Tuesday, 29 October 2024
Good Morning!!!
God grant me the Serenity
to accept the things
I cannot change;
Courage to change
the things I can;
and Wisdom
to know the difference.
Thy will, not mine, be done.
*~*~*~*~*^Daily Reflections^*~*~*~*~*
October 30, 2024
Never since it began
has Alcoholics Anonymous been divided
by a major controversial issue.
Nor has our Fellowship ever
publicly taken sides on any question
in an embattled world.
This, however, has been no earned virtue.
It could almost be said that we were born with it. . . .
“So long as we
don’t argue these matters privately,
it’s a cinch we never shall publicly.”
Do I remember that I have a right to my opinion
but that others don’t have to share it?
That’s the spirit of “Live and Let Live.”
The Serenity Prayer reminds me, with God’s help,
to “Accept the things I cannot change.”
Am I still trying to change others?
When it comes to “Courage to change the things I can,”
do I remember that my opinions are mine,
and yours are yours? Am I still afraid to be me?
When it comes to “Wisdom to know the difference,”
do I remember that my opinions come from my experience?
If I have a know-it-all attitude,
aren't I being deliberately controversial?
Two Kinds of Pride
The prideful righteousness of "good people"
may often be just as destructive as the glaring sins
of those who are supposedly not so good.
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We loved to shout the damaging fact that
millions of the "good men of religion"
were still killing one another off in the name of God.
This all meant, of course,
that we had substituted negative for positive thinking.
After we came to A.A., we had to recognize
that this trait had been an ego-feeding proposition.
In belaboring the sins of some religious people,
we could feel superior to all of them.
Moreover, we could avoid looking
at some of our own shortcomings.
Self-righteousness, the very thing
that we had contemptuously condemned in others,
was our own besetting evil.
This phony form of respectability was our undoing,
so far as faith was concerned.
But finally, driven to A.A., we learned better.
As Bill Sees It, P.107
Let's Ask Bill Wilson
6Q - What happened to your sponsor, Ebby?
6A - It was Ebby who brought me the message that saved my life and uncounted thousands of others.
Because of gratitude and old friendship,
my wife Lois and I invited Ebby
to live at our home shortly after I sobered up.
The son of a well-to-do family in Albany,
he had never learned any profession
so, he was broke and had to begin all over.
These were difficult circumstances,
naturally. Ebby stayed with us
something like a year and a half.
Being intent on getting re-established in life,
he took little interest in helping other alcoholics.
Little by little, he commenced the rationalization
we have seen so often.
He began to say that if he had
the right romance and the right job
then things would be okay.
At length, he fell by the wayside.
He would not mind if I tell this –
it is a part of his story today.
For many years, my old friend Ebby
was on the wagon and off.
Sometimes he could stay sober for a year or more.
He tried living with Lois and me
for another considerable period
but apparently this was of no help.
Maybe we actually hindered him.
As A.A. began to grow his position became difficult.
For a long time, things went from bad to worse.
About six years ago
the groups down in Texas decided to try their hand.
Ebby was shipped non-stop to Dallas
and placed in an A.A. drying out place.
In these new surroundings in Texas,
far from his old failures,
he has made a splendid recovery.
Excepting for one slip which occurred
about a year after his arrival down there
he has been bone dry ever since.
This is one of the deepest satisfactions
that has ever come to me since A.A. started
and many another A.A. can say the same.
(N.C.C.A. 'Blue Book,' Vol.12, 1960)
Thoughts to Reflect on
Since I came to The Program,
I've begun to recognize my previous inability
to form a true partnership with another person.
It seems that my egomania created two disastrous pitfalls.
Either I insisted upon dominating the people I knew,
or I depended on them far too much.
My friends in The Program have taught me
that my dependence meant demand --
a demand for the possession and control of the people
and the conditions surrounding me.
Do I still try to find emotional security
either by dominating or being dependent on others?
Today I Pray
May I turn first to God to satisfy my love-hunger,
knowing that all God asks from me is my faith.
May I no longer cast emotional nets over those I love,
either by dominating them
or being excessively dependent upon them –
which is just another form of domination.
May I give others the room they need to be themselves.
May God show me the way to mature human relationships.
Today I Will Remember
To have faith in God's love.
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