Tuesday, 29 October 2024
Good Morning!!!
God grant me the Serenity
to accept the things
I cannot change;
Courage to change
the things I can;
and Wisdom
to know the difference.
Thy will, not mine, be done.
*~*~*~*~*^Daily Reflections^*~*~*~*~*
October 30, 2024
Never since it began
has Alcoholics Anonymous been divided
by a major controversial issue.
Nor has our Fellowship ever
publicly taken sides on any question
in an embattled world.
This, however, has been no earned virtue.
It could almost be said that we were born with it. . . .
“So long as we
don’t argue these matters privately,
it’s a cinch we never shall publicly.”
Do I remember that I have a right to my opinion
but that others don’t have to share it?
That’s the spirit of “Live and Let Live.”
The Serenity Prayer reminds me, with God’s help,
to “Accept the things I cannot change.”
Am I still trying to change others?
When it comes to “Courage to change the things I can,”
do I remember that my opinions are mine,
and yours are yours? Am I still afraid to be me?
When it comes to “Wisdom to know the difference,”
do I remember that my opinions come from my experience?
If I have a know-it-all attitude,
aren't I being deliberately controversial?
Two Kinds of Pride
The prideful righteousness of "good people"
may often be just as destructive as the glaring sins
of those who are supposedly not so good.
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We loved to shout the damaging fact that
millions of the "good men of religion"
were still killing one another off in the name of God.
This all meant, of course,
that we had substituted negative for positive thinking.
After we came to A.A., we had to recognize
that this trait had been an ego-feeding proposition.
In belaboring the sins of some religious people,
we could feel superior to all of them.
Moreover, we could avoid looking
at some of our own shortcomings.
Self-righteousness, the very thing
that we had contemptuously condemned in others,
was our own besetting evil.
This phony form of respectability was our undoing,
so far as faith was concerned.
But finally, driven to A.A., we learned better.
As Bill Sees It, P.107
Let's Ask Bill Wilson
6Q - What happened to your sponsor, Ebby?
6A - It was Ebby who brought me the message that saved my life and uncounted thousands of others.
Because of gratitude and old friendship,
my wife Lois and I invited Ebby
to live at our home shortly after I sobered up.
The son of a well-to-do family in Albany,
he had never learned any profession
so, he was broke and had to begin all over.
These were difficult circumstances,
naturally. Ebby stayed with us
something like a year and a half.
Being intent on getting re-established in life,
he took little interest in helping other alcoholics.
Little by little, he commenced the rationalization
we have seen so often.
He began to say that if he had
the right romance and the right job
then things would be okay.
At length, he fell by the wayside.
He would not mind if I tell this –
it is a part of his story today.
For many years, my old friend Ebby
was on the wagon and off.
Sometimes he could stay sober for a year or more.
He tried living with Lois and me
for another considerable period
but apparently this was of no help.
Maybe we actually hindered him.
As A.A. began to grow his position became difficult.
For a long time, things went from bad to worse.
About six years ago
the groups down in Texas decided to try their hand.
Ebby was shipped non-stop to Dallas
and placed in an A.A. drying out place.
In these new surroundings in Texas,
far from his old failures,
he has made a splendid recovery.
Excepting for one slip which occurred
about a year after his arrival down there
he has been bone dry ever since.
This is one of the deepest satisfactions
that has ever come to me since A.A. started
and many another A.A. can say the same.
(N.C.C.A. 'Blue Book,' Vol.12, 1960)
Thoughts to Reflect on
Since I came to The Program,
I've begun to recognize my previous inability
to form a true partnership with another person.
It seems that my egomania created two disastrous pitfalls.
Either I insisted upon dominating the people I knew,
or I depended on them far too much.
My friends in The Program have taught me
that my dependence meant demand --
a demand for the possession and control of the people
and the conditions surrounding me.
Do I still try to find emotional security
either by dominating or being dependent on others?
Today I Pray
May I turn first to God to satisfy my love-hunger,
knowing that all God asks from me is my faith.
May I no longer cast emotional nets over those I love,
either by dominating them
or being excessively dependent upon them –
which is just another form of domination.
May I give others the room they need to be themselves.
May God show me the way to mature human relationships.
Today I Will Remember
To have faith in God's love.
Good Morning!!!
Around the Year with Emmet Fox
October 30
Man controls his own life.
The Bible says that God has given him
"dominion over all things,"
and this is true when he understands the Truth;
and the Truth is that your outer conditions-
your environment-are not cause; they are effect.
You are not happy because you are well.
You are well because you are happy.
You do not have faith because things are going well.
They are going well because you have faith.
You are not depressed because trouble has come to you,
but trouble has come
because your realization of the Truth
had first fallen off.
The secret of life then is to control your mental states.
To accept sickness, trouble, and failure as unavoidable,
and perhaps inevitable, is folly,
because it is this very acceptance by you
that keeps these evils in existence.
Man is not limited by his environment.
He creates his environment by his beliefs and feelings.
To suppose otherwise is like thinking
that the tail can wag the dog.
If you have been thinking
that outer conditions are stronger than you are,
say to yourself: "Tail wags dog"
and immediately reverse the belief.
“who did hinder you
that ye should not obey the truth?”
Galatians 5:7
*Advice from an 83 year old man............*
🙏🏽 Good Morning 🌞
*Advice from an 83 year old man............*
1. Have a firm handshake.
2. Look people in the eye.
3. Sing in the shower.
4. Own a great stereo system.
5. If in a fight, hit first and hit hard.
6. Keep secrets.
7. Never give up on anybody. Miracles happen everyday.
8. Always accept an outstretched hand.
9. Be brave. Even if you're not, pretend to be. No one can tell the difference.
10. Whistle.
11. Avoid sarcastic remarks.
12. Choose your life's mate carefully. From this one decision will come 90 per cent of all your happiness or misery.
13. Make it a habit to do nice things for people who will never find out.
14. Lend only those books you never care to see again.
15. Never deprive someone of hope; it might be all that they have.
16. When playing games with children, let them win.
17. Give people a second chance, but not a third.
18. Be romantic.
19. Become the most positive and enthusiastic person you know.
20. Loosen up. Relax. Except for rare life-and-death matters, nothing is as important as it first seems.
21. Don't allow the phone to interrupt important moments. It's there for our convenience, not the caller's.
22. Be a good loser.
23. Be a good winner.
24. Think twice before burdening a friend with a secret.
25. When someone hugs you, let them be the first to let go.
26. Be modest. A lot was accomplished before you were born.
27. Keep it simple.
28. Beware of the person who has nothing to lose.
29. Don't burn bridges. You'll be surprised how many times you have to cross the same river.
30. Live your life so that your epitaph could read, No Regrets
31. Be bold and courageous. When you look back on life, you'll regret the things you didn't do more than the ones you did.
32. Never waste an opportunity to tell someone you love them.
33. Remember no one makes it alone. Have a grateful heart and be quick to acknowledge those who helped you.
34. Take charge of your attitude. Don't let someone else choose it for you.
35. Visit friends and relatives when they are in hospital; you need only stay a few minutes.
36. Begin each day with some of your favourite music.
37. Once in a while, take the scenic route.
38. Send a lot of Valentine cards. Sign them, 'Someone who thinks you're terrific.'
39. Answer the phone with enthusiasm and energy in your voice.
40. Keep a note pad and pencil on your bed-side table. Million-dollar ideas sometimes strike at 3 a.m.
41. Show respect for everyone who works for a living, regardless of how trivial their job.
42. Send your loved ones flowers. Think of a reason later.
43. Make someone's day by paying the toll for the person in the car behind you.
44. Become someone's hero.
45. Marry only for love.
46. Count your blessings.
47. Compliment the meal when you're a guest in someone's home.
48. Wave at the children on a school bus.
49. Remember that 80 per cent of the success in any job is based on your ability to deal with people.
50. Don't expect life to be fair.
*Happy Week Ahead..*
*USA Ckt Coach Sacked*
*USA Ckt Coach Sacked*
Reason : Discriminating with India origin players
_It is understood that the decision to show Law the pink slip comes on the back of some serious allegations of discrimination, mistrust and favouritism laid by captain Monank Patel and 7-8 senior players in the squad_,
Only a few months after his appointment in April, USA Cricket announced Stuart Law's departure as *head coach* of the men's national team. The statement was made one day prior to the USA's match versus Nepal in Dallas, where they are currently competing in the ICC Men's Cricket World Cup League 2.
The dismissal occurs despite the USA Men's historic triumph over Pakistan in the ICC 2024 T20 World Cup in Texas, among other historic achievements under Law. Following World Cup wins over Canada and Pakistan and a draw with Ireland in a Florida washout, the USA made it to the T20 World Cup Super-Eight stage. This achievement, crucially, guaranteed USA Cricket a place in the upcoming Men's T20 World Cup.
A wild comment by a Ckt lover : 👇
When we Indians make our country fragmented in politics as it appears to outside world, it has a fall out on Indian origin citizens abroad ? ! ? !
This is the story of three friends.
This is the story of three friends.
*First* one was brilliant, never would give up his first position in school . Topper in everything.
*Second* one was average, wouldn't fail but pushed to next class on a regular basis.
*Third* one was a trickster and was an expert manipulator. But these three were great friends, thick as thieves.
School was over and after that
*The* *first* *one,* the brilliant guy as expected became an engineer. He gave Indian engineering services exam, was chosen as class one officer. He became chief of Indian railways later.
*Second* *one* graduated with Physics major and appeared for civil services exam passed and was appointed as the head in the department where the first friend was working at lower level.
*Third* *one* didn't bother to study further after school, chose right party at the right time, fought the election, won and became an MP and later became a cabinet minister and under him was the department where two of his school friends were working.
This is not a fictional story.
*First* *one* is *E* *Shridharan* .. *metro* *man.*
*Second* *one* is *TN* *Sheshan* chief of election commission.
*Third* *one* is *KP* *Unnikrishnan* who got elected five times continuously for Lok sabha, and also became a cabinet minister during VP Singh's period.
Three friends, same school, same teachers, Destiny chartered their different paths.
Does Hanuman Chalisa mention the distance of the Sun from Earth?
Does Hanuman Chalisa mention the distance of the Sun from Earth?
Yes. This is found in the 18th verse of the Hanuman Chalisa:
“Yug sahastra yojan par Bhanu, leelyo taahi madhur phal jaanu”
Translation: "You (Hanuman) flew towards the Sun, which is thousands of yojanas away, thinking it was a sweet fruit."
