In the name of free speech , democracy , rationalism how can certain sections of the student community denigrate Goddess Durga , by observing a Mahisasur Mardini Fest . Goddess Durga is venerated across India and the world . She symbolises pure energy and represents the purity of womanhood in India and the globe. Yet , tragically the Goddess and practices associated with the Divine form are chastised and criticized without understanding the meaning of the stotram. All these practices have evolved over a period of time and our sages and Rishis have all immensely contributed to the growth of the Sakhti Peethas across the country . Foremost among them is Adi Shankara,
During Navaratri Pujas and when the Homas / Yagyas take place , this stotram is recited and the true seeker can experience the flow of energy from the Tamasaic, Rajasik to the Sattvik . One achieves true bliss and meditation .
Unfortunately people are playing games on the efficacy of the stotram.
Devi Durga
Maa Durga - The Daughter of the Mountain and Joy of the World

अयि गिरिनन्दिनि नन्दितमेदिनि विश्वविनोदिनि नन्दिनुते
गिरिवरविन्ध्यशिरोऽधिनिवासिनि विष्णुविलासिनि जिष्णुनुते ।
भगवति हे शितिकण्ठकुटुम्बिनि भूरिकुटुम्बिनि भूरिकृते
जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्दिनि रम्यकपर्दिनि शैलसुते ॥ १ ॥Ayi Giri-Nandini Nandita-Medini Vishva-Vinodini Nandi-Nute
Giri-Vara-Vindhya-Shiro-[A]dhi-Nivaasini Vissnnu-Vilaasini Jissnnu-Nute |
Bhagavati He Shiti-Kannttha-Kuttumbini Bhuri-Kuttumbini Bhuri-Krte
Jaya Jaya He Mahissaasura-Mardini Ramya-Kapardini Shaila-Sute || 1 ||
1.1: Salutations to the Daughter of the Mountain, Who Fills the whole World with Joy, For Whom the whole World is a Divine Play and Who is Praised by Nandi,
1.2: Who Dwell on the Summit of the Vindhyas, the Best of the Mountains, Who gives Joy to Lord Vishnu (being His sister) and Who is Praised by Lord Indra,
1.3: O Goddess, Who is the Consort of the One with Blue Throat (Lord Shiva), Who has Many Many Relations in this World (being the Cosmic Mother) and Who Created Abundance (in Creation),
1.4: Victory to You, the Destroyer of the Demon Mahishasura, Who has Beautiful Locks of Hair and Who is the Daughter of the Mountain.
During Navaratri Pujas and when the Homas / Yagyas take place , this stotram is recited and the true seeker can experience the flow of energy from the Tamasaic, Rajasik to the Sattvik . One achieves true bliss and meditation .
Unfortunately people are playing games on the efficacy of the stotram.
Mahishasura Mardini Stotram : Aigiri Nandini Nandita Medini - in sanskrit with meaning - Stotra on Devi Durga
- composition attributed to Sri Ramakrishna Kavi as well as Sri Adi Shankaracharya
महिषासुरमर्दिनि स्तोत्रम् : अयि गिरिनन्दिनि नन्दितमेदिनि
Mahishasura Mardini Stotram: Ayi Girinandini Nanditamedini
Devi Durga
Maa Durga - The Daughter of the Mountain and Joy of the World
अयि गिरिनन्दिनि नन्दितमेदिनि विश्वविनोदिनि नन्दिनुते
गिरिवरविन्ध्यशिरोऽधिनिवासिनि विष्णुविलासिनि जिष्णुनुते ।
भगवति हे शितिकण्ठकुटुम्बिनि भूरिकुटुम्बिनि भूरिकृते
जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्दिनि रम्यकपर्दिनि शैलसुते ॥ १ ॥Ayi Giri-Nandini Nandita-Medini Vishva-Vinodini Nandi-Nute
Giri-Vara-Vindhya-Shiro-[A]dhi-Nivaasini Vissnnu-Vilaasini Jissnnu-Nute |
Bhagavati He Shiti-Kannttha-Kuttumbini Bhuri-Kuttumbini Bhuri-Krte
Jaya Jaya He Mahissaasura-Mardini Ramya-Kapardini Shaila-Sute || 1 ||
1.1: Salutations to the Daughter of the Mountain, Who Fills the whole World with Joy, For Whom the whole World is a Divine Play and Who is Praised by Nandi,
1.2: Who Dwell on the Summit of the Vindhyas, the Best of the Mountains, Who gives Joy to Lord Vishnu (being His sister) and Who is Praised by Lord Indra,
1.3: O Goddess, Who is the Consort of the One with Blue Throat (Lord Shiva), Who has Many Many Relations in this World (being the Cosmic Mother) and Who Created Abundance (in Creation),
1.4: Victory to You, the Destroyer of the Demon Mahishasura, Who has Beautiful Locks of Hair and Who is the Daughter of the Mountain.
