Nutty language this English...many a time it drives you mad/ kills you harmlessly!!!
Read further at your risk...
*Points to Ponder:*
1. When you say *"a, e, i, o, u"* your *mouth* gets *smaller* with each vowel you say ! 

2. You *don't really wash your hands;*... they *wash each other while you stand there and watch.....
3. Things are not on fire,... *fire is on things !* 

5. When you say *'Forward'* or *'Backward',*... your *lips move in those directions !*
(yes,...just like that !!) 

6. The word *'Australia'* has three *A's,*... all of which look the same, but are... *pronounced differently !* (surprised ??) 

7. If You rip a hole in a *net,* there are actually *fewer holes in it than before !* 

8. The sentence "All the faith he *had had had had* no effect on the outcome of his life."... *is actually correct !!* 

(getting too much??)

9. Sometimes you have to *sing* the *whole alphabet* in your *head*... just to find the *next letter !!* 

13. *“Dammit I'm Mad "* backwards is still *"Dammit I'm Mad".* (and that's the *condition* you have *almost reached !!*) 

14. *Nothing* is *behind your Back.* it is always in *front of your back !!* (Now that's *stretching* it a little bit *too far !!*) 

15. Most of the time the people who tell you to *calm down* are the *same people that made you angry in the first place !!* (Yeah... You got that *RIGHT !!*) 

16. * Hippopotomonstrosesquippedalio phobia* is not fun to say, but ironically, this is the *medical term* for the *fear of long words !!* 
(Nailed it ??... *Right ??*).

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