In this verse, the poet Tulsidas refers to Hanuman's childhood tale, where he leapt towards the Sun, mistaking it for a fruit. The phrase "Yug sahastra yojan" is a measurement of distance:
1 yuga = 12,000 years (in the traditional understanding of time cycles)
1 sahastra = 1,000
1 yojana = a Vedic unit of distance, roughly equal to 8 miles or about 13 kilometers.
According to the verse, the Sun is "Yug sahastra yojan" away from Earth, which can be interpreted as:
1 yug = 12,000
1 sahastra = 1,000
1 yojana = 8 miles (or 13 km)
So, Yug sahastra yojan = 12,000 * 1,000 * 8 miles = 96,000,000 miles or approximately 153,600,000 kilometers.
Scientific Comparison:
The average distance between the Earth and the Sun is approximately 149.6 million kilometers. While the Hanuman Chalisa gives a slightly higher estimate, it is surprisingly close to modern scientific measurements, especially considering that this text was composed centuries ago.
The reference to the distance in the Hanuman Chalisa has been noted by scholars and enthusiasts for its striking similarity to the modern calculation of the Earth-Sun distance. However, this has not been officially "verified" by scientific institutions, as ancient texts are typically not used as scientific sources. Yet, many view this as an interesting coincidence or evidence of ancient Indian knowledge of astronomy.
While the Hanuman Chalisa is primarily a devotional text, this particular verse is often highlighted as an example of how ancient wisdom might have had insights into the workings of the universe. However, it's important to note that this is largely anecdotal, and there is no formal scientific endorsement of the Chalisa as a source of astronomical knowledge.
*The Missing Letter Conspiracy*
*The Missing Letter Conspiracy*
The President of Bangladesh is in a fix.
- He took ‘incentives’ and agreed to be a part of the Coup. He had just one job to do. Appointment Muhammad Yunus as ‘interim’ head.
- But for that, he needed Sheikh Haseena’s resignation.
- As per script, Sheikh Haseena was to be coerced into coming and giving her resignation.
- The Army Chief was supposed to collect the resignation and send it to the President.
- Sheikh Haseena seems to have conveyed that she has sent the resignation, and was given safe passage.
- There is a script which Uncle follows, when it comes to toppling a leader. This has been in place since the ousting of Ceaușescu in Romania.
It involves...
(i) Storming of the palace
(ii) Looting and sacking of the palace
(iii) Showing the Despot’s ‘golden toilet’
(iv) Hunting and killing of the ‘Despot’
(v) Decapitating and toppling of statues
(vi) Alternate Government formed.
These steps have more or less remained the same, and by now, are fixed tropes.
Everybody, since Ceaușescu, from Saddam to Gaddafi, have been subjected to it.
- Thus, there was a playbook with a number of touch points to be actioned within the day. The first of which was ‘Flight of the Despot’, which was the cue to declare resignation.
- The President, without getting any ‘resignation letter’, under time pressure, declared that Sheikh Haseena has resigned, and thus provided the cue for the rest of the program to start.
- The program started, but it was only while it was well on its way that the ‘powers-that-be’ realised that there was no resignation letter.
- The Army Chief thought on his feet, got a photograph of Sheikh Haseena signing a Guest Book and stated that this was the image of her signing her resignation.
- After a few days, when things settled, Sheikh Haseena quietly released a ‘recording’ stating that she had never resigned.
- This put everyone in a fix.
Because now :
(i) The President had lied.
(ii) The Army Chief had lied.
(iii) The ‘interim’ Government had no parliamentary standing.
(iv) In case of things turning everything could be labelled as ‘treason’.
- The clamour to get Sheikh Haseena extradited went up. But no one was budging.
- Meanwhile, most Awami League high command, those who had been left behind, slowly moved out of Bangladesh.
- As they moved out, the interim Government realised that they had emptied out the coffers too.
- Now the President was asked to show proof of resignation. After all, you cannot take ‘incentives’ and not fulfil service level agreements for the Uncle.
- The President balked and pushed the issue to the Army Chief
- The Army Chief balked and washed his hands clean.
- The President now declared that there was no resignation letter.
- This has made the interim Government as consyituionally illegal.
- The interim Government is hopping mad! Because now they do not have any locus standi.
- Now it wants to agitate and bring the President down. Towards which they are sending thousands to storm his residence and put pressure on him to resign.
- Thus there is a big move afoot to declare him either ‘incapable’ or ‘unconstitutional’.
- But the President is the only constitutional seat holder. The rest all are extra constitutional.
- Thus, if he is ‘incapable’ or ‘unconstitutional’, then what is the basis of the ‘interim Government’?
- Meanwhile, Sheikh Haseena is set to announce a Government in exile, and officially the legitimate Government.
- The whole exercise of toppling might be lost for the want of a single ’resignation letter’!
Can the conspiracy get more interesting than this?
Looks funny to me
How tall was Lord Rama?
How tall was Lord Rama?
Lord Rama was 96 inches in height(according to valmiki ramayana) which is approximately 7 to 8 feet. He was Ajanubaha.
Anyhow we cannot compare the measurements of poeple of those times with the present times,as the heights and body measurements of people are much different.
Do comment if you have any doubts
Good Morning!!!
God grant me the Serenity
to accept the things
I cannot change;
Courage to change
the things I can;
and Wisdom
to know the difference.
Thy will, not mine, be done.
*~*~*~*~*^Daily Reflections^*~*~*~*~*
October 29, 2024
Since recovery from alcoholism
is life itself to us,
it is imperative that we preserve
in full strength
our means of survival.
The honesty expressed by the members of A.A. in meetings
has the power to open my mind.
Nothing can block the flow of energy
that honesty carries with it.
The only obstacle to this flow of energy is inebriation,
but even then, no one will find a closed door
if he or she has left and chooses to return.
Once he or she has received the gift of sobriety,
each A.A. member is challenged on a daily basis
to accept a program of honesty.
My Higher Power created me for a purpose in life.
I ask him to accept my honest efforts
to continue on my journey in the spiritual way of life.
I call on Him for strength to know and seek His will.
Debits and Credits
Following a gossip binge,
we can well ask ourselves these questions:
"Why did we say what we did?
Were we only trying to be helpful and informative?
Or were we not trying to feel superior
by confessing the other fellow's sins?
Or, because of fear and dislike,
were we not really aiming to damage him?"
This would be an honest attempt to examine ourselves,
rather than the other fellow.
<< << << >> >> >>
Inventory-taking is not always done in red ink.
It's a poor day indeed
when we haven't done something right.
As a matter of fact,
the waking hours are usually well filled
with things that are constructive.
Good intentions, good thoughts,
and good acts are there for us to see.
Even when we have tried hard and failed,
we may chalk that up
as one of the greatest credits of all.
As Bill Sees It, P. 80
The INSANITY of Alcoholism is NOT the goofy behavior that people exhibit when they are drunk. Everyone who ingests enough alcohol will act goofy.
The INSANITY of ALCOHOLISM is the alcoholic's persistent return to alcohol in the face of overwhelming evidence that it is destroying his or her life, over and over again.
There are some in our fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous who have serious mental problems, but most of us joke about how "insane" or "crazy" or "goofy" we are or have been, when what we really are talking about is our emotional immaturity, our impulsiveness, our lack of self-discipline – our character defects if you will. Most of us would have a hard time describing many of our thoughts and actions as being insane. In fact, in some areas of life, we may exhibit a high degree of sanity.
However, there is something about the way we perceive the world around us that has always caused us a great deal of discomfort in simply living our lives.
Our general discomfort with living has much to do with the way we perceive the effects of alcohol. Our falling short of what is called "well adjusted" is definitely a part of our makeup as an alcoholic. However, that alone does not separate us much from the general population. It is our physical as well as our mental response to alcohol that is INSANE, and that is what separates the alcoholic from the non-alcoholic.
There are two problems alcoholics have with alcohol:
"(1) the obsession of the mind,
and (2) the compulsion of the body,
an incomprehensible craving.
Somewhere along the line, early or late,
we develop an obsession with the idea
that alcohol eases our minds and solves our problems.
Then, our physical response to alcohol
manifests in what the "Big Book" of Alcoholics Anonymous
calls an allergy. Our alcoholic bodies process the alcohol
in a manner which causes us to crave more.
The alcoholic insanity of our minds
tells us that it is a good idea to drink
to relieve our stresses and to have fun.
Once we start, our alcoholic bodies tell us
we must drink more to satisfy the craving.
As every alcoholic should know,
that is where the well-known cycle begins,
and continues over and over again, leading to death, incarceration, or "wet brain" insanity.
What Dr. Silkworth called the "phenomenon of craving," manifesting as an "allergy," is so overpowering that all else comes in second to our primary concern of getting the next drink, even life itself takes second place.
That, my friends, is the "INSANITY OF ALCOHOLISM."
It is only relieved and arrested by total abstinence, and as we have found, by the thorough application of the 12 Steps of AA in our lives, in all our affairs. to achieve a psychic change,
a "spiritual awakening," leading to growth and maturity,
and a firm grasp of the reality of life and the world about us.
As a young man (with tears in his eyes)
in his first AA meeting said:
..."I'm here because I just want to live ...
that's it ... I just want to live"...
It is as Simple as that!!!
Love and Peace,
Good Morning!!!
Around the Year with Emmet Fox
October 29
Years ago,
many devoted preachers and Sunday School teachers
were fond of telling people to "pray hard."
Well-meaning as this advice was, it was mistaken.
I often tell people to pray "soft,"
which, of course, means gently.
I do this because I know
that the more quietly and gently, we pray,
the better results we get.
In prayer, as in many other activities,
effort defeats itself.
More than once I have said to my congregation,
"Pray with a feather-not with a pickax."
Always pray gently,
and especially if you have a good deal of fear,
or if your difficulty seems to be a very important one.
“For thou, Lord, art good,
and ready to forgive;
and plenteous in mercy
unto all them that call upon thee”
Psalm 86:5
How was the relationship between Draupadi and Abhimanyu, in the Mahabharat?
How was the relationship between Draupadi and Abhimanyu, in the Mahabharat?
Really interesting question !
For those who do not know, Abhimanyu was the son of Arjuna and Subhadra. I personally feel, that the relation between Draupadi and Subhadra is important in this context.
