Friday, 26 January 2024



As you sow, so you reap. Isn’t it? There is a shloka (couplet) that defines rajasic intellect as that which discriminates among individuals, whereas satvik intellect treats everyone alike seeing the same divinity in all. So during meditation, when the satvik intellect awakens, think of those to whom you feel attached as manifestations of the divine, and those towards whom you feel enmity, also as manifestations of the divine. This is all merely a game. The same divine manifesting in different colours has also manifested within me, as me.

‘Sarva bhuteshu yena ekam bhavam avyayam ikshate avibhaktam vibhaktesu tat gyanam viddhi satvikam.’ That which is uninterrupted / undivided at all times – the same indivisible mind in discrete bodies, the same indivisible space which appears separate in ten different bowls - one who sees this unity in diversity is extremely special. The ability to experience this state of unity even for a little while in meditation is present in the satvik consciousness, although one cannot remain in this state forever.

A rajasik mind is one that focuses on the differences (disparateness) among all beings / individuals.

Tamasic intellect is that which is stuck in one point of view, and lacks the ability and willingness to look beyond; a thought comes to the mind and becomes permanently rooted – small /narrow mindedness. Say for instance, one forms a negative opinion of someone, treats them unfairly and then uses all means and arguments to justify that behaviour or stand point. 

You see many people in this tamasic mindset all around. They stay trapped in their preconceived notions. The idea that meditation, yoga etc. are useless, and all sadhus (sages) and sanyasis (hermits) are imposters; hypocrisy remains firmly embedded in their minds. They are unwilling to alter their opinion even when contrary evidence is provided. This is tamasic attitude or knowledge.

I will tell you a story; Mullah Nasruddin had a thought that he was dead. He began to deny everything with the argument that he was dead. If his wife said something to him, he would say, ‘How can a dead man reply?’ If she asked him to do any work, he would say, ‘How can a dead man do anything?’ So finally his wife got fed up and took him to a psychiatrist. After a lot of discussion, the psychiatrist asked Mullah, ‘Does blood comes out of a dead body?’ Mullah said ‘No, blood becomes water’. So the psychiatrist took out a pin and pricked mullah’s hand, and blood came out. ‘Look mullah, you are bleeding, so you are alive!’ said the psychiatrist. Then Mullah looked at the oozing blood and said, ‘Oh, today I have learnt a new thing – even dead men bleed!!’

This is tamasic knowledge. Satvik knowledge is essential in life. Through satvik knowledge, God can be found. For earthly life, some rajasic knowledge (discrimination) is needed. Tamasic knowledge increases sorrow, suffering and ignorance.

Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar ji

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