the kids. Teens make unreasonable demands because of hormonal changes. They need to be given special attention and guided gently. It cannot happen overnight. *If parents spend time on whatsapp and not do kriya, we cannot expect children to not follow their parents. That is why these course for parents should also happen. Can we do that?* Yes, there are programs for parents too - Know Your Child, Know Your Teen where parents can understand their kids and know how to behave with them. *Being in the armed forces of India, we have to face acute stress and pressure which affects family life also.How to handle such pressures at workplace itself?* When you take a shower and you go to work, you feel fresh. That gives you energy. You dont eat while working. There is time for refreshment. Meditation is the best refreshment. M and M. Have a meal together and meditate for twenty minutes before your meal. *Does the mind belong to the body or the soul?* We think our mind is inside the body but our body is inside the mind. Mind is bigger than the body. From one angle, everything is connected. Like the vapor, water and ice. If there is no humidity, you cannot even breathe. Even though water vapor is not visible. There is water which is more visible. Then there is ice which is more solid. Similarly, the body is the ice. Mind is the water and soul is the water vapor. *If the soul is eternal, then why did people in puranas ask for eternal existence? Is amrit something what the angels drank?* As per Narad, only one thing is eternal - love. Love never dies. It can hide. Love is God. Birth happens with love. There is love in the eyes of children. There is love in the eyes of everyone

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