Monday, 8 February 2016

Successful People -3

Lord, let me always desire more than I think I can do.
— Michelangelo
There is a part of us that will not let us be content until we become all that we are capable of being.
Life is not about resting on our laurels and hanging out in our comfort zone; it is an adventure from good to better to best.
Rev. Jack Boland urged, “Do not let good be the enemy of better.”
Your current situation may be good, but if a greater opportunity presents itself, you must be open to expand.
This does not mean you are to run away or violate your integrity.
If, however, you can step ahead with honesty, honor, and peace, you will enjoy the benefits of living in a larger universe.
Muscles stay strong and flexible only by use and stretching, and so does our mind. Challenge is the universe’s way of showing us that we are bigger than we thought we were.
Bless your dreams, your desires, and your sense that there must be more.
There is more because you are more.
Give me the courage to ask for it all.
I leave behind my limits and step forward to live as large as God.

We need to challenge our minds . Mind loves challenges  and it will produce dramatic results.

" Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do . So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour in your sails . Explore dream and discover" wrote Mark Twain.

We need to stretch our hands  and take up responsibility . Responsibility empowers us and  we enter uncharted territories . That increases our span and nature of work.  This adds new dimension to our personality  . We are no longer straight jacketed in our approach.  We become risk takers and achievers.
Rahul Bajaj's sons Rajiv and Sanjiv have embarked upon an idea to salvage the wreckage of INS Vikrant to make scooters . The very idea to use this metal is so fascinating . It is different and will put use of the salvaged material in an effective manner. Ofcourse , the bottom line is profitability . In any case the wreckage and steel would have been transported to a scrap yard for sale.
Successful entrepreneurs never kill any idea . They keep reflecting about various possibilities , permutations and combinations and suddenly something awesome emerges.
That awesome idea is breathtaking and amazing , stunning and awe -inspiring. And when the idea is germinated , something stupendous takes place.
" Think big and don't listen to people who tell you it can't be done. Life is too short to think small" writes Tim Feriss
The universe listens to our deepest thoughts. If the thoughts are positive , we get positive results.
The cardinal principle in life is to ensure we receive and circulate positive thoughts. We should ensure that we are surrounded by positive oriented people. We should never kill an idea. Keep accepting responsibility and ensure we possess a YES MIND. Work in groups which operate in harmony and with synergy. 
The Universe believes in Law of Attraction, Law of Abundance, Law of Gratefulness , Law of Spiraling Effect. All this gets transformed into what Darren Hardy calls the Compound Effect.
Further more , we should always feel blessed . A superior power is guiding us in our endeavor.  There is a superior intelligence which creates wonderful opportunities for us , which we should grab and seize. 
Believe that Divine will take care of everything and Thy will be done, just reposing in that Superior Power .  Successful People work on these principles.
Almighty God.

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