Wednesday, 6 December 2023

Shakuni and Duryodhana

If Shakuni had genuine concern for Duryodhana what could have he done to save him? Shakuni did many things at different times which shows that he loved Duryodhan and wanted to save him. It is another matter that Duryodhan was a very egoistic and stubborn person who always hated Pandavas since childhood and he listened more to his friend Karna who always fuelled enmity in his heart for the Pandavas. Following are the instances where Shakuni showed genuine love for Duryodhan and gave him real good advices: - When Duryodhan was jealous of the prosperity of Pandavas at Indraprastha, Shakuni advised him not to be jealous of Pandavas and instead be with Hasptinapur and enjoy it. When Karna gave the idea to Duryodhan to go to forest to have vacations near the place where Pandavas were staying in order to mock and make fun of them, Shakuni asked Duryodhan to drop that idea. Many times, Shakuni advised Duryodhan not to fight the Pandavas as they are powerful in war. That’s why he gave the idea to defeat them in a dice game. When Duryodhan was happy on getting Lord Krishna’s Narayani Sena, Shakuni was disappointed and told Duryodhan that he had made a big mistake.

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