Arjuna married Subhadra while he was on his pilgrimage (for walking into Yudhisthira and Draupadi while they were being intimate). Draupadi, however was not happy with the marriage, when she learned about it. It was Arjuna, after all. He was the one Draupadi loved the most. And she was never happy to share him with other women. She knew, Ulupi and Chitrangada will need to stay back to their ancestral places for their political duties; but Subhadra will come with Arjuna and become a regular part of the family. However, in their first meeting- Subhadra submitted herself to Draupadi, in such a beautiful and elegant way, Draupadi couldn’t help but grow care for her. So, it is safe to assume that Draupadi did not hate Abhimanyu just because he was not her child.
With that background, let’s review the time when negotiations were into place, and Yudhisthira was trying to reach a diplomatic solution in order to avoid the war. This approach, however made Draupadi very frustrated. Around that time she even told -
‘I don’t need help from Pandavas. My five sons will fight the battle for their right, and Abhimanyu will be their leader’.
I deduce, she was affectionate towards Abhimanyu, otherwise she wouldn’t have been ready to give a statement like this.
Sunday, 27 October 2024
Story of GALLANTRY MEDALS of Indian Defence Forces:
Story of GALLANTRY MEDALS of Indian Defence Forces:
Eve Yvonne Maday de Maros would have been 107 years old had she been alive !!
Unfortunately, most of us may not have heard of her...
But who was she ???
She was born on 20th July 1913 in Switzerland to a Russian Mother and Hungarian father. As a 16 year old, Yvonne met a handsome cadet of the Royal Military Academy while holidaying at Chamonix. She followed the cadet to Sandhurst and realised that he was an Indian. Despite parental opposition, she came to Mumbai and then to Aurangabad and married Capt. (later Maj Gen) Vikram Khanolkar !!! Fascinated as she was by all things Indian, she converted to Hinduism and quickly absorbed Indian customs and traditions, and the way of life of an Indian army officer's wife. Maj Gen Vikram Khanolkar later became GOC, Delhi area and commanded 1st Republic Day parade of Independent India.
But the reason that Indians should know about Eve Yvonne Maday de Maros (a.k.a Savitri Khanolkar after marriage to Maj Gen Vikram Khanolkar) is because of a task that was given to her by the Adjutant General the Indian army - Maj Gen Hira Lal Atal. He had asked her to design gallantry medals for independent India. It was she who designed the Param Vir Chakra, Maha Vir Chakra, Vir Chakra, Ashok Chakra, Keerti Chakra, Shourya Chakra, Indian General Service Medal, etc.
His reasons for choosing Mrs Khanolkar were her deep and intimate knowledge of Indian mythology, Sanskrit, and Vedanta. She was a painter and an artist, and the wife of Major General Khanolkar, a serving officer. In his opinion, Mrs Khanolkar's military association, her passion for Indian mythology, and her talent as an artist made her the ideal choice,
While designing Param Vir Chakra , She took inspiration from the sage Dadhichi , a Vedic Rishi who made the ultimate sacrifice to the Gods. The Rishi gave up his body so that the Gods could fashion a deadly weapon – a Vajra, or thunderbolt, from his spine to vanquish their enemies. After studying india's history , she also wanted to give a tribute to the great warrior Shivaji . So she ensured Shivaji’s sword “Bhavani “ gets place in india's highest wartime medal. Thus,She made a design in which Indra's “vajra” was surrounded on two sides by Shivaji's sword “Bhavani”
Incidentally, Savitri Khanolkar's daughter Kumudini got married into a much decorated military family. Savitri's son-in-law Lt Gen Surinder Sharma (PVSM, AVSM) became the Engineer in Chief of Indian army. His younger brother General Vishwa Nath Sharma (PVSM, AVSM) was the Chief of Indian Army , when Savitri died in 1990. Their eldest brother, Major Somnath Sharma had died in battle while fighting infiltrators at Srinagar airport in 1947 indo-Pak war. He was the 1st recipient of the Param Vir Chakra
Little did Savitri Khanolkar ever dream that the first Param Vir Chakra would be awarded to her daughter's brother-in-law, Major Somnath Sharma .
After her husband's death , she found refuge in spirituality, and retired to the Ramakrishna Math. She wrote a book on the Saints of Maharashtra that is still popular today.
Why is Lord Venkateswara not included as one of the Dashavataras?
Why is Lord Venkateswara not included as one of the Dashavataras?
Dashavatars are incarnations of Vishnu which are mainly born in a form and for a cause. Dashavatars are not just the incarnations, it has a legend in itself. Once the four Brahma kumaras namely, Sanaka, Sanandana,Sanatana and Sanatkumara visited Vaikunta, abode of Vishnu. Even though they are of ages, they look like child due to their penance, they were stopped by Jaya - Vijaya, the gate keepers of Vaikunta stating that Vishnu is resting on Adisesha.
Enraged on the act of Jaya - Vijaya, Sanatkumaras cursed them that they would be born as mortals on earth. Vishnu on knowing what is going on the gates of Vaikunta appeared in front of Sanatkumaras and appealed to lift the curse on Jaya - Vijaya. Moved on Vishnu’s request, Sanatkumaras changed the curse as either they can take seven births as a staunch devotee of Vishnu or three births as Vishnu’s enemy. Through Jaya - Vijaya Vishnu has planned to teach morals to all beings on the earth.
Jaya - Vijaya was born as Hiranyaksha and Hiranyakashipu and got killed by Varaha and Narasimha avatar in Satya yuga.
They were born as Ravana and Kumabakarna and got killed by Rama in Tretha yuga.
They were born as Shisupala and Dantavakra and got killed by Krishna in Dwapara yuga.
After that Jaya - Vijaya peacefully takes back the position of humble gate keepers of Vaikunta.
Lord Venakateswara or Srinivasan is not an incarnation or not born as a mortal. During Kali yuga, sages did yagna and sought the help of Narada to decide on whom to give the fruits of the yagna. Narada suggested to seek the help of sage Bhrigu on this. Bhrigu went to Trilokas to check which of the Trimurthis is eligible to get the fruits of yagna. When Bhrigu visited Vaikunta, Vishnu was resting on Adisesha and Lakshmi resting on the chest of Vishnu. Bhrigu called Vishnu but he was in deep sleep, enraged on this negligence of Vishnu, Bhrigu kicked on Vishnu’s chest.
Vishnu tried to pacify Bhrigu by massaging his feet, while doing so Vishnu squashed the third eye of egotism present under his foot. Realising his mistake Bhrigu sought forgiveness and gave him the fruit of yagna. Lakshmi felt insulted as Vishnu’s chest is considered to be her abode and left Vaikunta. Vishnu came to Earth in search of Lakshmi and got tired and rested under an ant hill in the Venkatadri hill under a tamarind tree.
Later he was adopted by Bagula devi and married the Chola princess Padmavati witht the help of loan from Kubera and resided in Venkatadri hills. After six months of marriage, Lakshmi came to know that Vishnu has married another woman. On encountering Lakshmi and Padmavathi together, Vishnu realised his true form and changed into stone. Lakshmi went into his left chest and Padmavathi into his right chest. Lord Venkateswara stands on the seven hills to ward off the sufferings of his devotees in Kali yuga.
From the legends of Dasavatharam and Venkateswara swami, it is clear that Venkateswara swami is not an avatar but Vishnu himself on the seven hills of Tirumala.
Good Morning!!!
God grant me the Serenity
to accept the things
I cannot change;
Courage to change
the things I can;
and Wisdom
to know the difference.
Thy will, not mine, be done.
*~*~*~*~*^Daily Reflections^*~*~*~*~*
October 28, 2024
We conceive the survival and spread
of Alcoholics Anonymous
to be something of far greater importance
than the weight we could collectively throw back
of any other cause.
How much it means to me that an unbroken tradition
of more than half a century
is a thread that connects me to Bill W. and Dr. Bob.
How much more grounded I feel to be
in a Fellowship whose aims are constant and unflagging.
I am grateful that the energies of A.A.
have never been scattered,
but focused instead on our members
and on individual sobriety.
My beliefs are what make me human;
I am free to hold any opinion, but AA's purpose --
so clearly stated fifty years ago -- is for me to keep sober.
That purpose has promoted round-the-clock meeting schedules,
and the thousands of inter-group and central service offices,
with their thousands of volunteers.
Like the sun focused through a magnifying glass,
AA's single vision has lit a fire of faith in sobriety
in millions of hearts, including mine.
Good Morning!!!
Around the Year with Emmet Fox
October 28
There is no use in merely saying
everything will be all right.
Thinking rightly, of course,
means putting God into all your affairs
and expecting him to change them.
For example, if you are living in a shack
it is not any good pretending that it is a palace.
Cheap optimism is never spiritual.
Realize that you are living in a shack,
but claim the Presence of God
to guide you to something better.
“Teach me thy way, O Lord,
and lead me in a plain path”
Psalm 27:11
Why Venkateshwara is called Govinda?
Whoever visit Tirumala, should chant the name of Govinda 108 times. There is a beautiful story as why Balaji is called as Govinda
Once Srinivasa went to ashram of Agastya Muni & told him that till the end of Kaliyug he will reside in Tirumala, so for his daily needs requested a cow. Agastya Muni told that Cow shall be gifted only to the one's who come along with his wife & requested, Mahalakshmi should come with Srinivasa. Later Srinivasa married Padmavathi & they together went to Agastya Muni, but Agastya was not in ashram. Both Padmavathi & Srinivasa returned without getting Cow Agastya Muni came to know all this.
He took a GOVU ( means Cow) & started running behind.
Seeing Srinivasa at a distance Agastya began to shout "Swamy, GOVU INDA" (Govu means cow & Inda means take). Srinivasa didn't hear that, but Agastya shouted same words with a great speed.
Thus Govu Inda turned to GOVINDA. Atlast Srinivasa stopped & turned to Agastya and told him that you have mentioned my name 108 times. Whoever chants this name while coming to my darshan will be granted all their wishes.
Who is the most tragic hero of Mahabharat?
I don’t understand why people don’t realize that entire Mahabharat is full of tragic heroes who bore more Pain than Karna who lived all his life in Palaces and enjoyed Luxuries. His problems stepped from his ambitions not circumstances.
