Sunday, 4 June 2023

Gurudev answers

 Question - Gurudev, Is it okay if I don't follow the advice given by my Guru (Master) and do what my mind asks me to do?

GurudevSriSri  - If you are confused in life, you will go and ask your Master, "Shall I do this?" Why do you ask the Master? Because, You have confidence and trust in the Master. You know that your mind is muddled, and if you ask the Master, Master will tell you whatever is best for you.

Master on his own will never give any suggestion to anybody, anytime. But when asked for he will give you something and if you follow that, that will be the best for you. If you don't follow it, you will go through a circuitous route. You will have some problems and cry for a few days.

But then the Master is never angry that you didn't listen. It is okay - learn the hard way. Go through something. So what? Still the Master says, "I am here by your side." He/She says, "You can avoid unwanted sufferings, but if you want to go through it, well go ahead. You will grow through that also.

"Guru doesn't care whether the person feels good or does not feel good, instead just does what is good for the person.

Is what is good for the person more important or what they feel? There's a big fuss about feelings, but your feelings change every minute. Very often a person feels good and then in another five minutes he doesn't feel good. "Love" is that which stands with what is best without expecting anything in return. If they don't do it, it is up to them, but from your side you do whatever is good for them.

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