Monday 2 September 2024

If Vishnu himself couldn't defeat Ravana with Sudarshan Chakra, how did his avatar (Lord Rama) do that?

If Vishnu himself couldn't defeat Ravana with Sudarshan Chakra, how did his avatar (Lord Rama) do that? The tale of Lord Rama defeating Ravana, despite Vishnu himself being unable to do so with the Sudarshan Chakra, is deeply rooted in devotion and divine blessings. While Vishnu’s might is unparalleled, his avatars often follow a different path, emphasizing the importance of dharma, devotion, and divine grace. Before the battle with Ravana, Lord Rama sought the blessings of Goddess Durga, recognizing the necessity of divine support. He performed an intense puja with deep devotion, offering 108 lotus flowers to the Goddess. However, during the ritual, he realized one lotus was missing. Without hesitation, Rama decided to offer his own eye, which was often compared to a lotus, demonstrating his unwavering devotion. Moved by his dedication, Goddess Durga appeared before him and blessed him with the strength and divine grace to defeat Ravana. It was this boon, along with his righteousness and devotion, that empowered Lord Rama to vanquish the mighty Ravana, fulfilling his avatar's purpose and restoring dharma. This story highlights that it was not just physical strength or weapons that led to Ravana's downfall, but the power of devotion, righteousness, and divine blessings.

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