When it comes to tragic hero we need to think only about those who did not invite tragedies but they came searching for them and though they were great but did not get their due. Bhishma pitamah was also not tragic hero in my opinion as he himself made wrong decision as he was never clear about what his duty was as a prince and a son. He chose being a son over a prince. His life was painful no doubt but he made those decisions on his own.
Tragic hero has two elements, One he should have a tragedy beyond his or her control and second he must be a hero fighting for a just cause not for his own ambitions or false Dharma.
Real tragic heroes were those who had no choices to make and were dragged or forced by others. Even they had choices to make they were trapped by already created circumstances that they couldn’t leave their duties.
Vidur- He was no less than Pandu in valor or intellect. In fact he deserved to be king more than anyone else. But as he was son of a maid he always had to be under thumb of someone like Dhritrashtra. Vidhur had to always silently work to save Pandavas and Dharma even bearing insults of ‘Khatta’ from Duryodhana. A person of such caliber never got his due but he still overcame all those and kept himself and his dignity intact. Vidur is a true hero who did not forget his real duty and protected his state and its people. He neither did stop giving right advise to king nor did stop protecting Pandavas. He wanted good life for all others but sadly was neglected. It is a great tragedy for a society that a man of his stature had to be under rule of a man like Dhritrashtra and still work selflessly for greater god.
Yuyutsu- What was his fault? He deserved same place as Dushashana or others. He was also son of Dhritrashtra but got neglected as again he was of lower caste and son of a maid. Dhritrashtra wanted a heir and as Gandari took long to give birth Dhrit used her but when he got it from Gandari then he left her. Yuyutsu even though lived in palaces but he was far worse than Karna in condition. He was left to fight in Varnavrat for six months alone even though he was defending Hastinapur boundaries. He then chose pandavas before final battle. One might argue that he still got to administer Indraprastha later and was a traitor but form his point of view he did not get his right place. What he did was right but he did not get love from his father and got tag of traitor for just being righteous? He is a hero to defy those who oppressed him and his rights and join the righteous camp where he knew he would never get throne and might be just any other soldier in future. It was Pandavas goodness that they finally made him administrator realizing his merit.
Draupadi- Her life was most tragic beyond doubt. Full of humiliation and life in forests. She was just a tool for revenge in hands of her father and then became a pawn in dice game so that Duryodhana could insult others. And in popular perception she got tag of someone who rejected Karna and insulted Duryodhana. However, real MB says both were false. BORI had rejected Karna’s rejection and there is no mention of her calling Durydodhana son of a blind man. She bore insults and all hardships because those who were supposed to protect her like his father and husbands all failed. She is a hero to motivate Pandavas to fight for their right.
Kunti- Her entire life was a tragedy where she spent in forests or was worried about her sons. Everyone shouts at her for leaving Karna but forget how difficult would it have been for a mother. She made sure that Surya protects here and even kept an eye on him through spies. Had she kept him then Pandu had not married her and Karna would have got tag of illegitimate son and more humiliation. She lost her husband, lived in forests and had to face constant threat. In the end lost many of her grandsons and saw so much pain. She did not chose any of that. In fact Kunti was also given in adoption to Kuntibhoj and his real parents did not even care for her pain. Yadavavs barring Krishna were not concerned about her at all. She is a great role model for all single mothers to fight for their right in society with prejudice against woman and the way she raised her sons including step sons to live as a unit
Art of War to Art of Living Chapter 3
Tuesday, 22 October 2024
What Impacts the Mind
What Impacts the Mind
The Bengali siblings were my close companions; their staple diet was fish curry with rice. Our conversations veered around politics, girls, religion (Durga Puja) and sports. The older one idolized Amitabh, Netaji Bose and Imran Khan.
He was an idealist and younger brother, the pragmatic one. The elder sibling was pushed into pursuing sciences much to his disapprobation. Their father died of Alzheimer’s and mother succumbed to abdominal cancer. Though they seemed to have recovered from the twin tragedies and proceeded with their careers and lives, they could not realise their full potential. The mind of the elder one especially, swayed like a pendulum between the past, present and future. There are many of us like him who continue to be regretful of the past and anxious of the future, never living in the present.
Marketing lexicon talks of 4Ps- product, place, promotion and price. I choose to add a few more to the cocktail that impinges human mind. These are our past impressions, partaking of food and the path of time we traverse on this planet. All the Ps are inextricably interwoven.
Human talent spans from the ordinary to the exceptional. This is the product available. It is genetic and must be accepted. Richards and Sehwag were exceptionally gifted batsmen; something a less accomplished batsman cannot quibble about. Now, the product can be harnessed and developed through tapas. Resolute practice embellishes and burnishes the product. Sadhana and breathing techniques can magnify the mind’s potential so that it can be high yielding and profitable for the self and society.
Let us envisage a house enveloped with positive and negative auras. This is the placewhere the mind resides. The quality of the mind to be in the present moment would appreciably increase when affected by positive thoughts, incantations, meditations, inspirational speeches or soulful singing. The same mind becomes unsettled and distraught by provocative speeches, squabbles and contretemps. Therefore, it is a prerequisite to protect the positive disposition and aura of the house.
How does one promote the mind? The mind loves challenges, however daunting they may be! Maj DP Singh runs with a prosthetic leg. During the Kargil conflict he lost his limb but resolved to acquit himself with every activity that those with normal limbs can undertake. The organization of amputees was suitably christened, “The Challenging Ones” (with a membership of 800 runners). Oscar Pistorius is of course the original blade runner.
Price of the mind is directly proportional to the quantum of sacrifice the body is willing to undertake. Both mind and body are conjoined in this endeavour. Mind may be willing; but the body may not submit to its authority. Or the body is disposed to take up the combat, but the mind declines to undertake the activity. If the mind becomes the parachute to transport the body to scale greater heights it will command a greater price and approbation.
We are all blessed with remarkable discriminatory power. It is for us to break the barrier and exit the comfort zone to become achievers through sacrifice. Stephen Hawking despite suffering from motor neuron disability is a cosmologist, physicist, unravelling the mysteries of the universe.
Past impressions have a profound impact on the mind and its performance. Tulsidas writes, “Our destiny was shaped long before the body came into being.”
Impressions or Karmas are impacted by our thoughts, attitudes, acts, and actions which others undertake under our orchestration and administration. As per Hinduism there are three types of Karmas or impressions namely, Sanchita (accumulated Karma – which we cannot bear all in one lifetime), Prarabdha Karma (fruit bearing Karma) and Kriyamana Karma (this can change our destiny). The first is carried on forward to the next lifetime. Prarabdha Karma can be mitigated through meditation and yogic techniques, while proper action (Kriyamana Karma) can reduce sufferings.
Positive impressions lead to positive intent and a healthy impact on the mind. Negative impressions have an antipathetic and gloomy impression on the mind. Practioners of yoga, pranayama, Sudarshan Kriya develop the wherewithal to annihilate impressions /karmas. This needs to be fostered through knowledge, awareness, service and positive company among others.
Partaking of food has a consequential impact on our thoughts and thereby minds. Thoughts are opinions or conceptions. We can have brooding or glum thoughts, celebratory ones or meditative ones. Augustus Hare writes, “Thought is like the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.”
The human vessel consumes three kinds of food products, namely Sattvik, Rajasik and Tamasic. Sattvik food is easily digestible, generally consisting of fruits, nuts and vegetarian fare. It keeps us alert and aware. Disciplined practitioners of Yoga consume this food.
Rajasik foods are neither overtly beneficial nor harmful. It includes oily, starchy, aerated drinks, caffeine products, overtly salty and sugary items. Such individuals are excitable or irritable and generally not at peace with themselves.
Tamasic food consists of meat, alcohol, tobacco, onions, garlic, fermented and canned food items. These take a long time to digest and make individuals sluggish and torpid.
Therefore, generally speaking those consuming Sattvik food attain a contemplative or a meditative state of mind in comparison to those partaking Tamasic or Rajasik food.
The trajectory path of time traversed has an expansive influence on the mind. Various times of the day, months and years impact our self. Incidents, events occurring shape the thought processes, alertness and decision making capabilities of our minds. Further during this span of time, we are likely to encounter many people, friends and associates who also influence our thinking pattern.
Human mind through discipline, practice of yoga and pranayama and various breathing techniques can acquire a superior intelligence and develop an investigative mind, which can surmount challenges confronted and live in the present moment. As that is the only state of bliss.
Mind Management – Why do thoughts arise
Mind Management – Why do thoughts arise
Recently I received a message on my cell," I am the son of Lord Krishna , I keep visiting Tirumala , yet I take drugs, why do I suffer, please help me?"
My terse response was," Meet a psychiatrist , undergo counselling , practice medication and undergo the Happiness Programme of the The Art Of Living".
But the caller was unsatisfied and kept pestering me with a flurry of such messages.
This person was positively in a state of misery and fear. Fear is an unpleasant emotion caused by the threat of danger or pain. His crutch and life boat was Lord Krishna. To my mind , it seemed a state of hallucination , perhaps because of medicines and drugs. The mind of the caller was both fragmented and deeply disturbed. He appeared to be in a state of imbalance . No one in his right frame of mind would come up with such outlandish prepositions.
He refused to take proper medication, meet a psychiatrist or undertake the Art Of Living programme. Here was a challenge staring me in my face. The individual positively required attention and help.
The Patanjali Yoga Sutras have identified the following as root causes of miseries in life- Avidya, Asmita, Raga, Dwesha and Abhinivesha.
1) Avidya- This is nothing but lack of knowledge or ignorance. Everything around us keeps changing constantly. It could be our cells , blood, stomach linings, hair to name some. But we are oblivious of the change. The only permanent thing in life is impermanence said Buddha.
2) Asmita- Is our intellect and our self. We get stubbornly stuck to our opinions. Like the caller was fixated with the idea that he was the child of Lord Krishna and stay put at Tirumala. Yet he was partaking drugs. We are unable to comprehend life beyond a state of our stubbornness and ignorance. Unfortunately the mind is stuck in our mirror image of stubbornness. We too become " Pictures of Dorian Gray".
3) Raga- This is nothing but craving. Normally craving arises out of certain pleasurable experiences of the past . It has deep imprint on the mind. But such impressions only aggravates our wants and misery. It is a vicious cycle of pleasure begetting more pleasure and ending up in a cachet of misery.
4) Dwesha- Is nothing but hatred . Hatred is antithetical to craving. Though it arises out of craving , the premise is an unpleasant experience. Some kind of an oxymoron like situation. This could be because of certain tragic moments in the past or unrealistic expectations which do not materialise.
