Sunday, 14 January 2024



IKIGAI is a Japanese concept of holistic living and this is my take on the Indian Pongal version of Ikigai !

*P* : Prioritise Health  
*O*: Once a day eat only fruits / vegetables 
*N* : No to Online time and yes to Onsite time 
*G*: Gain a hobby
*A*: Always forgive 
*L*: Laugh more often

*P :  Prioritise Health* : The greatest asset on earth is to have TIME and the greatest wealth on earth is to have HEALTH to enjoy the time that is left in your life. The greatest maturity in life is in understanding that wealth will neither buy you time or health!  

Walk 20 minutes a day  and Eat 200 calories less every day = Lose 6 kgs in 6 months !!

*O: Once a day eat only fruits / vegetables only*: As a health care provider, the best wisdom I have gained is that Food is the best medicine on earth. Our ancient Indian culture gives us so many choices of healthy organic foods that include local fruits and vegetables 

Give your GUT a break once a day by eating easy to digest food !!

*N : No to Online time and yes to Onsite time* :  Spend more time with friends and relatives. Online time on your smart phone and TV is entertaining but keeps you lonely but onsite time with close relationships has a great positive impact on your mental health 

Spend more time with your family and true friends to rejuvenate your soul !

*G: Gain a hobby*:  We spend all our lives in our profession and relationships that we forget to cultivate our souls. Each one of us is unique with a unique calling towards an art, sport or hobby. Make time for that as there no greater mood elevator than spending time on something that connects with your soul. 

Rekindle your lost hobby and find a friend who shares your passion / hobby !

*A : Always forgive* :   Mental peace and wellness begins by forgiving others and also ourselves for the errors and omissions we all make. Life comes with no user’s manual and we learn to drive the highway of life by making mistakes. All of us grow old with time but only few mature with time !

Heal your soul before you try to heal the world !

*L : Laugh more often* : There is no better medicine than laughter. It heals both mind and soul. Look at the positive side of every story ! We can complain endlessly or rather smile more often at each other and work together in making a better surrounding around us both in space and mind !

Do remember that Life is a short story … make sure yours is a good one !!

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