Tuesday, 6 February 2024

Ramayana and Mahabharata


How could Ramayana and Mahabharata have happened in 3002 BCE when there was no concept of King, Kingship, Clan society in India even during Indus period or around 1500 BCE?

What nonsense?

These are Western biases, as they were unwilling to accept any antiquity greater than the date of creation in their Bible. But they still recognised our history till about the Mauryan era, then brought that forward 2000 years, from the 3rd millennium to some 500 BCE, in order to align it with what they knew about the Indian empires from the Greeks. False and presumptious historical anchors! Based only on the opinion of a judge of the Calcutta High Court who announced that Sandracottus was Chandragupta Maurya.

A Judge!

Not an archaeologist.

Not a historian.

A Judge!

Where did you get your education in itihasa?

Ramayana era is 15000 years ago.

The Mahabharata era itself is some 7500 years ago and if you’ve read the texts, you’d know that the craft of politics and statesmanship as well as philosophy and warfare, while rudimentary in the Ramayana era, was sophisticated and highly evolved in the Mahabharata era.

Where the hell did you come up with 3002 BCE? The Aihole inscription? That’s a hypothesis. Read the itihasa texts if you really wish to learn, unless you’re merely peddling narratives.

And 1500 BCE for the Indus? Really? Why?

Because the white colonials said so?

Get your brown nose out.

Because that was just a convenient fake narrative.

The discovery of Rakhigarhi was enough to disprove Aryan hypothesis for the rest of the world. But oh no, not you!


Some of you have been asking for proof.

Here’s a simple observation from the Ramayana. The polestar is specified as Abhijit, not Dhruva. How long does it take for the NCP to change from Abhijit to Dhruva? And what do you infer from that?

In the Mahabharata (to give another simple example), when Dhritarashtra asks Veda Vyasa about the Kaurava Army being successful, he responds with a “No”. And he gives a number of omens that signify great turmoil and death. One of these was that “Arundathi was walking ahead of Vashishta”.

Does anyone know or care to suggest what this sentence might mean?

And if you’ve understood it, in what period of time would this phenomenon have last happened?

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