The Mahabharatha war would not make sense if we see it as a victory of Pandavas over Kauravas. We wrongly assume that Krishna wanted Pandavas to win and Kauravas to lose. But Krishna had other plans.
He knew Kauravas needed to to be defeated for their unjust acts, which means Pandavas should win. But Krishna did not want to give a sweet victory to Pandavas (like Dhoni finishing off his style to win 2011 WC).
The TV serials taught us to question Kauravas for disrobing Draupadi, while we hardly speak about the silence of Pandavas when the disrobing took place, which was wrong too. So Pandavas also deserved to be punished, right?
That’s why Krishna chose ungraceful victory for Pandavas.
Karna needs to be defeated for siding with Kauravas who chose the path of Adharma, but defeating Karna would feed the ego of Arjun.
So, what should be done, so that Karna gets defeated by Arjun, and also it should not increase the arrogance of Arjun?
An ungraceful victory.
Karna and Arjun are considered to be equally skilled in archery. Arjun was yearning for a chance to prove the world that he was the best archer. With the ungraceful victory of Arjun over Karna, Arjun could never ever prove that he was the better archer. Krishna let the question remain unanswered.
Krishna ultimately denied the pride and satisfaction of Arjun defeating Karna.

Yudhistra had an ego that he was the most truthful person in the world. The ego turned into arrogance, as a result, he wanted to keep his promise even when his wife was disrobed. Wasn’t that cruelty? Doesn’t he needs to be punished?
Krishna decided to blow the ego of Yudhistra that he would never lie in his life. Krishna made Yudhishtra to say a lie, that too, to his own Guru.
Krishna ultimately killed the ego of Yudhistra.

Bheema was arrogant that he had the strength of 100 elephants. That’s why he vowed to kill all the 100 Kauravas by himself. 99 kills were a cakewalk for him. To rip off his ego, Krishna used the 100th kill.
Krishna made the whole world to tell that the mightiest Bheema who had 100 elephant power couldn’t win Duryodhan without breaking the rule.

Krishna didn’t do this (slashing egos) only to Pandavas. Even the invincible Bheeshma couldn’t escape him. On the 9th day, when Bheeshma declared in the war that he was invincible, Krishna himself took a wheel of some broken chariot and went to kill Bheeshma. Immediately, Bheeshma throws his weapons (and also his ego) and tells Krishna that he is pleased to be killed by Krishna. Krishna finally drops the wheel down, knowing that Bheeshma had shed down his ego.

Krishna deliberately wanted these victories to be ungraceful. Had these victories been through 100% just way, we ourselves would question why Krishna punished Kauravas for their sins and not Pandavas for what they did.
Although majority of people think Krishna did all these to support Pandavas, they never think about the state of mind of the Pandavas after the victory.
Krishna ultimately proved that a war is never happy-ending, for both heroes and villains.
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