Sunday 11 August 2024


Good Morning!!! I AM THAT I AM Around the Year with Emmet Fox August 11 “And . . . there were thunders and lightnings, and a thick cloud” Exodus 19:16 These are dramatic expressions of the change of consciousness as we move away from the common things of life to the higher things. In these days of the Exodus, the conditions of the outer world answered very quickly to man's thoughts because people believed it was possible. Moses took his people across the Red Sea by the power of thought, and he was able to do that because in those days people believed in the power of thought. They believed that God could take them across the Red Sea dry shod, and He did. Moses had the true knowledge of God from his father's people, the Hebrews; It was the historical mission of the Hebrews to teach that God is not a limited, corporeal being, but incorporeal, infinite, divine mind. Moses saw clearly the unity of God and man, and the unity of man and man. He got more than a flash of what we call the cosmic consciousness. That was his illumination. Then he realized that he must give this to humanity.

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