Saturday 11 March 2023




Around the Year with Emmet Fox


March 12


“Cast thy burden upon the Lord,

and he shall sustain thee:

he shall never suffer

the righteous to be moved”

Psalm 55:22


We sometimes hear the expression used,

"cast the burden,"

and it is useful to consider

what this phrase really means.

Used intelligently,

it is one of the great keys to spiritual victory.

To cast the burden means really to insist upon

harmony and peace of mind,

and to cease from worry and anxiety there and then.

If, when you are faced with trouble,

whether it be old or new, you can affirm positively

the harmony of being and then refuse to reopen the case,

no matter how much fear may urge you to do so,

you have cast your burden upon the Lord,

and you will win.

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