Wednesday, 14 June 2023

Sri Sri Yoga

Sri Sri Yoga Sri Sri Yoga has been developed by coined after the contemporary yoga and spiritual Guru Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. It is a form of Hatha Yoga that has an emphasis on the overall well-being of the body while nurturing the mind and spirit of the seeker. It goes beyond toning muscles, reducing flab and possessing a washboard abdomen. The bedrock of this yogic technique is strongly based on the traditional eight limbs of yoga as expounded by Patanjali in his Yoga Sutras and other ancient yoga scriptures like Hatha Yoga, Pradapika and Gherand Samhita. Sri Sri Yoga ensures the wisdom and techniques of yoga are brought to the practitioner in a joyous manner. There are 10 prepossessing quotes on yoga by Sri Sri Yoga which helps one to appreciate the depth of yoga and leave one wonderstruck. 1. “Like a flower bud, human life has the potential to blossom fully. Blossoming of human potential to fullness is yoga.” Sri Sri Yoga is a discipline that is both gentle and powerful for uniting body, breath and mind in awareness. It integrates elements from all the different paths of yoga where in you get glimpse of Raj Yoga (Sahaj Yoga), Ashtang or Hatha Yoga (eightfold yoga), Karma Yoga (selfless service), Bhakti Yoga (path of devotion with soulful chanting and singing) as well Gnana Yoga (yogic wisdom), making the yoga experience wholesome and complete. It is a beautiful combination of disciplined practices, wisdom and fun leading to blossoming of full human potential. 2. “Yoga brings knowledge, passion and action together.” Yoga is not just doing some body-twisting postures – it is experiencing the union of the body, mind and breath – and Sri Sri Yoga gives that experience. Sri Sri Yoga is taught globally by certified teachers of the Art of Living Foundation (registered under Yoga Alliance), who have chosen to teach and promote yoga wisdom as a passion and selfless service to humanity across the world. 3. “Yoga is a study of life, study of your body, breath, mind, intellect, memory, and ego; study of your inner faculties.” The practice of yoga has been known for centuries to produce benefits in the areas of health, mental clarity and spiritual connection. It is designed in such a way that the practice of Sri Sri Yoga touches all levels of your existence – the body, breath, emotions, intellect, memory, ego and self. Thus it expands to benefit not just the outer most or gross physical existence but the inner most faculties are also sharpened. This helps tremendously to integrate the yoga wisdom to day-to-day living. 4. “Withdraw your senses from the object to its source, then the union happens, then the yoga happens.” During a Sri Sri Yoga Retreat, one learns the correct way of doing asanas and pranayama, one learns to stretch yet relax in asanas, one learns to harmonize breath with asanas. One also learns precautions to be observed and common errors that are likely while doing asanas and pranayama. Ultimately one learns how to let go and delve deeper into the practice to experience that “union” which yoga promises. 5. “Peace is our very nature, and yoga leads you to inner peace.” Sri Sri Yoga teaches one how to pay attention to what one experiences inside, what the state of mind is while practicing rather than how much the body can bend. While off the yoga mat, life seems to be constant struggle, here one learns how to become effortless to experience that inner peace which is our real nature. 6. “The purpose of yoga is to stop suffering even before it arises.” Sri Sri Yoga is a holistic way of energizing and integrating mind, body and spirit. This ancient knowledge made applicable for modern times can be easily added to the daily routine resulting in a lasting experience of true inner power and overall well-being. Its regular practice has helped thousands to prevent sufferings. 7. “Yoga is not just weight-loss programme; it is a science to make one feel lighter. It helps to lose the mental stuff of anger, jealousy, hatred, greed, etc.” During the Sri Sri Yoga basic program that is taught in 10 to 12 hours at the Art of Living Retreat, certified teachers help to experience the real depth of yoga that brings benefits not just at physical level but at the mental, emotional and spiritual level too. A complete experience, Sri Sri Yoga will leave one feeling rejuvenated inside and out. 8. “One of the rules of yoga is to cultivate the practice of being happy.” Everybody ultimately wants to be happy. But what is real happiness? Wise say shifting gears from pursuit of happiness to being happy, making happiness a journey rather than destination is the key. How to unlock the gates to happiness with this key? Consistent and disciplined practice of Sri Sri Yoga facilitates a happier approach to life and a healthier lifestyle. 9. “The wisdom of yoga transforms one from arrogance to self-confidence; meekness to humility; from dependence to a realization of interdependence.” One may wonder if yoga a self-help program. Taught in two different programs – Sri Sri Yoga Level 1 and Level 2, the programmes bring one in touch with the ancient yoga wisdom which nourishes one’s inner beauty as a human being. 10. “The wisdom of yoga transforms one from craving freedom to recognition of the ‘unboundedness’, from limited ownership to oneness with the whole.” Does it seem incredulous? But yes, this is indeed the real potential of yoga. Simple yoga postures, rejuvenating breathing techniques, blissful meditations integrated with invaluable ancient wisdom of yoga put one definitely on the path of life transformation. As a yoga explorer with over a decade and a half of experience, I invite my fellow explorers to dive deeper and experience what it takes to be real yogi (or yogini).

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