Saturday, 3 June 2023

Question and Answers with Gurudev

 *Question: Gurudev, I am in a situation in which I neither able to forgive nor forget. Please guide me what to do.*

*Gurudev:* Then think about your death, that you are going to die. Even if you hold on to the situation, you will still be finished; you will go away from this  world. Now, do you want to carry that impression? Come on, wake up! Life is so short and everybody is like a rag doll. They don't have a mind of their own. Everyone is a rag doll, and there is a particular force and energy that is working through everybody. 

That one paramakarana karanaya is the cause of all causes.The Shiva tatva is playing, putting different things in different people's minds. Understand this Advaita knowledge and feel it. We are all made up of the same substance. All these little minds are there, but these little minds are also influenced by a big mind according to karma. So,different people act in different ways.

When you do good work, there are people who criticise you. There are people who do horrible work, and there are some people praising them as well. You find it so strange. So, drop all these ideas and relax.

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