Monday, 2 September 2024

Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Sukha (pleasure), dukha (sorrow), logic, and feverishness — these four reins pull you backward. You dream of pleasure; this is so amazing! Even after experiencing different pleasures, you think there is pleasure somewhere else. You are pulled by the rein of pleasure. Every pleasure has been so momentary, leaving your hands empty, depleted, and drained. Yet, one hopes for more pleasure, some unknown, unseen pleasure. Sukha is pleasure, and dukha, the fear of sorrow. What is the sorrow that you are afraid of? What is going to happen to you? You have gone through many problems. As a child, you cried so many times when a toy broke. But what happened? You passed through that. You have passed through many stumbling blocks in life that you thought were impossible. Yet, you remained untouched by any of them. Nothing could ever shake you. It appeared to have shaken you at that moment, but later on, you found that you are as complete as you were before. And then there is desire for more, wanting more and more. We burn with desire; and this burning in desire does not allow you to relax into the peace of your being. Unless you let go of desires, you can never find peace, you can never rest in divine love. Love is the process of dissolving, of giving, of offering, of serving. When you are able to let go, you blossom. Wait for the blossoming. Wait for the time; don’t be in a hurry. Every bud takes its own time to bloom; don’t force a bud to become a flower.

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