Monday 9 September 2024


Good Morning!!! KEY WORDS IN THE BIBLE SALVATION Around the Year with Emmet Fox September 10 The word salvation appears more than 120 times in the Bible. It was in constant use among religious people of past generations, and while it is not so often heard today, the fact remains that it is one of the most important words in the Bible and among the least well understood. The word salvation in the Bible means perfect health, harmony, and freedom. These things are the will of God for man— for you personally; and the Bible was written to tell us how to attain them. We gain salvation by seeking God and letting Him work through us. “The Lord is my light and my salvation” Psalm 27:1 “He only is my rock and my salvation” Psalm 62:2 “He hath raised up a horn of salvation for us. . .” Luke 1:69 “And all flesh shall see the salvation of God” Luke 3:6 Such texts as these are typical of the Bible promises concerning salvation: Salvation comes to a few people gently and easily, but the majority have to work out their salvation with a certain amount of "fear and trembling" for the time being. The actual way in which it comes is not really important, for come it will—when we seek it with our whole heart.

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