Friday 2 August 2024


*Biodialogue*: It actually happens, amongst the vital organs of the human body !!! Unless you just ran a marathon or climbed Mount Everest, there is simply no way that the body can successfully handle the junk food we gobble - the samosa, bread pakoda, doughnut etc that we munch in the canteen. The vast majority of all this is sugar, fats and refined starch. When this flood of glucose hits the bloodstream, alarms go off in the liver and pancreas. At the genome level a metabolic "switchboard" lights up. The *biodialogue* goes like this: *Liver to pancreas* : Glucose levels are skyrocketing! What’s your plan? *Pancreas* : I’m exhausted from handling the aloo paratha from breakfast. And that super sweet milky masala chai and egg at 9:00. You’ve got to take this load. *Liver* : I’ve got no room. [hits panic button. Sirens going off] *Genome* : Come on liver, convert the glucose to glycogen. *Liver* : I’m bursting with glycogen. Let me call the muscles. See if they need any energy. *Muscles* : zzzzzzz wha? Energy? No we have no need for energy. We haven’t moved much in weeks. *Genome* : Well, Liver. What’s your plan? *Liver* : I’ll convert the glucose to triglycerides and stash it in the bloodstream. *Bloodstream* : No howlin way! Blood is so thick already, circulation through capillary beds is down to critical levels. We’ve got billions of starving and suffocating cells in the toes, eyes, brain and kidneys. *Genome* : That can only mean one thing, Liver, you know what to do. *Liver* : Okay! It’ll take a few hours, but I can send these triglycerides to adipose tissue. Let me see …. belly, butt, thighs … back of the arms, a little under the chin. That’ll have to do. And that's how *Our Clothes do not Fit now!!!* As we see some such food, first it starts with an argument between the tongue and brain. *Brain* says " don't touch it, you already have enough of it in your system, instead take fresh fruits and vegetables". *Tongue* " I: Cannot resist the temptation, please keep quiet" πŸ˜…

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