As mentioned earlier , Mahisasur Mardini Fest was observed in the hallowed portals of Jawaharlal Nehru University Delhi . It was not a celebration of the virtuosity of Goddess Durga , but denigrating the divine persona by some elements , I clarify not the entire university , not all the students.
Goddess is the form of Shakti ( energy ) who annihilates Mahisasur , the demon . The real import is that Goddess , destroys the demon within us . Evil , lethargy and other negative attributes in our personality are destroyed . This is the knowledge is to be imparted to the student community and the youth of the country so that they can appreciate the rich tapestry , culture and tradition of this great country .
Durga - Destroys the Danavas and the Daityas and Nourishes the Three Worlds

सुरवरवर्षिणि दुर्धरधर्षिणि दुर्मुखमर्षिणि हर्षरते
त्रिभुवनपोषिणि शङ्करतोषिणि किल्बिषमोषिणि घोषरते
दनुजनिरोषिणि दितिसुतरोषिणि दुर्मदशोषिणि सिन्धुसुते
जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्दिनि रम्यकपर्दिनि शैलसुते ॥ २ ॥Suravara-Varssinni Durdhara-Dharssinni Durmukha-Marssinni Harssa-Rate
Tribhuvana-Possinni Shangkara-Tossinni Kilbissa-Mossinni Ghossa-Rate
Danuja-Nirossinni Diti-Suta-Rossinni Durmada-Shossinni Sindhu-Sute
Jaya Jaya He Mahissaasura-Mardini Ramya-Kapardini Shaila-Sute || 2 ||
2.1: (Salutations to the Divine Mother) Who Shower Boons on the Devas, Who Overpowered the Demon Durdhara (literally meaning Unrestrainable), Who Endured the Demon Durmukha (literally meaning Foul-Mouthed) and finally killed him and Who Delight in Her own Bliss,
2.2: Who Sustain and Nourish the Three-Worlds and Delight Lord Shankara by Removing the Sins (i.e. Sinful Demons) byIndulging Herself in the Tumult of the Battle,
2.3: Who Quel the Wrath of the Danavas (Born from Danu), Who is Angry with the Daityas (Son of Diti), Who Dry Up the Foolish Pride of Demons and Who is the Daughter of the Ocean (as Devi Lakshmi),
2.4: Victory to You, the Destroyer of the Demon Mahishasura, Who has Beautiful Locks of Hair and Who is the Daughter of the Mountain.
सुरवरवर्षिणि दुर्धरधर्षिणि दुर्मुखमर्षिणि हर्षरते
त्रिभुवनपोषिणि शङ्करतोषिणि किल्बिषमोषिणि घोषरते
दनुजनिरोषिणि दितिसुतरोषिणि दुर्मदशोषिणि सिन्धुसुते
जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्दिनि रम्यकपर्दिनि शैलसुते ॥ २ ॥Suravara-Varssinni Durdhara-Dharssinni Durmukha-Marssinni Harssa-Rate
Tribhuvana-Possinni Shangkara-Tossinni Kilbissa-Mossinni Ghossa-Rate
Danuja-Nirossinni Diti-Suta-Rossinni Durmada-Shossinni Sindhu-Sute
Jaya Jaya He Mahissaasura-Mardini Ramya-Kapardini Shaila-Sute || 2 ||
2.1: (Salutations to the Divine Mother) Who Shower Boons on the Devas, Who Overpowered the Demon Durdhara (literally meaning Unrestrainable), Who Endured the Demon Durmukha (literally meaning Foul-Mouthed) and finally killed him and Who Delight in Her own Bliss,
2.2: Who Sustain and Nourish the Three-Worlds and Delight Lord Shankara by Removing the Sins (i.e. Sinful Demons) byIndulging Herself in the Tumult of the Battle,
2.3: Who Quel the Wrath of the Danavas (Born from Danu), Who is Angry with the Daityas (Son of Diti), Who Dry Up the Foolish Pride of Demons and Who is the Daughter of the Ocean (as Devi Lakshmi),
2.4: Victory to You, the Destroyer of the Demon Mahishasura, Who has Beautiful Locks of Hair and Who is the Daughter of the Mountain.
