Monday 9 September 2024


FEAR Around the Year with Emmet Fox September 9 The Bible says that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, the beginning of knowledge. This has misled many people, because the truth is that fear is entirely evil and is indeed the only enemy we have. You can heal any condition if you can get rid of the fear attaching to it; or sickness is nothing but subconscious fear out-pictured in our surroundings. It is true at all times that "we have nothing to fear but fear." How then do we account for the texts quoted? The answer is that in the Bible the fear of God means reverence for God, fear in the usual sense of the word. Reverence for God is the beginning of wisdom. How do we show reverence for God? seeing God everywhere; refusing to recognize anything unlike Him; and by living the Christ life. Confidence is worship. You worship whatever you trust. Are you trusting more in fear or in God? Are you worshiping? That is the test. “Acquaint now thyself with him, and be at peace” Job 22:21

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