Saturday 13 July 2024

- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

I can't promise you that you'll always be comfortable, Because comfort brings boredom and restlessness... I can't even promise that all your wishes will come true, Because desires may be fulfilled or not bring frustration... I can't even promise you all will have a good day, Because hard times make us understand joy... I can't even promise that you will be very rich, famous, powerful, Because all these paths lead to sadness... I can't even promise that we will be together forever, Because separation is what makes coincidence so wonderful... Still if you want to be with me.. If you consider love more valuable than anyone else... So I promise your life to prosperity Would be perfect. I promise your life will be an eternal celebration. I will love you as much as a king wants his crown, I will like you more than that. A mother loves her newborn baby as much as she loves, I will love you more than that. By coming into my arms you will find what you always wanted. You will meet yourself in my arms... I promise you. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

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