Thursday 19 September 2024


SUCCESSFUL CONCENTRATION Around the Year with Emmet Fox September 19 I do not give exercises to develop concentration. Concentrate on what you are doing at any time, that is the best exercise I know. I remember when I was a boy about twelve years old somebody gave me a perfect peach of a jackknife. It probably weighed a quarter of a pound and there was a little saw in it, a little screwdriver, a corkscrew, a thing for getting stones out of horses' hoofs, and several blades. I carried it for about a year thinking how handy it would be for certain cases that never came up, but it never lost its interest. I could always find, when I was bored, new interest when I took out the jackknife. If you make your search for God your jackknife in that sense, you will get your concentration and you will get your success. “Thus, will I bless thee while I live. . . and meditate on thee in the night watches” Psalm 63:4, 6

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