5) Abhivivesha- This is fear of the unknown . An emotion which affects all of us. Only a saint or an insane person has overcome this barrier. Fear can also help as a protecting cloak when it is in relatively small measure. This helps us to not indulge in chest thumping bravado. Erudite scholars too live with this primordial instict.
The above points have been explained in a succinct and elaborate manner by HH Sri Sri Ravi Shankar in his commentary on Patanjali Yoga Sutras.
The caller proclaiming to be the son of Lord Krishna was in obvious pain and agony. He could experience ecstasy only through scientific help that is, consulting a psychiatrist , taking proper medication and undertaking an Art Of Living course. That was of course my suggestion. However his escapist response was that the course would be expensive and where could he locate a centre . This is how a how a fragmented and an escapist mind reacts. That is primarily looking for excuses and not accepting the reality. I suggested that through the Art Of Living website a centre could be identified and a course undertaken . Further there are free courses like Nav Chetna workshops which he could attend.
The caller continued to escape and dodge the inevitable. This is how human mind reacts. It keeps hunting for excuses, alternatives . Invariably the cloak of negativity and ignorance shrouds the mind from combating the problem.
Exercising all love, caution and care , I asked him to chant " OM NAMAHA SHIVAYA" - 108 times thrice a day to purge his mind from all negative thoughts and making positive affirmations by writing" I AM HAPPY, HEALTHY AND PEACEFUL". This task also to be done thrice daily 108 times; and the Tapas to be done for 41 days. In case a day is missed for some reason , repeat the process again for 41 days. Such signals to the mind are extremely useful and powerful . The mind then responds to positive thoughts and discards negative feelings and emotions.
He has not contacted me so far. Presumably , he has embarked on the journey of Tapas and hopefully has found support and a beacon of light in the dark tunnel. His Ishta Devata , Lord Krishna wielded Sudarshan Chakra wading through negativity and impurity. Sudarshan Kriya , Pranayama , Yoga and Meditation will certainly swathe through the cobwebs of his troubled mind and increase his Prana, Chi or energy to obliterate the negativity.
I am waiting for the 41 days to end so that he can be happy , healthy and peaceful. Jai Guru Dev.
Mind Management – A few Observations
Mind Management – A few Observations
Sometime back I had written a piece on “ Mind Management” and received certain queries about generation of multiple thoughts and the acceptance by people that mind was not at ease. It was frightening and troubling that several people of various age groups were plagued by all kinds of negative thoughts and were not living lives in the Present Moment.
People were troubled by thoughts arising during the whole day and particularly at night time. Thoughts arising at bed time reside with us and seep deep into our consciousness and the following morning we are again troubled by those very thoughts and are not like fresh dew on petals.
Ashtravaka Gita ( a dialogue between King Janaka and sage Ashtavakra) says that “ all action resides in the mind “ and this is further corroborated by modern science. Modern science amplifies that there is no difference in the activity of the mind; whether you slap someone or merely think of slapping someone .It is actually the brain’s limbic system , which is where the motor control gets expressed . Just thinking of slapping someone activates all muscles that would be employed to undertake that specific action.
Jesus adds further that a sin gets committed by the mere thought of being unfaithful to your spouse. On an average we are bombarded by 50 to 60 thousand thoughts a day. And we seem to have no control over them.
These thoughts arise on account of our memory bank ( past impressions and Karma) , the company we keep ,past and current experiences and also the food we partake.
According to Ashtavakra Gita , enlightenment occurs only when we live in our hearts. Heart is synonymous for a point of inflexion where there is no past or future . There is only a present. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar says that “ the Present moment is inevitable.” And this state is true enlightenment. A state where you a become a witness to the actions . From an actor or doer , we become witnesses to what is happening around us.
How does one reach that state of Present Moment . Before dwelling on some techniques , let us witness a few stories.
Two Buddhists monks were riding cycles and were on their way to meet a Zen Master. Monk one , described the number of trees, clouds, waft of cold breeze striking his cheek, mountains , beautiful blue sky , fruits plucked on the way, village folk he encountered among others before meeting the Zen Master. While the second monk in all trepidation , meekly replied that he only cycled to meet the Zen Master. Immediately , the Master proclaimed the second monk to be the next Zen Master. Why? , because he was only cycling ! He was in the present moment. How many of us have seen Virendra Sehwag despatch the red cherry all over the park . He is in that present moment zone , where the mind is not cluttered. That is true consciousness.
Yet another Buddhist story . There were two Buddhist monks travelling through a dense forest . On their way they came across a naked woman . The older one removed his apparel and clothed the bare woman and carried her across the river and left her on the other side of the bank. The younger monk was greatly troubled by this act of his senior. He kept chiding the senior monk, literally accusing him of for what he perceived as an act of sacrilege . The older one just smiled and remarked that, he carried the lady across the river , while the other monk was still carrying the lady in his mind. Obviously the older monk through his “ Sadhana” achieved a state of being in the present moment.
I would recommend , readers and all the callers to undertake the Happiness Programme of Art Of Living . Read, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar’s , Celebrating Silence and knowledge sheets of Guruji to acquire this wonderful knowledge of being in the present moment.
Practising Pranayama , Sudarshan Kriya, Yoga , undertaking vigorous exercise , pursuing hobbies, contemplating, praying , observing nature and just being a spectator or a witness will help also help a seeker and those with troubled minds to live in the present moment. Once in the present moment , unwanted thoughts dissolve and a person is at peace.
Confucious says” Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.”
Mind and Mind Management
Mind and Mind Management
Mind Management – Some Random Thoughts
What is the difference between PK and PIKU? Two letters, ‘I’ and ‘U’; I is us and U are them (an extra-terrestrial Aamir Khan). Their CPU is cerebral and our CPU is at the level of abdomen. Or say for vast multitudes the focus is at the abdomen. It would be quite captivating watching the main protagonists PK and Bhaskor sharing their thoughts and respective metabolisms in a spaceship.
Food has a tremendous impact on our system, which we do not quite comprehend. Improper diet first takes a toll on the metabolism and then attacks other organs of the body. Simply put, intake of toxic foods generates repugnant thoughts and results in a weak mind and body.
I remember the remarkable lines by from the master piece movie Chakra, ‘Zindagi mein keval do hi chakker hein , ek pet ka aur ek uske neeche ka’. Yes our thoughts are at the baser levels. Of course, there are sages, philosophers and the enlightened ones who transcend this level and reach a superconscious state.
The human mind is an enigma and a reservoir of potential. But the moot question is how do we tap this potential? The mind is a movie theatre where we script and enact innumerable movies and soap operas. Some funny, some mysterious, some idealistic and others tear jerkers. It is hyperactive. It needs a relaxation room, wherein you can dump the garbage, and achieve something useful for yourself and the society.
Technology alone cannot be a substitute for the enormous potential of the mind. It needs to be cultured, harnessed and harmonized with the needs and wants. Talent, energy and thoughts have to be channelized, to become achievers. We need to focus on goals and objectives.
We need to distinguish brain from the mind. The brain is an organ that serves as the centre of the nervous system in all vertebrate and most invertebrate animals. Only a few invertebrates such as sponges, do not have a brain, diffuse or localized nerve nets are present instead.
Mind on the other hand is the faculty of consciousness and thoughts. It is an individual’s intellect or memory or his attention span or will.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar has captured it very succinctly. He says mind is like the sky and thoughts are like clouds. Your thoughts make or mar the progress and development of the mind. In fact he further elaborates by saying that mind is like a kite and breath is like the string which can control the mind.
To be happy in life humans need to calm the obdurate and recalcitrant mind. Further keep reminding ourselves that we are blessed, grateful and have abundance in our lives. Life is full of valleys and peaks. It can never be a rising curve or a straight line indefinitely. There are constant changes in life and we have to accept this reality without any strings. So we need to move in life with equilibrium, equipoise and equanimity.
The human mind vacillates between the past and the future. In the past, the mind is regretful and if it is in the future, it is anxious. In either situation the mind is not at peace nor in the present moment and so remains unhappy.
Why are we stressed out? Are we running after a chimera? Or like Rama and Lakshman are we running after a non-existent golden deer. We are not wakeful enough, neither listening to our gut feeling and or maybe we have a woeful sense of time management.
There is a deep connect between the stomach and mind. That is why it is called the gut feeling or the sixth sense. Our solar plexus keeps sending us signals. It depends as to whether we are conscious and wakeful enough to grasp those signals.
Humans can truly celebrate only if we are able to quiten our minds. There are techniques to do it and develop a relaxation room or space in our minds and harness the energy so that it does not get dissipated .
This energy can be channelized in innumerable ways. There may be some who may practice meditation, breathing techniques or simply observe silence to quieten the mind. Others realise their potential by say playing a game of tennis and sweating it out or pursue other passions. The path is chosen based on our personality type. But the ultimate aim is to be in the present and lead a happy life.
Let our minds not be judgmental and complain and cling on to negativities. Willy-nilly we provide the hook to hang the coat of negativity. Isn’t it?
As Alice Walker said, “Look closely at the present you are constructing; it should look like the future you are dreaming.”
“ Seeing to this , neglecting that , once the mind stops setting one things against the other, it is no longer craves pleasure,”- Sage Ashtavakra
My dear friends, what is the difference between PK and PIKU. Two alphabet. I and U.Assume I is us( protagonist Amitabh Bachchan essaying the role of Bhaskor in PIKU) and U are them (an extra-terrestrial Aamir Khan playing a pivotal role as PK in the eochmaking film which scorched multiplexes). There; CPU is cerebral. And our CPU is at the level of abdomen. Or say for vast multitudes the focus is at the midriff. It would be quite captivating watching the main primemovers PK and Bhaskor sharing their thoughts and respective metabolisms in a spaceship.
We ignore at our peril that food ( which includes liquids too) has a prodigious impact on our system. Humans do not quite comprehend this vital aspect of our existence. Improper diet first takes a toll on the metabolism and then attacks other organs of the body. Simply put intake of toxic foods generates repugnant thoughts and results in a weak mind and body. The chamber of our stomach consists of three parts of which a third is meant for solids , one third for water/liquids and the remaining third for air.
