Tuesday, 6 February 2024




Often, conventional thinking results in clambering the ladder. A person leading an ordinary existence is invariably complacent with the prosaic lifestyle. Those blessed with a curious mind try to refashion their personalities by re-engineering themselves.

Tale of an old man

Once lived an elderly gentleman, in the winter of his life, who decided to embark on a spiritual journey to rediscover his personality.

The pater enrolled himself in a monastery. Upon completing his training, armed with various nuances of Zen teachings, he departed for his town.

Miraculous escape or metamorphosis

He stepped out the portals of the Temple of Knowledge and involuntarily slipped into a rivulet.

“Oh, the old monk falls in the river!” chortled some young tutees.

However, the senior gentleman emerged from an up-surging stream. He was to declare that the re-engineering processes he acquired enabled him to accommodate water into himself and not the other way round.

 “We are shaped by our thoughts, we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves,” said Gautama Buddha.

Thought process, thinking patterns, building blocks of thought, organized thinking and goal direction are five keys to re-engineer the mind to refashion our lives.

The Strategy

The human mind which becomes brim-full of ideas after re-engineering evaluates the outcome and once again rethinks and redefines problems to arrive at fresh solutions.

 Once during the time of Gautama Buddha an animated group of citizens were involved in an argument about the concept of divinity and various religions but none could zero in on a suitable answer.

In sheer exasperation they fell at the feet of Lord Buddha. The compassionate one merely smiled. Buddha then asked his disciples to arrange for an elephant and for four persons to be blind-folded.

And so, it happened that the first of the blind-folded persons felt the elephant’s leg and exclaimed that God appeared as a pillar. The second person touched the elephant’s tummy and opined that Almighty God was a wall. The third gentleman stroked the elephant’s ear and made an observation that God was a piece of cloth. The fourth man grazed the tail and described that God was as a piece of rope. Once again, the group of four were engaged in a raging debate on the form of Almighty God.

The four blindfolded individuals felt the same elephant, but provided varying answers, so what could be the correct answer? The episode just proved that no one individual or thought process is complete.

Pearls of wisdom

Human mind views the vastness of the universe from the corner of the mind through one’s own perception, delineated as it is by limited thinking and understanding. The four blindfolded individuals and those bestowed with vision appreciated the point made by Lord Buddha that they carry much baggage of past impressions and limited thinking that they ended up wrangling about the form of divinity when they were unable to even comprehend the form of an elephant.

Techniques for training

Those spiritually inclined can re-engineer their lives by undertaking the bouquet of courses offered by the Art of Living, pursue Vipassana or Zazen to transform their minds by the practice of yoga, pranayama and meditation.

 There are some who have a logical bent of mind and charter a different path. Such individuals need to develop a passion, or take up a sport, read inspirational literature among other things. But it is elemental to reengineer the mind and thought processes at regular intervals to live life with gusto.

Thus, the requirement for a curious mind.


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