Friday 26 July 2024


THE MENTAL EQUIVALENT Around the Year with Emmet Fox July 26 There is one thing that means more to us than all the other things in the world, and that is our search for God and the understanding of His nature. Our aim is to learn the practice of the presence of God. We practice the presence of God by seeing Him everywhere, in all things and in all people. Some years ago, I coined the phrase "mental equivalent." For anything that you want in your life— a healthy body, a satisfactory vocation, friends, opportunities, and above all the understanding of God— you must furnish a mental equivalent. Supply yourself with a mental equivalent, and the thing must come to you. This expression "mental equivalent" is borrowed from physics and chemistry. We speak of the mechanical equivalent of heat, and engineers constantly have to work out the equivalent of one kind of energy in another kind of energy. They have to find out how much coal will be needed to produce so much electricity, and so on. In like manner there is a mental equivalent of every object or occurrence on the physical plane. The secret of successful living is to build up the mental equivalent that you want; and to get rid of, to expunge, the mental equivalent that you do not want. I will meditate in thy precepts and have respect unto thy ways. Psalm 119:15

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