Friday, 10 May 2024

Who is Lakshmi as per Sri Vaishnavism? What is her position?


Who is Lakshmi as per Sri Vaishnavism? What is her position?

The supreme devi of Vaishnava Sampradaya who is the Purna roopa of Shakti is Shri Vishnu Priya Mahalakshmi devi. Vaishnavism gives equal respect to Mata Bhagwati Shri Lakshmi as much as Shri Narayana. We never consider her different from Narayana. The entire Shri Suktam is dedicated solely for our dear Bhagwati Shri devi. She is the divine consort of Vasudeva and she is the supreme mother of the three worlds. She is the origin of all devis, Parvati, Saraswati etc. We are all her children. She is Jagatmata, Mahamaya, Jagadishwari.

Vishnu Purana Part 1 Chapter 8:

नित्यैवैषा जगन्माता विष्णोः श्रीरनपायिनी। यथा सर्वगतो विष्णुस्तथैवेयं द्विजोत्तम ॥17

She(Laxmi), the Mother of the Universe, is the eternal companion of Vishnu. Just as He is omnipresent, so is She.

स्रष्टा विष्णुरियं सृष्टिः श्रीर्भूमिर्भूधरो हरिः। सन्तोषो भगवाँल्लक्ष्मीस्तुष्टिर्मैत्रेय शाश्वती ॥19

He is creator, She is creation; He is the supporter, She is the Earth; He is happiness, She is satisfaction.

Garuda Purana Moksha Khanda

The people in general regard him [Lord Vasudeva] as twofold: of the form of male and of the form of female. The two should not be considered to be separate entities, O lord of birds. If the lord were separate from the female form, o lord of birds, how could the woman be his reflection? Hence the female is inseparable from the male form. The two forms constitute the very nature of the lord. This should not be taken otherwise. The neutral form is alien to his nature. It is the effect and not his real nature. It is not present in Hari, O lord of birds. Know that in the form of Hari there is reflected the form of Lakshmi.

Padma Purana

14-21. O you of an auspicious face, as Viṣṇu is omnipresent so is Lakṣmī. This ever auspicious wife of Viṣṇu rules over the world. She has hands and feet on all sides. She has eyes and heads on all sides. This Nārāyaṇī, the mother of the world, is the resort of the entire world. The entire immobile and mobile world has resorted to (i.e. depends upon) her glance. The existence and the dissolution of the world is due to her opening and closing (her) eyes. This great Lakṣmī is the first of all. She has three constituents. She is the greatest goddess. She of a visible and invisible form, remains after having pervaded everything. The great goddess having seen the entire universe void, filled that entire (universe) with her own lustre. That Lakṣmī is the Earth only, well-known as goddess Nila. Being the support of the world, she has resorted to the form of the earth. She herself would be of the form of Nīlā due to her liquid form of the nature of water etc. She has obtained the form of Lakṣmī. She is of the nature of wealth and speech. Thus, she, the goddess of the world, has resorted to Viṣṇu. O you of an auspicious face, all the varieties of knowledge would be (i.e. are) her forms.

Padma Purana

29-37. I here invoke Ṣrī who has golden complexion, who is attractive, who has a golden and silver chaplet, who is moon-like, full of gold, Lakṣmī, who does not go away from Viṣṇu, who is perceptible through her fragrance, who is haughty, always nourished, who is the goddess of wealth, who controls all beings. The great goddess thus praised in Rig veda gave all the pleasure of affluence to gods like Śiva. This ancient wife of Viṣṇu controls this world. The entire mobile and immobile world resorts to (i.e. depends upon) her glances. He, the indestructible, immutable Supreme Being, on whose chest the goddess like Agni's lustre, rests, is actually the lord of all. He is the affluent Nārāyaṇa, the ocean of the quality of love. He is the lord, is good-tempered, amiable, omniscient and all-powerful. His desires are always fully gratified; he is a natural friend and companion. He is the ocean of the nectar of compassion. He is the shelter of men. He is the giver of heaven, salvation and happiness to his devotees. He is the mine of pity. I shall fully do service to that Viṣṇu. In all conditions like time and place the form of the lord of Kamalā is well-established. A man would easily obtain service to Viṣṇu.

Brahma Purana

"Likewise Lakshmi is His Supreme Power and She is endowed with the quality of Mercy. She is called the Supreme Prakriti and possesses the six qualities, knowledge and others". Lakshmi is the supreme, unique and eternal Sakti of Bhagavan; She is His second and transforms Herself into diverse forms, high and low.

Kurma Purana

She is revered by the Gandharvas, Siddhas and Cāraṇas. The goddess should be contemplated upon as the source of origin of the universes and refulgent with the rays of her own divine power.

Skanda Purana

Brahmā said:

“O Ocean This your daughter Lakshmi is the mother of mine as well as that of Śiva It is definite that she is the mother of all Devas and the worlds. She has no other husband than Nārāyaṇa, Vāsudeva, the Supreme Brahman, the Lord of all, the Purushottama.

Vishnu Purana

You(Śrī) are the mother of all the worlds. Hari who is the Lord of all the gods, is the father.

Shri Suktam

Shriiman[t]-Manda-Kattaakssa-Labdha Vibhava Brahme(a-I)ndra-Ganggaadharaam |
Tvaam Trai-Lokya Kuttumbiniim Sarasijaam Vande Mukunda-Priyaam ||28||

28.1: (Harih Om, Salutations to Mother Lakshmi) By Obtaining 
Whose Grace through Her Beautiful Soft Glance, Lord Brahma, Indra and Gangadhara (Shiva) become Great,
28.2: O Mother, You blossom in the Three Worlds like a Lotus as the Mother of the Vast Family; You are Praised by All and 
You are the Beloved of Mukunda.

