Tuesday, 14 January 2025

Why did Parasurama consider Arjuna as the best warrior, even though he knew about Karna's abilities?

Why did Parasurama consider Arjuna as the best warrior, even though he knew about Karna's abilities? Parashurama’s statement before Karna left after getting cursed.. anyatra vadhakAlAtte sadRRishena sameyuShaH | abrAhmaNe na hi brahma dhruvaM tiShThetkadAchana || 31|| gachChedAnIM na te sthAnamanRRitasyeha vidyate | na tvayA sadRRisho yuddhe bhavitA kShatriyo bhuvi || 32|| Ch 3 Bori critical Edition Shanti parva Unto the cheerless and trembling Karna, prostrated with joined hands upon earth, that foremost one of Bhrigu's race, smiling though filled with wrath, answered, 'Since thou hast, from avarice of weapons, behaved here with falsehood, therefore, O wretch, this Brahma weapon shalt not dwell in thy remembrance Since thou art not a Brahmana, truly this Brahma weapon shall not, up to the time of thy death, dwell in thee when thou shalt be engaged with a warrior equal to thyself! Go hence, this is no place for a person of such false behaviour as thou! On earth, no Kshatriya will be thy equal in battle section 2 Shanti parva This was said way earlier by Parashurama who acknowledged Karna as the best but at the same time he also hinted that he will face his curse when he fights someone equal to him in skill. Years later in kurusabha when Krishna came on purpose to make peace between the warring cousins,same Parashurama delivered the judgement that Arjuna is the best who got the knowledge of every existing Astra.He also enlightened Dhritarashtra how Nara,who was born as Arjuna defeated Dambodbhava with grass blades. sumahachchApi tatkarma yannareNa kRRitaM purA | tato guNaiH subahubhiH shreShTho nArAyaNo.abhavat || 36|| tasmAdyAvaddhanuHshreShThe gANDIve.astraM na yujyate tAvattvaM mAnamutsRRijya gachCha rAjandhana~njayam || 37|| Bori critical Efition Udyoga parva ch 94 Great indeed, was that feat achieved of old by Nara. Narayana, again, became superior to Nara in consequence of many more qualities. Therefore, O king, besides such weapons as Kakudika, Suka, Naka, Akshisantarjana, Santana, Nartana, Ghora, and Asyamodaka, are placed on the string of that best of bows called Gandiva, go thou unto Dhananjaya, laying aside thy pride XCVI Udyoga parva Parashurama clearly conveyed who is the best warrior of that time. So why did he overlook Karna ? Parashurama by then realised the origin of Arjun that was Nara,the soulmate of Narayana himself. Parashurama also knew the purpose of Krishna’s incarnation along with Arjun to remove the burden of earth. Parashurama thus tried his best to infuse sense in Dhritarashtra by narrating story of Dambodbhava. Parashurama definitely followed the performance of Arjuna before claiming him,the best of all including Karna. Parashurama called Gandiva the best of bows not Vijaya the one he supposedly given to Karna.( We didn’t have direct reference of Parashurama giving Vijaya bow to Karna) Parashurama verily anticipated the outcome of war and thus tried to avert the destruction of kuruvamsh and millions of others. Surely Parashurama knew the caliber of Bhishma,Drona and Karna who are famous for their prowess in archery and other branches of warfare. He didn’t say the things he said to degrade those reputed warriors. He spoke facts depending upon performance based on excellence. Arjun’s spectacular feats after The Gurukul phase Capturing Drupada Defeating Yavanas,Sauveeras Hitting the target at Draupadi swayamvar Khandav Dahan victory Rajasuya conquests Winning Mahadeva’s grace and Pashupata Learning last two vidhis of archery Defeating Kalakeyas Nivata kavachas Defeating Gandharvas at Ghosha Yatra These are the feats that made Arjun score over others to tilt the scale in his favour. Parashurama must have considered all the above and stated the fact that Arjuna excelled everyone else without the exception of Bhishma,Drona and Karna,validated due to his single handed victory over the Kaurava maharadhis at Uttara gograhan war. Karna being an able warrior didn’t let him win over Arjuna at Virat kingdom. Instead he was beaten three times by Arjuna. So Parashurama’s assesment was well thought of,thoroughly analysed and articulately presented to make Dhritarashtra and Duryodhana realise the gravity of situation. “Go to Arjuna leaving your pride before he fixes his devastating arrows on the string of his best bow Gandiva “ This line of Parashurama shows how genuinely he tried to do his part in peace mission. My answer is based on story of Vyasa Bharat

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