Wellness of body and mind lies in consumption of superfoods. They consist of seasonal fruits and salads which get digested within 30 to 45 minues. A normal vegetarian diet which is not too spicy or sweet is absorbed by the system in about 6 to 7 hours. Non vegetarian fare normally takes around 72 hours to assimilate. And during this period toxins accumulate and this affects the mind and body. Liquids should certainly not included aerated drinks , drinks laced with drugs or alcohol . These psychedelic substances blurs the thought process apart from wreaking havoc on the mind and body.
I remember the remarkable lines by from the master piece movie, “ Chakra” that Zindagi mein keval do hi chakker hein , ek pet ka aur ek uske neeche ka . Yes our thoughts are the baser levels. Ofcourse, there are sages,philosophers and the enlightened ones who transcend this level and attain a super conscious state .
Imagine people suffering from mental disorders? Why does it happen? Pressure! Other reasons could be heavy drinking and smoking, improper diet, lack of exercise and basically a drive to excel at any cost.
Rhonda Byrne, the noted writer of The Secret, Magic and Power among others says” You are the most powerful magnet in the universe. You contain a magnetic power within you that is more powerful than anything in this world, and this unfathomable magnetic force is emitted through your thoughts.”
Human mind is an enigma and a reservoir of potential. But the moot question is as to how do we tap this potential? The mind is a movie theatre where we script and enact innumerable movies and soap operas. Some funny, a few mysterious, others idealistic and sheer tear jerkers .
The mind is constantly on the move. It is hyperactive. It needs a relaxation room, wherein an individual can dump the garbage, declutter it and achieve something useful for the self and the society.
“The state of your life is nothing more than a reflection of your state of mind.” opines Wayne W Dwyer.
The generation today is a product of SMAC, not SMACK. Smac is an acronym for software, mobiles, apps and cloud. Technology alone cannot be a substitute for the enormous potential of mind. It needs to be cultured, harnessed and harmonized with the needs and wants. Talent, energy and thoughts have to be channelized to become achievers. We need to focus on goals and objectives. Technology when misused can make people mental wrecks. A person can become addicted to watching porn, he could become a hacker or even a terrorist.
We need to distinguish brain from the mind. The brain is an organ that serves as the centre of the nervous system in all vertebrate and most invertebrate animals. Only a few invertebrates such as sponges, jellyfish, adult sea squirts and starfish do not have a brain, diffuse or localized nerve nets are present instead. The brain is located in the head, usually close to the primary sensory organs for such senses as vision, hearing, balance, taste and smell. It is the most complex organ in a vertebrate’s body.
Mind on the other hand is the faculty of consciousness and thoughts. It is an individual’s intellect or memory or his attention span or will.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar has captured it very succinctly. He says, “Mind is like the sky and thoughts are like clouds.” Your thoughts make or mar the progress and development of the mind. In fact he further elaborates by saying that, “ Mind is like a kite and breath is like the string which can control the mind.” Through the practice of breathing techniques like Sudarshan Kriya, Pranayama and meditation among other techniques an individual can harness this enormous realm of possibility. Primarily, we need to quiten or silence the mind. We intend to live in harmony with ourselves and our environment. Or do we wish to listen to the endless chatter and cacophony of the mind? I reckon anyone would prefer symphony to cacophony or be silent.
To be happy in life and calm the obdurate and recalcitrant mind, human beings should be aware of certain intrinsic laws of nature. That is Law of Attraction and the Law of Acceptance. Further we need to train our minds to keep reminding ourselves that we are blessed, we are grateful and have abundance in our lives. Life is full of valleys and peaks. It can never be a rising curve or a straight line indefinitely. There are constant changes in life and we have to accept this reality without any strings. We may apparently like some peers and friends today and tomorrow move on with another group. It is inevitable and a natural process. As Buddha says, “The only permanent aspect in life is its impermanent nature.” So we need to move in life with equilibrium, equipoise and equanimity.
Law Of Attraction simply states that if a person is joyful and happy the individual would attract such people and thoughts which are joyful in nature. Such a person is positive in nature and begets positivity. The reverse is also true. If the mind focusses on lack it would only attract lack. Therefore we need to be constantly reminding ourselves that we are blessed, be grateful with whatever we have and feel we have abundance. In such a situation we attract only positive energy or prana from the universe. In fact to such people universe conspires to provide more. The Bible says that if we are grateful for what we have, we will be given more and if we are not grateful and happy, all that was given would be taken away from us.
The human mind vacillates between the past and the future. In the past, the mind is regretful and if it is in future it is anxious. In either case the mind is not at peace or in the present moment and so remains unhappy.
Eckhart Tolle puts it, “Nothing ever happened in the past; it happened in the Now. Nothing will ever happen in the future; it will happen in the Now”.
As we sweep our house, we need to declutter our mind. Sweep our mind from negative thoughts. Virendra Sehwag comes to my mind as a cricketer whose mind was not filled with cobwebs. With absolute panache he could score runs. Yes he could score a triple century and also got out on zero. But apparently it did not affect his mind. Unlike a Marcus Trescothik , who could not survive mentally on foreign tours . He suffered from multiple phobias.
This leads us to various types of personalities. Personality is derived from the latin word “Persona”. The mask used by actors in Roman theatre for changing their makeup. Personality refers to our characteristic ways of responding to individuals and situations. Human mind is temperamental in nature and action. It has several attributes, different dispositions, moods and reacts and responds in a variegated manner. The mind can be our greatest friend or enemy and like a chameleon acquires various colors, characters, characteristics and keeps acquiring various patterns.
Noted Psychologists, Paula Costa and Robert McCrae have developed a five factor model to elaborate various psychological traits of human personality.
a) Open to experience- Those who score high on this factor are imaginative, curious and open to new ideas.
b) Extraversion- People who are socially active, assertive, outgoing and fun loving as compared to those who are shy and introverts.
c) Agreeableness- Essentially cooperative, caring and friendly people. Those opposite to this trait are hostile and self centred.
d) Neuroticism- These are emotionally unstable people, irritable in nature and are hypersensitive. Those opposite to this trait are centred and well adjusted. And finally
e) Conscientiousness- Those who score high on this attribute are dependable, responsible, hardworking and achievement oriented. Those on the opposite scale are impulsive in nature.
So in which quadrant would we place our minds and personalities.
Are we running after a chimera? Or like Rama and Lakshman are we running after a non existent golden deer? Or like the Pandavas, save Yuddhistara we partake water from a poisonous lake. In all situations our mind is fully aware that what we are attempting is incorrect and inchoate, yet we undertake that activity. There are a couple of reasons for this hara-kiri or running after the hubris. We are not wakeful enough, neither are we listening to our gut feeling and or we have a woeful sense of time management.
A) We are not wakeful (not sleepy in a literal sense) as we are not focused or centred. We cannot differentiate and distinguish between choices. Consequently we are gobbled by the snake in the game of snakes and ladders.
B) Our mind and thoughts (a human mind on an average receives 50k thoughts a day) batter us endlessly . Now the company we keep and the food we partake has a significant impact on the human mind and body. Negative company drains a person and toxic food and drink totally enervates and debilitates our system. I was a victim and patient of alcoholism and realise the suffering one goes through it and following the techniques of Sudarshan Kriya and Pranayama overcame the disease. There is a deep connect between the stomach and mind. That is why it is called the gut feeling or the sixth sense. Our solar plexus keeps sending us signals. It depends as to whether we are conscious and wakeful enough to listen to those signals. Yoga is the latest buzzword. With regular practice of Yoga, especially Surya namaskar and pranayama our solar plexus develop to receive and transmit important signals.
C) Tools for effective Time Management-
a) The POSEC METHOD – That is to prioritise by organizing, streamlining, economizing and then effectively contributing.
b) Do a SWOT analysis and become winners.
c) Learn to work in groups and Art of delegation.
d) Attempt all hard tasks first
e) Build in flexibility in your schedules or else one would suffer from psychosomatic disorders.
f) Develop hobbies, read creative books and self help books.
g) Every morning and night while being grateful make an inventory of do’s and dont’s and must Do lists.
h) Learn to say NO. Also learn to say YES. An oxymoron kind of a situation. However a Yes mind makes an individual take up responsibility. And taking up responsibility only can empower a person. Imagine a situation where you could have shouldered responsibility but evaded or shied away or a situation where you took up responsibility. Which box would you like to be in?
i) Live life king size and learn to celebrate.
We can celebrate only if we are able to quiten our minds. These are some ways to quiten our mind and develop a relaxation room or space in our minds. For that we can the following:
Go for long walks, talk out our problems, hug a person ( perhaps someone whom you do not like), write down all our botherations, be in sync with our breath and movement, pursue a passion, be a daredevil, get out of our comfort zone, exercise vigorously( positive endorphins get released which have a soothing affect on the mind and body), have cold water baths to conquer passion and carnal instincts( they can be a distraction especially during examination times).
Despite practicing all techniques, we may not be able to find our place in the sun. So what does one do?
Just surrender to the immense power within ourselves and learn to accept.
Realise that “Aham Brahmasmi-“ I am the infinite reality.”as written in Brihadaranyaka Upanishad . Our mind has that immense power. It needs to harnessed and realized. We just need to declutter our minds.
“Your mind is aninstrument . It is there to be used for a specific task, and when the task is completed, you lay it down. As it is , I would say about 80% to 90% of most people’s thinking is not only repetitive and useless , but because of its dysfunctional and often negative nature , much of it is harmful . Observe your mind and you find this is to be true. It causes a serious leakage of vital energy.” writes Echart Tolle.
Today he is a great philosopher. At the age of 29 he was about to commit suicide.
There are several ways to channelize this energy. There may be some who may practice meditation, breathing techniques and observe silence to quiten minds. There may be others who remain focused by playing a game of tennis and sweating it out or pursue other passions. You have to choose the path that suits your personality. But the ultimate aim is to be in the present and lead a happy life.
Feel blessed, feel grateful and feel abundance. Let your mind not be judgemental and complain and cling on to negativities. Willy nilly we provide the hook to hang the coat of negativity. Isn’t it?
As Alice Walker said, “Look closely at the present you are constructing; it should look like the future you are dreaming.”
In the pages that follow is a collection of articles on various facets of human life which is intrinsically connected with the mind.
