Wednesday, 27 December 2023





Around the Year with Emmet Fox


December 28


To train yourself in the habit of thought selection

will be difficult for the first few days,

but it is the most interesting experiment

that you could possibly make.

You will be amazed at the things

that you will learn about yourself.

This week may be the most significant week

in your whole life;

not only will you be able to face your present difficulties

in a better spirit, but the difficulties will go.

You cannot change conditions directly—

you have often tried to do so and failed—

but go on the seven-day mental diet

and conditions must change for you.

This then is your prescription.

For seven days you must not allow yourself

to dwell for a moment on any kind of negative thought.

You must watch yourself for a week

and must not under any pretense allow your mind

to dwell on any thought

that is not positive, constructive, optimistic, kind.

This discipline will be so strenuous

that you could not maintain it consciously

for much more than a week,

but a week will be enough,

because by that time the habit of positive thinking

will begin to be established.

Some changes for the better will have come into your life,

encouraging you enormously, and then the new way of life

will be so attractive that you will find your mentality

aligning itself almost automatically.

"Watch and pray,

that ye enter not into temptation:

the spirit indeed is willing,

but the flesh is weak"

Matthew 26:41


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