Monday, 26 August 2024
Therapeutic Approaches for Better Living
Therapeutic Approaches for Better Living
Anand was a mere mentee at a celebrated flautist’s music school. The youngster was bewitched by a damsel who too was learning to play the flute under the expertise of the legendary musician.
Anand and Bhairavi were ensnared by craving; they were in a tearing hurry to achieve stardom through soulful renditions of the fabled Ananda Bhairavi raga.
Their respected Master was however certainly not impressed at the proffer of his novitiates and admonished them.
“One needs enormous tapas to arrive at the world stage,” he added.
A Zen Story
Years ago, a greenhorn was learning various nuances of breathing techniques and meditation at a temple of knowledge. After acquiring some basic skills, he approached his monk as to how soon could he graduate from the monastery and begin to spread the knowledge of Zen Buddhism. The impassionate monk was to say impassively, “It will take you ten more years.”
“Master, I will practice twice the number of hours, then how long will take me to become a suzerain of Buddhism?”
“Thirty years,” was the bland reply.
Learning to Learn
Forbearance and endurance are paramount keys to achieve success. Tearing hurry and sheer desperation to climb the ladder to achieve fame in any field leads only to severe psychological problems.
The intent of a therapeutic approach is to upend the pyramid. It is to ensure betterment of the victim’s life. The therapy reinforces the client’s resolve for mitigating distress leading to an improved lifestyle.
By adopting a holistic line of treatment, the mind is blessed with positivity and becomes robust and develops the ability to eschew unwelcome habits.
There is an astonishing progress in the victim who undergoes a mental transformation; the thinking pattern changes dramatically and becomes empowered to take mindful decisions on the voyage of rehabilitation.
Gifted and trained psychotherapists, combine their clinical insights and their mental GPS to zero-in on suitable psychodynamic therapies.
Dynamics of Rehabilitation and Recuperation
Fundamentally, psychodynamic therapy cogitates that it is intra psychic conflict which is primarily responsible for the psychological malady. The fountainhead of the problem lies within the psyche of the individual.
Research in the field opines that querulous desires of childhood and unmitigated childhood fears are essentially responsible for intra psychic disorders.
Keeping in mind the above two factors, psychotherapists deploy the technique of free association and eliciting information through visualisation, dreams, thoughts, and feelings to create a data base.
The therapeutic relationship between the client and the therapist is such that psychotherapist empathises with the woebegone situation confronting the victim and suggests alternative mechanics to assuage fraught nerves.
The cutting edge of the therapy is provided as the therapist glides and floats from the intellectual frame to an emotional plane. Psychodynamic therapy enfranchises the therapist to understand the mind of the patient and provide emotional succour.
Last and but not the least, duration of treatment is of tremendous significance. The magnitude of the problem is obviously a key determinant to the span of treatment. However, around 15 to 20 vigorous sessions put the patient well on to the road to renascence.
Alternative therapies
Unbridled ambition could also trigger alcoholism, bulimia, heavy smoking, and substance abuse among others. In such cases alternative therapies such as practicing the unique rhythmic breathing technique of Sudarshan Kriya, Vipassana, sessions of yoga and pranayama, meditation technique of Yoga Nidra, help in relaxation of the mind and body immensely.
“Mental health needs great deal of attention. It is the final taboo and it needs to be faced and dealt with,” wrote the English musician Adam Ant.
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