Sunday, 27 October 2024

Why is Lord Venkateswara not included as one of the Dashavataras?

Why is Lord Venkateswara not included as one of the Dashavataras? Dashavatars are incarnations of Vishnu which are mainly born in a form and for a cause. Dashavatars are not just the incarnations, it has a legend in itself. Once the four Brahma kumaras namely, Sanaka, Sanandana,Sanatana and Sanatkumara visited Vaikunta, abode of Vishnu. Even though they are of ages, they look like child due to their penance, they were stopped by Jaya - Vijaya, the gate keepers of Vaikunta stating that Vishnu is resting on Adisesha. Enraged on the act of Jaya - Vijaya, Sanatkumaras cursed them that they would be born as mortals on earth. Vishnu on knowing what is going on the gates of Vaikunta appeared in front of Sanatkumaras and appealed to lift the curse on Jaya - Vijaya. Moved on Vishnu’s request, Sanatkumaras changed the curse as either they can take seven births as a staunch devotee of Vishnu or three births as Vishnu’s enemy. Through Jaya - Vijaya Vishnu has planned to teach morals to all beings on the earth. Jaya - Vijaya was born as Hiranyaksha and Hiranyakashipu and got killed by Varaha and Narasimha avatar in Satya yuga. They were born as Ravana and Kumabakarna and got killed by Rama in Tretha yuga. They were born as Shisupala and Dantavakra and got killed by Krishna in Dwapara yuga. After that Jaya - Vijaya peacefully takes back the position of humble gate keepers of Vaikunta. Lord Venakateswara or Srinivasan is not an incarnation or not born as a mortal. During Kali yuga, sages did yagna and sought the help of Narada to decide on whom to give the fruits of the yagna. Narada suggested to seek the help of sage Bhrigu on this. Bhrigu went to Trilokas to check which of the Trimurthis is eligible to get the fruits of yagna. When Bhrigu visited Vaikunta, Vishnu was resting on Adisesha and Lakshmi resting on the chest of Vishnu. Bhrigu called Vishnu but he was in deep sleep, enraged on this negligence of Vishnu, Bhrigu kicked on Vishnu’s chest. Vishnu tried to pacify Bhrigu by massaging his feet, while doing so Vishnu squashed the third eye of egotism present under his foot. Realising his mistake Bhrigu sought forgiveness and gave him the fruit of yagna. Lakshmi felt insulted as Vishnu’s chest is considered to be her abode and left Vaikunta. Vishnu came to Earth in search of Lakshmi and got tired and rested under an ant hill in the Venkatadri hill under a tamarind tree. Later he was adopted by Bagula devi and married the Chola princess Padmavati witht the help of loan from Kubera and resided in Venkatadri hills. After six months of marriage, Lakshmi came to know that Vishnu has married another woman. On encountering Lakshmi and Padmavathi together, Vishnu realised his true form and changed into stone. Lakshmi went into his left chest and Padmavathi into his right chest. Lord Venkateswara stands on the seven hills to ward off the sufferings of his devotees in Kali yuga. From the legends of Dasavatharam and Venkateswara swami, it is clear that Venkateswara swami is not an avatar but Vishnu himself on the seven hills of Tirumala.

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