Skand Puran Purushottam Kshtera

Formerly for the sake of a wife I was meditated upon by Rudra by (undertaking) a severe penance. Gaurī who is going to he his wife has been created by me. She is the abode of all beauty and she came out from my body. She is the abode of all beauty and she came out from my body. At the titne she was commanded by me:

Shri Suktam verse 23

23.1: (Harih Om, Salutations to Mother Lakshmi) O Mother, Please Shower Your Light of Grace like Lightning in a Sky filled with Thunder-Cloud ...
23.2 And Ascend All the Seeds of Differentiation to a higher spiritual plane;
 O Mother, You are of the nature of Brahman and Destroyer of all Hatred.

Padma Purana

13b-18. That goddess who among them is bright like heated gold, who brightens up all directions and makes them bright as (with) lightning, is the Pradhana (i.e. Prakṛti), who has pervaded all this. She is of the nature of creation, maintenance and destruction. She is beyond knowledge, ignorance and the triad (of Vedas). She is of (his) natural form, is of the nature of power, of the nature of illusion (Maya) and is full of intelligence. She brings about the cause of the bodies of Brahmā, Viṣṇu and Siva. The entire mobile and immobile world is grasped by illusion. Due to her similarity with Viṣṇu, Radha is called Vṛndāvaneśvarī.

Dwarka Mahatmya Skanda Purana

The sea said, “All that the sage of gods has told you, are true, the Goddess. The Vedas have always described you as the companion of Vishnu. The ultimate masculinity which is devoid of any particular form or appearance, assumed a body onto itself in the form of your Lord and with your support created and established the universe on its sweet willAnd its assuming body is only possible beside you and it cannot be any other way than this. Hence regret or repentance does not behove you. The permanence of your company is there forever and is like the curl of hair on the chest of Śrīvatsa.

Chapter 3, Dvārakā-māhātmya, Skanda Purāṇa

If you are wisdom, I am the supreme consciousness. I am the God, if you are illusion. As you are the wisdom, I am the living being. So how can there be separation between both of us. Enchanted by you, both Brahmā and Śiva wander. So why do you get restless. Are not you aware of your own position? Bound by you, the sages perform their activities. So how can the same sage curse you who is the receptacle of all excellences.

Chapter 3, Dvārakā-māhātmya, Skanda Purāṇa

You are the image of inaccessible knowledge. So how can we fully comprehend you? Thus the supreme Goddess, be graceful and allow both of us (i.e. the sea and Nārada) to leave. All our homage to you, the mother of universe.

Chapter 22, Dvārakā-māhātmya, Skanda Purāṇa

He who has taken a look of Rukmiṇī—mother Goddess of the world and the dearest of Kṛṣṇa can be considered to have made all donations, havans and the repeated utterances of name any God within forever on his part. That individual can be considered to have acquired those eight aspects of perfection/accomplishment without any difficulty who has happened to have had a sight of the favourite of Kṛṣṇa—by visiting Dvārāvat. His life can be assumed to have become successful as well as all wishes of his mind to have actuated in reality who has happened to have taken a look of the darling of Mādhava (i.e. Rukmiṇī) after visiting the abode of Kṛṣṇa in Kaliyuga (i.e. Dvārkā). What value, winning a kingdom or for that matter attainment of liberation can have for him who is yet to have a look of Rukmiṇī—ṃe mother Goddess of the world and the dearest of Kṛṣṇa? Hence with all efforts men must worship and take a look of Rukmiṇī—the beloved of Kṛṣṇa as the same grants fulfillment of all desires

Sita Upanishad Atharva Veda

2. Being the first cause Sita is known as
Prakriti; of Pranava, too, She is cause
And so is named Prakriti.

3. Maya in very essence,
Is Sita, of three letters formed.
Called Vishnu, the world-seed,
And Maya, too, is the letter i.

Quoting the translation of few Vaishnavacharyas

Sri Yamunacharya in Chatusloki Verse 2

yasyAstE mahimAnam Atmana iva tvadvallabhOapi prabhu:

nAlam mAtumiyattayA niravadhim nityAnukUlam svata: |

tAm tvAm dAsa iti prapanna iti ca stOshyAmyaham nirbhaya:

lOkaikeSvari lOkanAtha dayitE dAntE dayAm tE vidan ||


Oh undisputed Empress of the Universe! Oh dearest consort of the Lord, who s the Supreme ! Oh most merciful mother! Your greatness is limitless, natural/intrinsic and supportive in all matters relating to the activities of Your Lord. Even that Lord of Yours is unable to comprehend fully Your auspicious attributes just as He Himself is not able to measure His own immeasurable/infinite auspicious attributes.

Shri Stuti verse 23 by Acharya Vedanta Desika.

MAtA Devi! Tvamasi BhagavAn VAsudeva: PitAmE

JAta SsOham Janani YuvayOrEkalakshyam DayAyA: II

DattO YuShmatparijanatayA DesikaIrapyatastvam

Kim TE Bhuya: Priyamatikila SmEravaktrA ViBhAsi II


Oh Lakshmi (Devi)! You are my mother. Bhagavan VAsudeva alone is my father. I am but one among the numerous who have secured your grace and been blessed with your mercy. My Acharyas have given me to you in the form of an eternal servant. You are smiling at me now simply because you are thinking "what more is left that is befitting for Desika to accomplish?" The tasks meant for me have been completed. This is what I infer from your smile.

Jai Anant koti Brahmand Swamini Bhagwati Shri Vishnupriya Mahalakshmi🦚🙏🏼🕉️🪔

Jai Shri Lakshmi Narayana

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