“ Seeing to this , neglecting that , once the mind stops setting one things against the other, it is no longer craves pleasure,”- Sage Ashtavakra
My dear friends, what is the difference between PK and PIKU. Two alphabet. I and U.Assume I is us( protagonist Amitabh Bachchan essaying the role of Bhaskor in PIKU) and U are them (an extra-terrestrial Aamir Khan playing a pivotal role as PK in the eochmaking film which scorched multiplexes). There; CPU is cerebral. And our CPU is at the level of abdomen. Or say for vast multitudes the focus is at the midriff. It would be quite captivating watching the main primemovers PK and Bhaskor sharing their thoughts and respective metabolisms in a spaceship.
We ignore at our peril that food ( which includes liquids too) has a prodigious impact on our system. Humans do not quite comprehend this vital aspect of our existence. Improper diet first takes a toll on the metabolism and then attacks other organs of the body. Simply put intake of toxic foods generates repugnant thoughts and results in a weak mind and body. The chamber of our stomach consists of three parts of which a third is meant for solids , one third for water/liquids and the remaining third for air.
Wellness of body and mind lies in consumption of superfoods. They consist of seasonal fruits and salads which get digested within 30 to 45 minues. A normal vegetarian diet which is not too spicy or sweet is absorbed by the system in about 6 to 7 hours. Non vegetarian fare normally takes around 72 hours to assimilate. And during this period toxins accumulate and this affects the mind and body. Liquids should certainly not included aerated drinks , drinks laced with drugs or alcohol . These psychedelic substances blurs the thought process apart from wreaking havoc on the mind and body.
I remember the remarkable lines by from the master piece movie, “ Chakra” that Zindagi mein keval do hi chakker hein , ek pet ka aur ek uske neeche ka . Yes our thoughts are the baser levels. Ofcourse, there are sages,philosophers and the enlightened ones who transcend this level and attain a super conscious state .
Imagine people suffering from mental disorders? Why does it happen? Pressure! Other reasons could be heavy drinking and smoking, improper diet, lack of exercise and basically a drive to excel at any cost.
Rhonda Byrne, the noted writer of The Secret, Magic and Power among others says” You are the most powerful magnet in the universe. You contain a magnetic power within you that is more powerful than anything in this world, and this unfathomable magnetic force is emitted through your thoughts.”
Human mind is an enigma and a reservoir of potential. But the moot question is as to how do we tap this potential? The mind is a movie theatre where we script and enact innumerable movies and soap operas. Some funny, a few mysterious, others idealistic and sheer tear jerkers .
The mind is constantly on the move. It is hyperactive. It needs a relaxation room, wherein an individual can dump the garbage, declutter it and achieve something useful for the self and the society.
“The state of your life is nothing more than a reflection of your state of mind.” opines Wayne W Dwyer.
The generation today is a product of SMAC, not SMACK. Smac is an acronym for software, mobiles, apps and cloud. Technology alone cannot be a substitute for the enormous potential of mind. It needs to be cultured, harnessed and harmonized with the needs and wants. Talent, energy and thoughts have to be channelized to become achievers. We need to focus on goals and objectives. Technology when misused can make people mental wrecks. A person can become addicted to watching porn, he could become a hacker or even a terrorist.
We need to distinguish brain from the mind. The brain is an organ that serves as the centre of the nervous system in all vertebrate and most invertebrate animals. Only a few invertebrates such as sponges, jellyfish, adult sea squirts and starfish do not have a brain, diffuse or localized nerve nets are present instead. The brain is located in the head, usually close to the primary sensory organs for such senses as vision, hearing, balance, taste and smell. It is the most complex organ in a vertebrate’s body.
Mind on the other hand is the faculty of consciousness and thoughts. It is an individual’s intellect or memory or his attention span or will.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar has captured it very succinctly. He says, “Mind is like the sky and thoughts are like clouds.” Your thoughts make or mar the progress and development of the mind. In fact he further elaborates by saying that, “ Mind is like a kite and breath is like the string which can control the mind.” Through the practice of breathing techniques like Sudarshan Kriya, Pranayama and meditation among other techniques an individual can harness this enormous realm of possibility. Primarily, we need to quiten or silence the mind. We intend to live in harmony with ourselves and our environment. Or do we wish to listen to the endless chatter and cacophony of the mind? I reckon anyone would prefer symphony to cacophony or be silent.
To be happy in life and calm the obdurate and recalcitrant mind, human beings should be aware of certain intrinsic laws of nature. That is Law of Attraction and the Law of Acceptance. Further we need to train our minds to keep reminding ourselves that we are blessed, we are grateful and have abundance in our lives. Life is full of valleys and peaks. It can never be a rising curve or a straight line indefinitely. There are constant changes in life and we have to accept this reality without any strings. We may apparently like some peers and friends today and tomorrow move on with another group. It is inevitable and a natural process. As Buddha says, “The only permanent aspect in life is its impermanent nature.” So we need to move in life with equilibrium, equipoise and equanimity.
Law Of Attraction simply states that if a person is joyful and happy the individual would attract such people and thoughts which are joyful in nature. Such a person is positive in nature and begets positivity. The reverse is also true. If the mind focusses on lack it would only attract lack. Therefore we need to be constantly reminding ourselves that we are blessed, be grateful with whatever we have and feel we have abundance. In such a situation we attract only positive energy or prana from the universe. In fact to such people universe conspires to provide more. The Bible says that if we are grateful for what we have, we will be given more and if we are not grateful and happy, all that was given would be taken away from us.
The human mind vacillates between the past and the future. In the past, the mind is regretful and if it is in future it is anxious. In either case the mind is not at peace or in the present moment and so remains unhappy.
Eckhart Tolle puts it, “Nothing ever happened in the past; it happened in the Now. Nothing will ever happen in the future; it will happen in the Now”.
As we sweep our house, we need to declutter our mind. Sweep our mind from negative thoughts. Virendra Sehwag comes to my mind as a cricketer whose mind was not filled with cobwebs. With absolute panache he could score runs. Yes he could score a triple century and also got out on zero. But apparently it did not affect his mind. Unlike a Marcus Trescothik , who could not survive mentally on foreign tours . He suffered from multiple phobias.
This leads us to various types of personalities. Personality is derived from the latin word “Persona”. The mask used by actors in Roman theatre for changing their makeup. Personality refers to our characteristic ways of responding to individuals and situations. Human mind is temperamental in nature and action. It has several attributes, different dispositions, moods and reacts and responds in a variegated manner. The mind can be our greatest friend or enemy and like a chameleon acquires various colors, characters, characteristics and keeps acquiring various patterns.
Noted Psychologists, Paula Costa and Robert McCrae have developed a five factor model to elaborate various psychological traits of human personality.
a) Open to experience- Those who score high on this factor are imaginative, curious and open to new ideas.
b) Extraversion- People who are socially active, assertive, outgoing and fun loving as compared to those who are shy and introverts.
c) Agreeableness- Essentially cooperative, caring and friendly people. Those opposite to this trait are hostile and self centred.
d) Neuroticism- These are emotionally unstable people, irritable in nature and are hypersensitive. Those opposite to this trait are centred and well adjusted. And finally
e) Conscientiousness- Those who score high on this attribute are dependable, responsible, hardworking and achievement oriented. Those on the opposite scale are impulsive in nature.
So in which quadrant would we place our minds and personalities.
Are we running after a chimera? Or like Rama and Lakshman are we running after a non existent golden deer? Or like the Pandavas, save Yuddhistara we partake water from a poisonous lake. In all situations our mind is fully aware that what we are attempting is incorrect and inchoate, yet we undertake that activity. There are a couple of reasons for this hara-kiri or running after the hubris. We are not wakeful enough, neither are we listening to our gut feeling and or we have a woeful sense of time management.
A) We are not wakeful (not sleepy in a literal sense) as we are not focused or centred. We cannot differentiate and distinguish between choices. Consequently we are gobbled by the snake in the game of snakes and ladders.
B) Our mind and thoughts (a human mind on an average receives 50k thoughts a day) batter us endlessly . Now the company we keep and the food we partake has a significant impact on the human mind and body. Negative company drains a person and toxic food and drink totally enervates and debilitates our system. I was a victim and patient of alcoholism and realise the suffering one goes through it and following the techniques of Sudarshan Kriya and Pranayama overcame the disease. There is a deep connect between the stomach and mind. That is why it is called the gut feeling or the sixth sense. Our solar plexus keeps sending us signals. It depends as to whether we are conscious and wakeful enough to listen to those signals. Yoga is the latest buzzword. With regular practice of Yoga, especially Surya namaskar and pranayama our solar plexus develop to receive and transmit important signals.
C) Tools for effective Time Management-
a) The POSEC METHOD – That is to prioritise by organizing, streamlining, economizing and then effectively contributing.
b) Do a SWOT analysis and become winners.
c) Learn to work in groups and Art of delegation.
d) Attempt all hard tasks first
e) Build in flexibility in your schedules or else one would suffer from psychosomatic disorders.
f) Develop hobbies, read creative books and self help books.
g) Every morning and night while being grateful make an inventory of do’s and dont’s and must Do lists.
h) Learn to say NO. Also learn to say YES. An oxymoron kind of a situation. However a Yes mind makes an individual take up responsibility. And taking up responsibility only can empower a person. Imagine a situation where you could have shouldered responsibility but evaded or shied away or a situation where you took up responsibility. Which box would you like to be in?
i) Live life king size and learn to celebrate.
We can celebrate only if we are able to quiten our minds. These are some ways to quiten our mind and develop a relaxation room or space in our minds. For that we can the following:
Go for long walks, talk out our problems, hug a person ( perhaps someone whom you do not like), write down all our botherations, be in sync with our breath and movement, pursue a passion, be a daredevil, get out of our comfort zone, exercise vigorously( positive endorphins get released which have a soothing affect on the mind and body), have cold water baths to conquer passion and carnal instincts( they can be a distraction especially during examination times).
Despite practicing all techniques, we may not be able to find our place in the sun. So what does one do?
Just surrender to the immense power within ourselves and learn to accept.
Realise that “Aham Brahmasmi-“ I am the infinite reality.”as written in Brihadaranyaka Upanishad . Our mind has that immense power. It needs to harnessed and realized. We just need to declutter our minds.
“Your mind is aninstrument . It is there to be used for a specific task, and when the task is completed, you lay it down. As it is , I would say about 80% to 90% of most people’s thinking is not only repetitive and useless , but because of its dysfunctional and often negative nature , much of it is harmful . Observe your mind and you find this is to be true. It causes a serious leakage of vital energy.” writes Echart Tolle.
