Friday, 16 February 2024

A Holiday Home in the Mind

 A Holiday Home in the Mind



We should develop a holiday home in the mind to relax.

Summer was simmering, temperatures were rising in Delhi, and the beer guzzling husband and wife duo, and their college going children fed on junk food, were looking forward to their first overseas trip ‘together.’ Meanwhile, a message flashed on the pretentious mobile of the husband.

“Eureka,” he screamed, “Leave sanctioned.”

“Trip to Chiang Mai will now be a reality,” screamed the children and wife.

The husband had clambered up the corporate ladder with a bloated ego, riding roughshod over his colleagues; however, at the cost of his deteriorating health condition.

This is a familiar tale of several upper middle-class families and the ones who mimic them as they crave to keep up with the Joneses.

The prana levels of such individuals are low.

Just as an architect designs buildings, we humans can construct an oasis of peace in our minds where we can luxuriate in a genuine holiday.

Humans should develop a mental state where they can appreciate and embrace nature and its myriad flavors.

Many years ago, there was an old farmer. One day his horse ran away. Upon hearing the news, his neighbors came to commiserate. “Maybe,” the farmer replied laconically. The next morning the horse returned, bringing along with it three other wild horses.

Taken aback at the turn of events, the neighbors congratulated the farmer. “Maybe,” was the reply. His son tried to ride one of the untamed horses, and was thrown off the saddle and broke his leg. The neighbors expressed their grief. “Maybe,” answered the farmer. Shortly, some military officials came to the village to draft young men into the army. The wounded son was not recruited. Soon congratulatory messages poured in from the neighbors as the son escaped the hazardous employment.

“Maybe,” said the farmer.

The stoic farmer remained unfazed in all situations. He was neither egoistical nor judgmental or given to hyperbole or


despondency. The mind remained quiet and was in a perpetual state of positivity and holiday.

The supercilious family from Delhi was so full of themselves and hurtling towards imminent disaster that it would undeniably benefit by learning a few secrets from the old farmer. They could discard their pomposity; erase egos and narcissistic tendencies, besides a highly overbearing attitude which only attracted the vituperation from others.

Instead of planning an annual holiday, the family ought to create a sacred space within their hearts and mind where positivism mushrooms and develop a delicate balance of detachment like the old farmer. It would be sagacious to dwell on the inner self and practice deep faith and prayer to connect with the self by sublimating noise and ego.

They could visualize and connect to a soothing terrain in their minds, which would restore equilibrium in their disoriented lifestyles.

This topography could upend the pyramid and radically alter a desultory lifestyle to a more harmonious one. Imagine the mind conceptualizes a retreat within its containments, where supposedly a thousand monks practice meditation, observe their breath and remain in silence say for three months. This chamber would generate abundant energy and an aura where the individual would like to revisit hundreds of times.

Pranayama and the practice of yoga be it for the propertied or poor, healthy, or unhealthy help in mental reconfiguration, rejuvenation, and revitalization, which soothes frayed nerves and makes individuals joyous and happy. This is a harbinger of a sanctuary of radiance.

This should be the springboard for the family to rekindle and construct their holiday home     where their prana levels are indeed high

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