Those who observed the fest , to me are perhaps not a happy lot . Or else what was their purported motive of organizing the event .
Maa Durga - Destroyer of the Demons Madhu and Kaitabha

अयि जगदम्ब मदम्ब कदम्ब वनप्रियवासिनि हासरते
शिखरि शिरोमणि तुङ्गहिमलय शृङ्गनिजालय मध्यगते ।
मधुमधुरे मधुकैटभगञ्जिनि कैटभभञ्जिनि रासरते
जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्दिनि रम्यकपर्दिनि शैलसुते ॥ ३ ॥Ayi Jagad[t]-Amba Mad-Amba Kadamba Vana-Priyavaasini Haasa-Rate
Shikhari Shiro-Manni Tungga-Himalaya Shrngga-Nija-[Aa]laya Madhya-Gate |
Madhu-Madhure Madhu-Kaittabha-Gan.jini Kaittabha-Bhan.jini Raasa-Rate
Jaya Jaya He Mahissaasura-Mardini Ramya-Kapardini Shaila-Sute || 3 ||
3.1: Salutations to the Mother of the Universe, Who is My Own Mother, Who Likes to Live in the Forest of Kadamba Treesand Delight in Laughter and Mirth,
3.2: Whose Abode is in the Middle of the Crest-Jewel of Peaks of the Lofty Himalayas,
3.3: Who is as Sweet as Honey, Who Subdued the Pride of the Demons Madhu and Kaitabha, Who Destroyed the Demons(Madhu and) Kaitabha, Indulging in the Din and Uproar of the Great Battle,
3.4: Victory to You, the Destroyer of the Demon Mahishasura, Who has Beautiful Locks of Hair and Who is the Daughter of the Mountain.
अयि जगदम्ब मदम्ब कदम्ब वनप्रियवासिनि हासरते
शिखरि शिरोमणि तुङ्गहिमलय शृङ्गनिजालय मध्यगते ।
मधुमधुरे मधुकैटभगञ्जिनि कैटभभञ्जिनि रासरते
जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्दिनि रम्यकपर्दिनि शैलसुते ॥ ३ ॥Ayi Jagad[t]-Amba Mad-Amba Kadamba Vana-Priyavaasini Haasa-Rate
Shikhari Shiro-Manni Tungga-Himalaya Shrngga-Nija-[Aa]laya Madhya-Gate |
Madhu-Madhure Madhu-Kaittabha-Gan.jini Kaittabha-Bhan.jini Raasa-Rate
Jaya Jaya He Mahissaasura-Mardini Ramya-Kapardini Shaila-Sute || 3 ||
3.1: Salutations to the Mother of the Universe, Who is My Own Mother, Who Likes to Live in the Forest of Kadamba Treesand Delight in Laughter and Mirth,
3.2: Whose Abode is in the Middle of the Crest-Jewel of Peaks of the Lofty Himalayas,
3.3: Who is as Sweet as Honey, Who Subdued the Pride of the Demons Madhu and Kaitabha, Who Destroyed the Demons(Madhu and) Kaitabha, Indulging in the Din and Uproar of the Great Battle,
3.4: Victory to You, the Destroyer of the Demon Mahishasura, Who has Beautiful Locks of Hair and Who is the Daughter of the Mountain.
Madhu and Kaitabha are the demons within us , which are destroyed by the powerful Goddess .
This is not the complete rendition . Let people explore the majesty of the shlokhas through their own investigation and pursuit .