Today he is a great philosopher. At the age of 29 he was about to commit suicide.
There are several ways to channelize this energy. There may be some who may practice meditation, breathing techniques and observe silence to quiten minds. There may be others who remain focused by playing a game of tennis and sweating it out or pursue other passions. You have to choose the path that suits your personality. But the ultimate aim is to be in the present and lead a happy life.
Feel blessed, feel grateful and feel abundance. Let your mind not be judgemental and complain and cling on to negativities. Willy nilly we provide the hook to hang the coat of negativity. Isn’t it?
As Alice Walker said, “Look closely at the present you are constructing; it should look like the future you are dreaming.”
In the pages that follow is a collection of articles on various facets of human life which is intrinsically connected with the mind.
The Amazing Power of the Human Mind
The Amazing Power of the Human Mind
Realisation and awareness are two iconic qualities that shine the light on the amazing power of the human mind.
Aeons ago lived, lived an ambitious king named Suddhodhana, chieftain of Sakyan republics. He was captivated with the thought of perpetuating the dynasty. However, his battle fatigued son Siddhartha, was not ensnared by the Mara of trappings and adornment of power, carnal pleasures and family life. Siddhartha eschewed violence, cast away royal clothing and adorned ochre robes in the search of quintessential truth. And over a period of seven years of intense and gut-wrenching tapas which transfigured his mind, he metamorphosed from Siddhartha to Gautama and then into the Buddha. It was at Sarnath that he delivered his first sermon on the Four Noble Truths, which was soon followed by the Eight-Fold Path for citizens to pursue.
Upon attaining enlightenment, the Compassionate One dissected the bewildering characteristics of the human mind. He was soon to quantify, and in an unostentatious and plain sailing manner decree that. “We are what we think and our thoughts shape our lives.” A person may be a stock individual or a personality clouded and crowded with quotidian thoughts and practices, a seeker or a savant; all are governed by this cardinal principle of how the mind operates.
In case the mind is bestowed with efficacious thoughts, humans are endowed with the enriching aura of positivity. This eclipses Sisyphean and nugatory thoughts and the persona is encompassed with the stamp of shimmering jollity which is alluring and attractive. However, if the human mind is cannonaded by antipathetic thoughts, there is depletion in the prana level.
The mind is then not resplendent or robust nor suffused with ennobling thoughts. On the contrary the human mind is brim-full of gloom-ridden patterns which are distressing and obstructive. Individuals become mere retainers of negativity. Over a period of time, the mind that does not get propelled or fuelled to become empowered will not be able to unyoke itself from its negativity, rendering it unable to take up adultness and responsibility.
Ironically, the moment an individual realises the magnetic potential and prowess of the human mind the Universe suddenly becomes magical in its desire to support all efforts. The mind remains an enigma. Our resoluteness and positivity are the lodestars to harness its embryonic ability. This is the key to scale the summit of triumph and glory. Once there was a Good Samaritan, Sudhakar (name changed). He happened to read the maiden effort of a civil servant called ‘Enormous Vistas of Human Mind’ and a few other articles that he had written. This gentleman, with some trepidation became a ‘Facebook friend’ of the mandarin and began persuading him to be interviewed by a few T.V. channels.
However, the thought process of the public functionary- who was a recovered alcoholic- kept misdoubting and disbelieving the sincerity of the Facebook friend. In disgust, he ‘blocked’ and then ‘unblocked’ the gentleman, perhaps more to quell the pangs of his own conscience. Finally, in a dawdling manner and in sheer vexation he gave in to the entreaties of the ‘Facebook friend’.
Soon an amazing pattern emerged and the government administrator was invited by several media houses and estimable institutions to deliver lectures as to how he combated and conquered the battle against the bottle. Only much later did he realise that Sudhakar had lost some close relatives to the perils of alcoholism, and that he found succour in espousing the cause of conquest over the disease.
The autarchic mind of the bureaucrat was ossified and looking life through the prism of tunnel vision. One day, after a series of interviews, the functionary received a distress call from a lady, who had happened to listen to one of his interviews and was also reading the book penned by the bureaucrat, which captured his triumph over alcoholism.
On receiving the call, he could empathise with the woman’s husband who was fighting a grim battle against alcoholism. He silently thanked his benefactor Sudhakar, who had provided the much-needed platform to address the grievous misadventure of millions of unfortunate souls. There was a sudden transmutation in the mind of the public servant. As tears of gratitude flowed from his eyes, he embarked upon the odyssey to combat this life-threatening disease in all sincerity.
Realisation and awareness are two iconic qualities that shine the light on the amazing power of the human mind. Several centuries ago, Gautama Buddha was travelling with a group of disciples. The compassionate one felt thirsty and desired some water to quench his thirst. He asked a disciple to fetch some water from a nearby lake. The enthusiastic disciple rushed to the lake but was horrified to find the water turgid as a farmer had just crossed the lake on his bullock cart.
He returned back remorsefully as he could not fulfil the wish of the holy Master. Buddha was to send the disciple a couple of times to fetch water to quench his thirst. But to the dismay of the tutee on each occasion the water remained dirty and turgid. While the devotees were fidgety and distraught, Buddha remained patient. Eventually, the devotee animatedly brought fresh water from the lake and offered it to the compassionate one.
Buddha smiled and drank the water. He was to say, “You did nothing. The mud settled down and the water was purged of the impurities. Let your mind also settle all the dust accumulated over a period of time.” Make no effort, let the mind settle. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar succinctly says, “Effort is a state of the body and effortlessness is a state of the mind.” This can be achieved through regular and unflinching sadhana of yoga, pranayama, meditation and the unique rhythmic breathing technique of Sudarshan Kriya. Thus, effortlessness is the trailblazing quality of mind. This is the state of total surrender, where the grace of Guru flows and miracles unfold.
Good Morning!!!
God grant me the Serenity
to accept the things
I cannot change;
Courage to change
the things I can;
and Wisdom
to know the difference.
Thy will, not mine, be done.
*~*~*~*~*^Daily Reflections^*~*~*~*~*
October 23, 2024
“Shoemaker, stick to thy last!” . . .
better do one thing supremely well
than many badly.
That is the central theme of this Tradition [Five].
Around it our Society gathers in unity.
The very life of our Fellowship
requires the preservation of this principle.
The survival of A.A. depends upon unity.
What would happen if a group decided
to become an employment agency,
a treatment center or a social service agency?
Too much specialization leads to no specialization,
to frittering of efforts and, finally, to decline.
I have the qualifications to share my sufferings
and my way of recovery with the newcomer.
Conformity to AA’s primary purpose
ensures the safety of the wonderful gift of sobriety,
so, my responsibility is enormous.
The life of millions of alcoholics
is closely tied to my competence in
“carrying the message to the still-suffering alcoholic.”
Good Morning!!!
Around the Year with Emmet Fox
October 23
Behind every problem or difficulty lies the Truth of Being.
This means that in spite of the appearance,
you must believe that divine Mind
is already healing the situation.
Jesus said that when you pray,
believe that you have received.
Often, we are so close to a problem that,
spiritually speaking,
we accept the cloudy day
as a permanent state of climate,
forget...ting that
the sunshine of divine Love and Power
has never ceased to shine,
although obscured for the moment.
In prayer we remind ourselves again that,
no matter how bleak or overcast the picture may be,
we believe that in divine Mind there is nothing but good
and therefore, only good can express itself
in these circumstances.
The important thing is to raise your consciousness
above the level where the difficulty seems to be,
and put God there instead.
“Then shall the righteous shine forth
as the sun
in the kingdom of their Father”
Matthew 13:43
Art of War to Art of Living
Cleanliness and Spirituality
Why Ambani & Adani are the richest...
Why Ambani & Adani are the richest...
Why not Tata....??
As shared by an Army Officer
"It’s always not about Business”.
I was on Temporary duty to attend Republic Day parade in Delhi.
I had to stay for two nights in Delhi.
So, I stayed in hotel TAJ
I had specifically chosen the hotel because of its location.
In the evening, I called the reception and requested them to get my dress ironed.
After a while, the room service boy came to pick my dress. I handed over him my uniform for ironing. He was shocked to see my uniform and politely asked Sir, you are in Army. I replied yes, he immediately took out his mobile, and took selfie with me and said Sir, I am seeing an Army officer for the first time. I have seen them in movies only. He instantly stamped his feet and saluted. He said Jai Hind Sir and left.
After awhile, somebody knocked the door. I opened the door and to my amaze two beautiful girls were standing with their cell phones in hand. One of them said Sir, we request for one selfie. I didn’t know how to react. I smiled like a fool. I gave them chocolates from the mini bar, as if they were kids. But you know, what nervousness can do to you. It stops the logical flow of thoughts.
At around 2100 Hrs, I Got a call from the reception, asking me if, I can come down for the dinner as it can’t be served in room, in an extremely polite manner. I went down to have dinner, then I noticed the real beauty of that place, amazingly awesome interior. Landing from the jungles of Kashmir, the ambience was too shinny for me. The moment I entered the main arena, to my surprise the entire staff was standing there.
The staff approached me with manager leading the contingent. The manager said - Welcome to our hotel Sir, It’s our pleasure to have you in our hotel, handing me the beautiful bouquet. The manager himself had dinner with me.
Next Day.
To my surprise, I was provided with a BMW car by the hotel for my move to “Rashtrapati Bhawan”. Frankly speaking, we are not used to such type of VIP treatment. We fauzis are more comfortable in our Gypsy.
Day of Check Out.
I went to the reception, handed over the card.
Receptionist: Thank you for your stay Sir. How was your stay?
Me: Stay was very comfortable. My Bill please.
Receptionist: Your stay has been sponsored by our hotel. You protect our Nation. So this is our small token of gratitude for you. We respect your patronage.
*It was not about the saving money which made me feel good, but it was about the respect they have shown towards the “Olive Green”*
I was deeply touched by this gratitude, What a great nation we live in.
After that incident, I wrote to the CEO of TAJ group of hotels. Narrating the incident and appreciating the gesture shown by the Manager of TAJ Delhi.
To my surprise, I got a return mail from the CEO stating that TAJ group of hotels have decided to give discount to Army officers for their stay in TAJ hotels across the country.
Wow, what a way to pay the tribute and respect to the soldiers.
*TATA has the best work ethics environment.*
That's why they are not the richest unlike other corporates.....
So in moral if you have money without ethics you are no good to the society....
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