Wednesday 9 October 2024

Why is meditation so powerful?

Why is meditation so powerful? Let me answer this question with a very practical example. Let’s imagine a scenario: So you are watching Television and your favorite show on Discovery Channel. You are really enjoying the show. Now imagine there is another TV put besides the first one and a show on MTV is running on that. How you are gonna feel? Not good, right. What about if 4 TV’s with 4 different channels running parallely and you trying to focus on all four simultaneously. It’s gonna be Confusing right !! Now, what if i say there are 100 screens playing. There is just gonna be lot of noise. And it will be irritating like HELL. Well this is what happens inside your mind. There are not 100 but 60000 screens plays in your mind in a day. Based on some studies, Humans have 50,000–70,000 thoughts per day. Now if this is not enough, 80% of these thoughts are generally negative that makes you feel depressed even when everything is going good in your life. We may think that the thoughts are important and that we have more control on our thoughts but the reality is that as many as 98 percent of them are exactly the same as we had the day before. So basically we are living our lives in loops by getting controlled by our thoughts. Our thoughts started dictating our life. We associate ourselves with a tiny thought which doesn’t even exists for more than a some seconds. If you don’t believe me just sit for 5 mins with your eyes closed and let your mind free. You will feel that you are thinking something relevant but after some time just loop back your chain of thoughts and see how your monkey mind is fooling you. So, this is why we need to meditate because when we meditate we switch off the unnecessary channels( (thoughts) which we didn't want and mute the ones that are not very important and only gonna watch and listen to the ones that are important. Meditation is the remote for your mind, so you have to choose whether you want to watch your favorite TV series or want to watch all the crap on earth non-stop. The good part is our mind also produces around 100 new ideas everyday, now these are the thoughts which are relevant to us but what happens is that they get disappeared in the noise of other thoughts and we lose these precious ideas. Have you ever thought why you felt so good when you do something for the first time, learning a new musical instrument, going to a new place. It’s because that time there are no related thoughts to that moment, so you are focused on the present moment completely. That’s when you are full of life without your stale old thoughts. Therefore, its necessary to empty your mind everyday just like you clear the hard disk of computer and refresh it so that it runs faster. That’s why its necessary to meditate, to take charge of your life and stop getting fooled by your thoughts.

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