Thursday 11 January 2024

Who was the greatest devotee of Shiva, Ravana, Nandi or Lord Vishnu?


Who was the greatest devotee of Shiva, Ravana, Nandi or Lord Vishnu?

NANDI, without a doubt.

When the poison Haalahala emerged and was threatening the creation, Siva takes all the poison in his hand and drinks it. Nandi, his most ardent follower sees the poison spill over Lord Siva's mouth. Nandi drinks up the spilt poison from below. Everyone is shocked and wonders what would happen to Nandi. Lord Siva says, "Nandi has surrendered into me so completely that he has all my powers and my protection". As the foremost disciple of Siva, it is important to seek the blessings of Nandi before proceeding to worship Lord Siva.

Vishnu offered his eye as replacement of a lotus,

Ravana offered his heads, pulled out intestines and playes Veena because he wanted Siva’s aatma linga.

Nandi drank up the poison without expecting anything in return, and did not even think of consequences

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