Monday 14 October 2024

Did Lord Ram ever show his Virat Roop?

Did Lord Ram ever show his Virat Roop? If he did so, where did he show this and to whom? Beautiful answers have already been given by Daśanāmi Vaiṣṇava ji and Ram Paratva Prakash ji. They already have shown sufficient references to depict the Virat Vishwa Swaroop of Bhagwan Shri Ramachandra. I would just like to add one reference of my own. When Shri Rama decides to end his avatar Lord Shiva praises Shri Sita Rama’s universal form and Shri Rama shows his divine Virat Swaroop to all the gods present who became very scared on seeing that form. On seeing their fear Shri Rama came back to his original two handed form much like Shri Krishna. Padma Purana Uttara Khanda 41. Therefore, O lord of Jānakī, you are certainly the highest Brahman. All deluded by you do not know you truly. The lord, said 42-50. Thus addressed by Śambhu, Rāma who had assumed a divine form and was of a wonderful appearance, became disposed to favour. Seeing him of that form, men, monkeys and deities were not able even to see that lustrous, great, wonderful (form). The best gods, through fear saluted him devoutly. Rāma, realising that men, monkeys and deities were frightened, took up the illusory human form and again spoke to the gods: Rāmacandra said: O gods, listen. That man who will everyday praise me with the hymn told by Śiva, will be equal to a god. Freed from all sins he obtains my nature. In a battle he gets victory and is never repulsed. He is not tormented by ghosts, vampires and female deities to whom sacrifices are offered for destructive and magical purposes. A sonless man obtains a son. A maiden gets a husband. A poor man obtains wealth and would become virtuous and of good disposition. The glorious one has the power equal to that of the (highest) soul. There is no doubt about it. In all acts and undertakings men have no obstacle. Whatever desire, difficult to be fulfilled, is entertained by a man is satisfied within six months due to the grace of this eulogy. By means of this hymn is obtained the fruit a crore times more than the religious merit obtained in all holy places and all sacrifices. The lord said: 51-53. Speaking like this Rāmacandra dismissed Maheśvara. He (also) dismissed all gods like Brahma that had come there. Rāmacandra honoured all men and dismissed with affection all men, monkeys and deities full of love. All of them thus dismissed by him, went very much delighted, reciting the great hymn uttered by the lord and remembering Rāma of a universal form.

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