Wednesday, 7 June 2023


TIDAL WATER HEALS Around the Year with Emmet Fox June 8 If you have explored some of the back waters within a few miles of the ocean you will know how much difference tidal water makes. Here, you come upon a stagnant pool, partly covered with weeds and slime, an unpleasant place to be near. Not far away is another pool but this is filled with clean, salt smelling sea water, and the growing things around it are pleasant and wholesome. The difference is that in one case the living ocean water pours in twice a day charged with vitality, and then flows out again carrying away anything stale or lifeless. It is this circulation of life that makes the difference between the two pools. When the tide is out, we sometimes see a boat stranded, unable to move, but we know that this condition is only temporary because the tide always comes back and refloats the boat. As long as you keep up your daily visit with God, your soul is open to tidal water, and even if you should seemingly be left high and dry for a period, it is only a question of time before the living ocean will float you off once more. Keep your soul flooded with the tidal water of eternal life and ". . . nothing shall by any means hurt you" Luke 10:19

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