"Our genetic structure cannot be altered, its expression can be, by consciously observing it." says Deepak Ranade, a neurosurgeon. He says, the genetic code is the hardware, our blueprint. But there is a software that operates this hardware. It is called 'epigenetics.' 'Epi' stands for a system operating above; 'genetics' the level of the genetic code. This means that while we cannot change the DNA sequence we inherited, we can influence the behavior of our genes. How? Through conscious observation, he says!!! The mind eventually matters in our life. We can make informed lifestyle choices to change a lot of things in life!
Remember...our body responds to the way we think, feel and act. In fact, the Yog Vasishth, an ancient scripture, tells about how what we think impacts our bodies. As per Ayurveda, the most effective way for bringing our kapha, pitta, and vaata into balance is by cultivating selfless love in our hearts. Hence, we can heal our bodies by nurturing our minds with compassionate and noble thoughts.

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