Sunday, 17 November 2024

When Bhishma mentions name of deities that Arjuna posed weapons? Who are Paramesthi, Dhatri, Tashtri and Visvasvat?

When Bhishma mentions name of deities that Arjuna posed weapons? Who are Paramesthi, Dhatri, Tashtri and Visvasvat? First let us take a look at what Bhishma said about Arjuna. The weapons appertaining to Agni, Varuna, Soma, Vayu, and Vishnu, as also those appertaining to Indra, Pasupati, and Paramesthi, and those of Prajapati, Dhatri, Tashtri, Savitri, and Vivaswat, all these are known to Dhananjaya alone in this world of men! Krishna, the son of Devaki, also knoweth them.[1] So the question is about who are Paramesthi, Dhatri, Tashtri and Vivaswat. Paramesthi is another name for Lord Brahma. More fortunate than my ancestors was the celestial Rishi Narada, the son of Pramesthi. Indeed, I thank that Narada, who transcends all destruction, was endued with an energy that was not little, for repairing to White-Island he had succeeded in beholding the person of Hari. [2] Dhatri and Vivaswat are two out of the 12 Adityas. From Aditi have sprung the twelve Adityas who are the lords of the universe. And, O Bharata, as they are according to their names, I shall recount them to thee. They are Dhatri, Mitra, Aryaman, Sakra, Varuna, Ansa, Vaga, Vivaswat, Usha, Savitri, Tvashtri, and Vishnu.[3] Vivaswat is another name for Sun god. And Kasyapa, the son of Marichi, begat on the eldest of his thirteen wives, the Adityas, the celestials endued with great energy and having Indra as their head and also Vivaswat (the Sun). And of Vivaswat was born the lord Yama.[4] Tashtri is none other than Vishwakarma, the god of architecture. In thy army there is a monkey of the name of Nala, who is a skilful mechanic. And endued with great strength, Nala is the son of Tashtri, the divine artificer of the Universe.[5]

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