Tuesday 7 June 2016

Suvarnaprashanam- An Ayurvedic treatment for Children

        Sri Sri Ayurveda conducts  a therapy  what in  Ayurvedic parlance is commonly  referred  to  as Suvarnaprashanam . This medical treatment  is a holistic one which    immunizes children immensely.      It is a  safe Ayurvedic mechanism  which is beneficial for the   normal growth and  the development  of children. As per the cardinal principles of  Ayurveda  the  medicine is to be  administered   on the day of Pushya Nakshatra  of every month to enhance its  efficacy.
There are remarkable benefits which accrue in form of
. The  Immunity of  the child gets augmented.
. It has been observed that the levels of  intelligence , sharpness and alacrity among children get  enhanced.
. The treatment  helps in the  maintenance of   balanced  health and  arrests common recurrence of   infections   such as  asthma and other allergic  conditions.
. The  span of attention, especially the   concentration of the child  and also the   learning ability increases  significantly.
. It  in particular helps those children who  suffer  from perennial wetting of the bed and other psycho somatic disorders.
.The treatment aids   in the  improvement of  speech , hearing and other  visual activity among children.
. This  treatment helps in the improvement of  digestion and enhances  the lustre  and make them attractive.
   Sri Sri Suvarna Prashna  is  regularly  administered to children from the time of  birth till the age of   10 years of age  with  remarkable physical and mental benefits.
' It is said that destiny belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams and have the courage to pursue it. Don't stop when you are tired, stop when you are done say' H H  Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.

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