Monday, 2 September 2024

What is the dark side of the Lord Rama according to the Ramayan?

What is the dark side of the Lord Rama according to the Ramayan? What is the dark side of Lord Rama according to the Ramayana? That’s the original question. I am assuming that that the OP has asked this question purely out of intellectual curiosity and hence I am answering it. Well, the only dark side of Lord Rama (not just in the Ramayana but also otherwise) is the complexion of his skin! Lord Rama has no other dark side except for the color of his skin! He is the ultimate embodiment of goodness. See this answer of mine to know about some of the qualities of Lord Rama: Niranjan Mudholkar's answer to Can you list all the qualities of Lord Rama? Should all men try to be like him for he is called the 'ideal man'? Is there any flaw in him? If yes, what? Image courtesy: Detechter In fact, I find it quite ironical that the two of our greatest Gods (described as avtar varishthya by Adi Shankaracharya), both Lord Rama & Lord Krishna are dark skinned. Ironical, because ours has become a culture that is obsessed with the fairness of skin! Here is Sage Valmiki’s description of Lord Rama in Ramayana - Sundara Kanda Sarga 35 Sloka 16. (There are other instances as well but I am providing just one for reference). Original Sanskrit shloka in roman script:“dundubhi svana nirghoShaH snigdha varNaH prataapavaan | samaH sama vibhakta ango varNam shyaamam samaashritaH” || 5-35-16 Translation English: “He has a voice like the sound of a kettle-drum. He has a shining skin. He is full of splendour. He is square-built. His limbs are built symmetrically. He is endowed with a dark complexion.” Sage Valmiki is clearly calling him as the one with Shyam Varnam (Dark Complexion). Source:

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