Monday, 1 January 2024

*Gurudev New Year Live Trancript*

 *Gurudev New Year Live Trancript*

See with what enthusiasm we celebrate New Year. Right? New Year! Something new! Time is always new. Every day is new, every moment is new, but when we are attending to it, with all our attention, with our enthusiasm, we make it a celebration. Isn't it? You can make a celebration of it every month, and then every day. Every day is a little too much. But if you can imagine that you maintain so much enthusiasm, love, and freshness, newness then the job is done, and you become the Lighthouse for the world. Otherwise, firecrackers keep happening in life—invisible firecrackers. Yes, how you watch and witness the firecrackers, in the same way, you should see all the different emotion colors coming up in the world. You know all different tendencies, they rise up and they all fall and they look beautiful. Embrace Life in its totality with all its colors, with all its flaws;  flaw is only our own attribution to it; with all its what we may call as shortcomings when you embrace it totally then life is a celebration. Yeah, all is perfect the way they are. That one thing, every moment - all is perfect now, allows you to celebrate 100%. If anywhere you say this is not okay, that is not perfect, then celebration cannot happen because that calls for you for Action. Whatever is not okay then you get busy in setting that right. Correct? And celebration is—just chill out—do nothing. But there is a stage where you see you can do both simultaneously. You can set right what all needs to be set right and yet not lose the spirit of Celebration. That is Enlightenment. What? Continue to be in the spirit of Celebration—yet attend to all the details and set them right wherever they need to be. Yes, so the spirit is in celebration, while the matter or the external World starts getting evolved. I mean it will start getting corrected and start to evolve—and that's the message for New Year—embrace the new year here like the Cobra. It sheds its old skin, comes out of it fresh. You too shed the past like the skin of a cobra, like the old horns of the antelope. You know what Antelope does? It's too dangerous to see it with all the horns. Then once a year sometime in the season, they just shed them and then they look again cute and innocent. No defense—like that we move around—with defense all the time; and sometime we must just shed the defense and repose in the core of our heart, knowing the Divinity is right here now and all is well and all is being taken care of. Got it? "All is well, and all is taken care of," just this aphorism or this intention or idea itself helps to bring the best out of you and the best out of you is not the talents. Talents are very different in different people. What is the best out of you is unconditional love, unconditional Joy like that, it's exuberant Joy. In 2024, say I'm going to be a source of joy not the source of complaint. What do you say? And it needs a skill to be joyful and yet to complain. Till you get that skill to set right things and complain, first start to manifest the joy that is inside of you that is what you are. Yeah, manifest the joy that you are. Everyone I see everyone has so much potential to bring light and love and happiness to the world. Everybody has the beauty in them, and it is being covered. Covered with ignorance, all sorts of stress, and uh, you know, hankerings and bickerings. So this New Year 2024—say I'm going to be a source of enthusiasm—full of enthusiasm. Bring positivity in the world—which needs it more than ever. Whatever we can do physically, we will do to help out. Where we cannot do anything we can sit and put the intention. Pray. Pray for peace. You'll say... but what can we do... what's happening in Gaza. I say don't feel, I mean if you are already feeling, no point in reeling in desperation. You have the power to pray. Yeah and so you pray and believe that it'll be done. The higher power will take care of it. Your prayer will be heard. Unless we get the confidence that our prayers will be heard, we won't be able to pray authentically. Right? The authenticity of our praying—prayer is not through words—prayer is through silence and the feeling, the subtle feeling, let there be peace, let everyone be happy. What do you say? Good idea? Yeah so to do that every day you have to meditate. So resolve to meditate in 2024 every day and resolve to do the advanced meditation silence program at least twice or thrice a year—every four months, every season let me go within and clean up all the cobwebs, all the dust that I collect, gather from activity and from interaction in the world of Maya, world of Illusion.

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